
cāo shǒu
  • integrity;moral character (integrity);moral fortitude;discretion in conduct;attention to moral principle
操守 [cāo shǒu]
  • [moral character (integrity)] 平素的品行

操守[cāo shǒu]
  1. 他的公正和正直操守受人称道。

    He was praised for his fairness and high integrity .

  2. 在获得FoundersShareCompany的由衷认可后,两家公司披露了汤姆森以现金加股票的方式并购路透的详细计划。FoundersShareCompany是一家旨在保护路透独立性和编辑操守的机构。

    The two companies unveiled detailed plans of Thomson 's cash-and-shares offer for Reuters after securing the hearty endorsement of the Founders Share Company , the body that exists to defend Reuters ' independence and editorial integrity .

  3. 未经患者同意而对其进行检查被视为违反职业操守并触犯法律。

    Testing patients without their consent would constitute a professional and legal offence

  4. 上周四,全美广告主联盟(TheAssociationofNationalAdvertisers)和美国广告代理商协会(AmericanAssociationofAdvertisingAgencies)发布了“最佳操守声明”,呼吁广告客户不要在盗版网站上发布广告。

    Some ad-industry groups are warning against placing advertisements on pirate sites .

  5. 该零售点的共同创始人BelleRobinson在2008接受EveningStandard时说,谈论起了凯特王妃的工作操守和她已有的冷静。

    Belle Robinson , who cofounded the brand with John Robinson , dished about Kate 's work ethic and already-royal composure during a 2008 interview with the Evening Standard .

  6. 该事件不仅使威廉姆斯的可信度受到了质疑,也让NBC新闻频道的操守和文化受到了质疑。

    The incident has called into question not only the credibility of Williams but also the ethics and culture at NBC News .

  7. 他表示,对于雇主而言,cfa的一个吸引力在于其坚定地致力于规范道德操守和解决利益冲突等复杂问题。

    One attraction of the CFA , for employers , he says , is a strong commitment to ethics and resolving complex problems such as conflicts of interest .

  8. 在对证据进行冷静的审视后,我还相信,危机显示,对银行业加强监管,比监督它的操守更可取这也是我一直与约翰维克斯爵士(sirjohnvickers)共同持有的观点。

    I also believe , on a dispassionate view of the evidence , that the crisis shows tougher regulation of the banking industry is preferable to supervision of its conduct a view I have always shared with Sir John Vickers .

  9. 具体地说,本文在总结以往中外研究的基础上,通过访谈、项目分析,并采用LISREL分析方法构建和验证操守测验的模型。

    Specifically , on the basis of past Chinese and foreign , through interviews , item analysis , and induce methods used LISREL Construction and validation of the model Integrity tests .

  10. 在与雷诺管理层会晤后,从业30年的高级工程副总裁米歇尔巴瑟扎德(michelbalthazard)表示,他的操守和尊严遭到了攻击。

    Commenting after meeting with Renault management , Michel Balthazard , a 30-year veteran and Vice-President of advanced engineering , said he had been the victim of an attack against his integrity and dignity .

  11. 高通总法律顾问唐•罗森堡(DonRosenberg)表示:“我们仍致力于道德操守和遵守一切法律法规,并将继续留意合规(指遵守《反海外腐败法》)问题。”

    Don Rosenberg , Qualcomm general counsel , said : " We remain committed to ethical conduct and compliance with all laws and regulations , and will continue to be vigilant about [ Foreign Corrupt Practices Act ] compliance . "

  12. 积极加强人民警察职业道德与操守建设;

    Positively strengthen the construction of police professional ethics and behavior ;

  13. 具备良好的职业操守、烈的敬业精神与责任感,工作原则性强。

    Professional with sense of responsibility , positive mindset and principle .

  14. 一般来说,他们处理申诉、调查违反职业操守的指控。

    Typically , they field complaints , investigating alleged ethical breaches .

  15. 但社会媒体给遵循职业操守的新闻工作者提出了新的挑战。

    But social media pose new challenges for the ethical journalist .

  16. 这起丑闻不仅使公众对他的操守产生了怀疑。

    Not only does the scandal throw his integrity into doubt .

  17. 当地人崇拜介之推的道德操守。

    The local people admired Jie Zhitui for his moral integrity .

  18. 诚信为本操守为重&湖南省儒商学会诚信宣言

    Being Faithful and Being Honest & Declaration of Hunan Confucian Businessmen Association

  19. 直到最近富士康才坚守企业规章和职业操守。

    Until recently Foxconn was unyielding in its discipline and working practices .

  20. 不遵守道德伦理规则的。业务操守准则,商业道德标准

    Not adhering to ethical or moral principles . conduct of business standards

  21. 政府有否为资讯科技界推广道德操守?

    Is the government doing anything to promote it ethics ?

  22. 他不像我们,既没才能也没有操守。

    He has no skills or integrity , unlike us .

  23. 社会心理干预对戒毒后操守率的影响

    Effectiveness of psychosocial intervention on drug abusers ' rehabilitation

  24. 到今天为止,柯菲德的职业操守一清二白。

    So far Mr kleinfeld 's integrity is unblemished .

  25. 在保证警察道德操守这个问题上没有简单的途径。

    There are no easy solutions to the problem of ensuring police integrity .

  26. 我能否在网上支付我的会费以及提交我的专业操守声明?

    Can I submit my membership dues payment and Professional Conduct Statement online ?

  27. 接到过关于一间校园食堂的投诉,认为那里的寿司做得相当不讲民族工艺操守;

    complaints about the ethnic integrity of the sushi in a campus dining hall ;

  28. 廉署人员的专业和道德操守,当然要有甚高的水平。

    The ICAC officers are expected to have very high professional and morale standards .

  29. 事务委员会讨论有关促进公务员廉洁操守的文件。

    The panel discussed the paper on promotion of integrity in the civil service .

  30. 综合素质高,责任心强,具备良好的职业操守和团队合作精神。

    Having sense of responsibility and teamwork spirit .