
  • 网络Refracting surface;Refractive Surface
  1. 利用哈密顿方程式,在旋转对称的光学系统里追这光线,并利用哈密顿公式得出折射面和透镜的简单结果。

    Using Hamilton 's equations , a ray tracing in rotationally symmetric optical system is made , and the simple results for refracting surface and lens are obtained by use of Hamilton 's formulas .

  2. 就是说,平面折射面并不能将来自点物的所有光线都成象于同一家点。

    That is , a plane refracting surface does not image all rays from a point object at the same image point .

  3. 本文讨论了单球形折射面在傍轴条件下二相邻光束的光程差问题。

    The optical path difference of two rays in the condition of near axis is discussed in the single spherical surface refraction .

  4. 它适应折射面起伏不大、折射层较稳定的近地表条件,利用该方法可以解决二维沙漠、黄土塬覆盖区等复杂地表条件的长短波长静校正问题;

    Inversion of the near surface structure can be done by the method with refraction first-break information , so it can be used to solve 2D long wavelength and short wavelength statics problems for complex near surface areas ;

  5. 电离层等折射指数面速度剖面的无线电反演研究

    A Study of Radio Inversive Method of Ionospheric Isorefractive Index Surface Motion Velocity Profile

  6. 本文根据光线轨迹方程,讨论一种等折射率面为指数型变化的梯度折射率纤维透镜的成象特性。

    The imaging characteristics of a GRIN fiber lens with exponential variation of the constant-index surfaces are discussed based on the ray paths equations .

  7. 从菲涅耳定律出发,利用单轴晶的折射率面和光率体,讨论了在一般情况下单轴晶内部的光路问题。

    We study the beam paths in uniaxial crystal with arbitarily oriented optical axis in general conditions , by it ′ s plane and ellipsoid of refraction index and Fresnel law .

  8. 本文提出了一种改进的叠前去噪方法,并将它用于消除和削弱炮记录中的多次折射、面波和声波等噪声。

    An improved technique for prestack noise elimination is put forward here ; it is used to eliminate or reduce multiple refraction wave , surface wave , and acoustic wave in common-shot trace gathers .

  9. CASCAM相机在设计上实现了光学-近红外很宽波段的消色差变焦,并在楔形分束片、常温滤光片轮和折射式焦面摆动技术等方面进行了新的尝试。

    The camera design is implemented by the achromatic focal reducer well-designed for very wide wavelength band from optical to the near-infrared , and make some new attempts with wedged dichroic beam splitter non-refrigerated optical-filter wheels and refraction dithering system .

  10. 折射率椭球面是单层曲面,比双层的折射率面简单;

    In contrast to a Fresnel surface with double sheets , an indicatrix one is simple .

  11. 激发、接收条件普遍较差,原始单炮记录上多次折射干扰、面波、随机干扰和高频干扰等干扰波非常发育,而且复杂多变,有效反射能量相对较弱,资料信噪比低;

    Exciting and receiving conditions are both poor , and there are a lot of multi-refraction disturbance , surface wave , random disturbance and high-frequency disturbance in the original single shot profile .

  12. 单轴晶体主截面内e光折射角和阵面角的计算和作图

    The refraction of e beam within the principal cross section of a uniaxial crystal studied by computer assistance

  13. 根据球面的几何特征,分析了单球面折射光学系统折射面倾斜和偏心时的失调特征;

    According to geometric feature of spherical surface , the misalignment characteristics of single spherical refracting system when the refracting surface was tilted and decentered were analyzed .

  14. 本文首先总结了地震勘探的基本方法,如地震反射波法、折射波法、面波法、横波分裂法和多波多分量地震勘探方法;

    We summarized the pres - ent methods of seismic prospecting , for example , reflection , refraction and surface wave method , shear-wave split method , multi-wave and multi-components method , etc.

  15. 球面端面的锥形梯度折射率透镜的近轴成像特性非圆柱形等折射率面梯度折射率透镜的成像研究

    Imaging Characteristics of GRIN Rods with Noncylindrical Surfaces of Constant Index