
sā shǒu jiǎn
  • one's speciality;an unexpected thrust with the mace -- one's trump card;an unexpected thrust with the mace-one's trump card
撒手锏 [sā shǒu jiǎn]
  • [an unexpected thrust with the mace-one's trump card] 旧小说中搏斗时突然用锏投杀敌人的绝招,比喻在危急时拿出看家本领

撒手锏[sā shǒu jiǎn]
  1. 不到紧急关头不要亮出撒手锏。

    Don 't reveal your trump card before the crucial moment .

  2. 宽带业务发展与撒手锏、产业链的关系

    Relationship of Broadband Services Development With " Killer-x " and " Industry Eco-x " Issues