
  • 网络jpmorgan chase;JPMorgan Chase & Co;Morgan Chase;JP Morgan;JP Morgan Chase & Co
  1. 阿南德在该诉讼披露的文件中被列为购买人,于2009年从摩根大通公司跳槽到对冲基金DuetGroup。

    Mr. Anand , who is listed as the purchaser in documents disclosed in the lawsuit , joined the hedge fund Duet Group in 2009 from JPMorgan Chase Company .

  2. 银行业正在洗牌,,一些公司将继续其荣耀&美国的高盛和摩根大通公司,欧洲的瑞士信贷团体,德国德意志银行,法国巴黎银行,英国巴克莱银行以及西班牙桑坦德银行。

    However the pack is shuffled , a few names keep resurfacing-in America , Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan Chase ; and in Europe , Credit Suisse , Deutsche , BNP , Barclays and Santander .

  3. 摩根大通公司CEO戴蒙:2009年获得的限制性股票和期权等红利共计约1700万美元。

    James Dimon , J.P. Morgan CEO , received a bonus of about $ 17 million in restricted stock and options for 2009 .

  4. 摩根大通公司(JPMorgan)的分析师马克•莫斯科维兹前不久表示,他预计,惠普的营业额和收入增长会继续落后于竞争对手。

    Mark Moskowitz , an analyst at JPMorgan ( JPM ) said last week he expects HP to continue to underperform its peers in revenue and earnings growth .

  5. 摩根大通公司表示,将关闭两家公司百分之十以下的分行,但是没有明确说明将关闭哪些分行。

    J.P. Morgan Chase said it plans to close less than 10 percent of the two companies ' branches . The bank has not yet decided which to close .

  6. 联邦监管人员行动迅速,于星期四傍晚冻结了这家身陷困境的房贷发放机构的资产,然后以将近二十亿美元的价格转售给美国投资银行摩根大通公司。

    Federal regulators moved quickly , seizing the troubled mortgage lender late Thursday and selling the thrift 's banking assets to U.S. investment bank J.P. Morgan for nearly $ 2 billion .

  7. 据介绍,摩根大通公司的数量分析专家通过分析国际足联排名、历史战绩以及摩根大通球队实力指数等信息,得出了一个用来预测比赛结果的数学模型。

    The quantitative analysts at J.P.Morgan used information such as FIFA ranking , historical results and its J.P.Morgan Team Strength Indicator to come up with a mathematical model to predict match results , they explained .

  8. 今年的世界杯足球赛将于6月11日至7月11日举行。摩根大通公司的数量分析专家于本周二发布预测结果称,欧洲冠军西班牙队将获得本届世界杯的亚军,荷兰队将获季军。

    European champions Spain will be runners-up with the Netherlands winning the third place play-off , according to J.P. Morgan quantitative analysts who issued their findings on Tuesday ahead of the World Cup ( June 11-July 11 ) kick-off .

  9. 摩根大通日本公司的首席外汇策略师川彻佐佐木认为日元对美元的汇率只是达到一个可持续的平均水平。

    TohruSasaki , chief currency strategist in Tokyo at JPMorgan Chase & Co. , believes the dollar-yen exchange is reaching a sustainable average .

  10. 摩根大通资产管理公司(jpmorganassetmanagement)称,在此期间,所谓的“损益平衡”通胀率一直保持在当前2.19%的水平附近。

    The so-called " break-even " rate for inflation has remained close to its current 2.19 per cent through that period , JPMorgan asset management says .

  11. 摩根大通资产管理公司(JPMorganAssetManagement)的戴维•谢普(DavidShairp)表示,尽管许多迹象表明中国经济将实现软着陆,但目前远不到解除警报的时候。

    David Shairp at JPMorgan Asset Management says that while there are signs that China is heading for a soft landing , it is too soon to sound the all-clear .

  12. 知情人士称,在美国调查人员调查摩根大通或该公司雇员是否违反美国《反海外腐败法》(ForeignCorruptPracticesAct)的过程中,现年48岁的方方逐渐成为一个关键人物。

    The 48-year-old Mr. Fang has emerged as a key figure for investigators as they examine whether the bank or any of its employees violated the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act , said people familiar with the investigation .

  13. 但摩根大通资产管理公司(jpmorganassetmanagement)国际首席投资官尼克贾西德(nickgartside)指出,尽管美国国债收益率自去年4月以来已经减半,但标普500股指仍处于那时的水平。

    But Nick gartside , international chief investment officer for JPMorgan asset management , noted that while US bond yields had halved since April last year the S & P 500 equity market was at the same level .

  14. 那么为何摩根大通等许多公司没有进行仿效?

    Why then do JPMorgan and many others not follow suit ?

  15. 摩根大通集团声称公司参加此次活动并不是营销策略,只是开展形式多样的公司慈善事业。

    JPMorgan Chase claims its campaign was not marketing , but simply an attempt to manage its existing corporate philanthropy more imaginatively .

  16. 这种假设被认为不是特别冒险的,因为公司违约是少数,至少在摩根大通研究的公司池中是这样。

    This assumption wasn 't deemed particularly risky , as corporate defaults were rare , at least in the pool of companies that JP Morgan was dealing with .

  17. 摩根大通进入信用担保公司和信托公司领域,实施的是一种利基策略(nichestrategy),在某种程度上来说是顺势而为。

    In pursuing its niche strategy involving credit guarantee firms and trust companies , JPMorgan is to some extent making a virtue out of necessity .

  18. 摩根大通拒绝对信托公司协议置评。

    JPMorgan declined to comment on the trust company agreement .