
  • 网络Moles;number of moles;mol
  1. 一定摩尔数的N2O4已经反应掉了,把它叫。

    A certain number of moles of N2O4 will have reacted x let 's call that x.

  2. 乘以二的气体摩尔数。

    Times the number of moles of gas at pressure two .

  3. 它是A的n,A的摩尔数。

    It 's n of A , number of moles of A.

  4. 对n的偏导数,这里的n是摩尔数。

    With respect to n , the number of moles .

  5. 因为,和B的所有摩尔数不会变。

    A Because after all the total number of moles of A and B hasn 't changed any .

  6. 除以开始时的摩尔数,也就是n也就是我们想要的。

    Divided by the number of moles initially , which is n.That 's what we want .

  7. 总的摩尔数等于nA加上。

    NB The total number of moles is equal to nA plus nB .

  8. 温度的变化量,正比于B的摩尔数,比例常数和混合物是什么有关。

    Amount of temperature change depends linearly on the molality of B , with a constant that depends on what the mixture is .

  9. 是溶剂,Where,A,is,the,solvent,是溶质,and,B,is,some,solute。,所以A的摩尔数总是,远大于B的摩尔数。

    A B So this is always true if your number of moles of A is much larger than number of moles of B.

  10. 催化剂的最佳制备工艺为:柠檬酸含量为金属离子摩尔数的1.54倍,pH为9.94,焙烧温度为824.39℃,其理论色度去除率为91.996%。

    As a result , the optimal conditions for the catalyst preparation were determined as follows : the mol ratio of citric acid with metal ions 1.54:1 , pH 9.94 and the calcination temperature 824.39 ℃, when the theory color removal rate was 91.996 % .

  11. 共聚合物的相对分子量在7~17万之间,共聚物中两种单体的摩尔数之比在5~30之间,对CO2的平衡吸附量在45~70mg(CO2)?

    The relative molecular weight of copolymer is 70000 ~ 170000 and the molar ratio of monomer in copolymer ( m / n ) is 5 ~ 30 . CO2 saturated sorption capacity of copolymer is 45 ~ 70mg ( CO2 )?

  12. 利用激光解吸飞行时间质谱技术分析了目标产物中半乳糖、5-FU与HSA的结合状态、糖密度(半乳糖摩尔数/蛋白摩尔数)和药密度(药物摩尔数/蛋白摩尔数);

    The MALDI-TOF-MS ( Matrix assisted laser desorption ionization time of flight mass spectrometry ) was applied to analyze the Gal-HSA-5-FU for its molar ratio of the galactose to HSA and the 5-FU to HSA .

  13. 在含Fe(Ⅲ)食品中添加EDTA-2Na,可改善商陆色素的稳定性,当EDTA-2Na与Fe(Ⅲ)摩尔数比大于1时,色素的吸光度保留率在85%以上;

    Adding EDTA-2Na in the food containing Fe (ⅲ) can improve the stability of pokeberry pigment . When the Mole ratio of EDTA-2Na to Fe (ⅲ) is more than one , pigment absorbance ( ABS ) retention is above 85 % ;

  14. 皂化工艺条件在用碱量为SPAN中接枝链部分摩尔数的1.1倍、皂化温度95°C以上、皂化时间大于3h,且HSPAN的平板干燥温度在70°C时最好。

    Moreover , the best conditions were that , the quantity of potassium hydroxide used in saponification was 1.1 as much as the mole of polyacrylonitrile in SPAN , saponifying temperature over 95 ° C , reaction time more than 3 h and drying temperature at 70 ° C.

  15. 研究表明,在反应温度为170℃,反应时间为1.5h,AMP与棕榈酸的摩尔数之比为2:1时,产物2_十五烷基_4,4_二甲基恶唑的含量最高。

    The results showed that the product named 2_pentaclecyl_4,4_dimethyl oxazole had the maximum output , when the mole ratio of AMP and palmitic acid was 2:1 , the reaction temperature was 170 ℃ and the reaction time was 1.5h .

  16. PEG&600用量为反应底物摩尔数的5%,KMnO4与对硝基甲苯摩尔比为3∶1,反应温度为95℃,反应时间为3h,在中性条件下进行反应,产物收率达51.6%。

    Under the optimal reaction conditions , molar amount of PEG & 600,5 % , molar ratio of KMnO_4 to PNT , 3 ∶ 1 , reaction temperature , 95 ℃, reaction time , 3 h , the yield of PNBA was 51.6 % in neutral reaction system .

  17. 通过比较范德瓦耳斯非理想气体热力学方程、Redlich-Kwong状态方程、理想气体方程的摩尔数密度压力曲线和实际摩尔数密度压力状态,得到了100℃地层条件下实用的流体充注增压公式;

    Through the comparison of the mole density-pressure curves of Van der Waals , Redlich-Kwong and ideal gas thermodynamics state equation , a practical equation for pressure increasing was established .

  18. 90℃下在DMF溶剂中以K2CO3作催化剂,选取衍生试剂摩尔数为脂肪酸的7倍,衍生反应40min可获得稳定的荧光产物。

    The reagent reacted with fatty acids in the presence of K2CO3 catalyst at 90 ℃ for 40 min in N , N-dimethylformamide solvent to give maximum and constant fluorescence intensity with the addition of 7-fold molar reagent excess to total molar fatty acids .

  19. 在初始25min的反式切割反应中尽管10体核酶摩尔数不足单体核酶十分之一,但十体核酶平均超过单体核酶1331%的切割产物。

    The number of cleavage products of decameric ribozyme during the first 25 minutes exceeds those of the monomeric ribozyme by 13.31 % though the molar mass average of decameric ribozyme is less than 1 / 10 of that of the monomer ribozyme .

  20. 反应条件为醇酸摩尔比12∶10,催化剂用量05%(以酸的摩尔数计),反应时间25h,不加带水剂,回流反应温度在130~135℃条件下,酯化率可达958%。

    The results showed that at the condition of 1.2 ∶ 1 molar ratio of isoamyl alcohol to n-butyric acid , 0.5 % catalyst ( molar percent of n-butyric acid ), 2.5 h , no water-carrying agent , at reflux temperature , the esterification degree achieved 95.8 % .

  21. 平衡时让我们写出摩尔数。

    At equilibrium , let 's write the number of moles .

  22. 药典硫酸阿米卡星结构式中硫酸根摩尔数问题的研讨

    Study on sulfate radical moles in amikacin sulfate structure in pharmacopeia

  23. 所以它是摩尔数乘以。

    XA So it 's the number of moles times xA .

  24. 生成物的摩尔数减去反应物的摩尔数。

    It 's the moles of products minus moles of reactants .

  25. 显然是质量守恒,而不是摩尔数守恒。

    So , clearly , mass is conserved , not mole numbers .

  26. 我想到摩尔数少一点的地方。

    It 's going to go to where there 's less moles .

  27. 气体和液体中总的摩尔数之比。

    The ratio of total moles in the gas to the liquid .

  28. 第一,体积和摩尔数成正比。

    First , the volume is proportional to the number of moles .

  29. 我想罗嗦一下,质量,而不是摩尔数。

    And , I mean literally , mass , not mole number .

  30. 怎样减小摩尔数?

    How does it decrease the number of moles ?