
zhī jià
  • support;holder;stand;rack;brace;trestle;prop up;tressel;keep out
支架 [zhī jià]
  • [trestle;support;stand;tressel] 起支撑作用的构架

  • 肝小叶支架

  • (1) [support;prop up]∶支撑;支起

  • 用几根木头将屋梁支架起来

  • (2) [keep out]∶抵挡

  • 用生命支架住一切打击

支架[zhī jià]
  1. 屋顶的支架倒塌了,全部重量都压到了天花板上。

    The roof support structure had collapsed and the entire weight was bearing down on the ceiling .

  2. 液压支架CAD研究现状

    Current study condition of CAD of hydraulic support

  3. 有人忘了带把麦克风固定在支架上的U形螺栓。

    Somebody forgot to bring along the U-bolts to clamp the microphones to the pole .

  4. 反射器通过支架牢牢地固定在航天器的侧面。

    The reflector is held onto the sides of the spacecraft with a frame

  5. 他把牵引支架固定在船体上。

    He fixed the towing cradle round the hull .

  6. 他幼时得过小儿麻痹症后双腿安上了支架。

    He wore leg braces after polio in childhood

  7. 他们希望减少建筑工作所需的部件数量和重量,例如,用空心管代替实心支架。

    They hope to reduce both the number of components needed in a construction job and their weight - by replacing solid supports with hollow tubes , for example .

  8. 拉线释放支架的分叉时,不得使置入器的位置发生变化

    Keep introducer 's position during rope back to set the stent free .

  9. Hybrid外固定支架治疗胫骨平台高能量损伤

    Treatment of high energy injury of tibial plateau with Hybrid external fixation

  10. LED壁灯系列被设计用支架安装在开花,墙壁或者其它皮表面。

    LED wall lamp series are designed with stents installed in blossom , wall or other skin surface .

  11. 内模预埋U形钢筋,作为内模支撑的支架;

    U-steel is embedded in advance for the inner form as the bracket support .

  12. OpenGL在液压支架概念设计中的应用

    The Application of OpenGL in the Concept Design of Hydraulic Support

  13. 安装ABS感知器线到支架。

    Install ABS sensor wires into brackets .

  14. 可回收Sigma支架治疗继发性气管食管瘘

    The treatment of secondary tracheo-esophageal fistular with withdrawable sigma stent

  15. 目的验证多层螺旋CT(MSCT)评价冠状动脉支架通畅的可行性。

    Objective To confirm feasibility of assessment of coronary stent patency using multislice computed tomography ( MSCT ) .

  16. 择期冠状动脉内支架置入术对Q波型急性心肌梗死存活心肌及左心功能的影响

    Contribution of selective intracoronary stenting to the improvement of myocardial viability and left ventricular function after Q-wave acute myocardial infarction

  17. 目前临床常用的有雷帕霉素(Rapamycin)洗脱支架和紫杉醇(paclitaxel)洗脱支架,但药物洗脱支架的使用也面临许多问题,如远期效果、价格昂贵等。

    Rapamycin-eluting stent and paclitaxel-eluting stent are used frequently in clinic .

  18. PLGA多孔支架适合作为组织工程食管支架;

    The porous PLGA scaffolds are suitable for TEE .

  19. 其中一例支架术后一周闭塞,CDFI示其内无血流通过。

    One stent was re-occluded after one week and CDFI showed no blood flow in it .

  20. 目的:研究以聚羟基丁酸已酯(PHB)为支架材料形成的组织工程软骨作为隆鼻填充材料的可行性。

    Objective To study on PHB as scaffold for cartilage tissue engineering used in augmentation rhinoplasty .

  21. 目的检测国产PGA支架对瘢痕、皮肤和肌腱成纤维细胞增殖的影响。

    Objective To examine whether domestic-made PGA scaffold affects human tennocyte , keloid and skin fibroblast proliferation .

  22. PHBV共混物纤维制备组织工程支架的研究

    Study on the Tissue Engineering Scaffold Prepared by PHBV Composites Fiber

  23. 拔出双J管后复查IVP见狭窄段明显扩张,肾盂积水明显改善。其中1例1年后又狭窄,再次行球囊扩张及内支架置入后1年未再狭窄。

    IVP exams showed obvious improvement of hydronephrosis stricture at the 1 year after removed the double J ureteral stent .

  24. 方法对42例BPH患者放置网状支架治疗,术后6个月进行随访。

    Methods Netty stent placement was performed on 42 cases of BPH , and the patients were followed up for 6 months .

  25. 目的探讨PTCA及支架安置术患者院外服药依从性及其相关因素。

    Objective To explore compliance of taking medicine out hospital of patients after PTCA plus stent implantation and relative factors .

  26. 目的:研究经皮球囊成形术(PTA)和血管内支架治疗布加综合征的近期和远期疗效。

    Objective : Study the short and Long term outcome which percutaneous transluminal angioplasty ( PTA ) and stents treated Budd Chiari Syndrome .

  27. 目的探讨不同类型Budd-Chiari综合征(BCS)介入治疗方法,评价经皮穿刺球囊扩张术(PTA)和内支架(stent)治疗Budd-Chiari综合征的价值。

    Purpose PTA and stenting for various types of Budd Chiari syndrome ( BCS ) were investigated and evaluated .

  28. 方法:用冠状动脉内支架术治疗38例不稳定性心绞痛(UAP)患者及18例稳定性心绞痛(SAP)患者。

    Methods : Coronary stenting was used to treat 38 patients with UAP and 18 patients with stable angina pectoris ( SAP ) .

  29. 目的:研究PTCA及血管支架安装治疗急性心肌梗死的时机选择与心脏功能关系。

    Objective : To study relation between the choice of right moment and heart function to treat AMI with PTCA and stent .

  30. 两种DNA提取法对不同色泽肋软骨STR分型成功率的比较两种组织工程化人工肋骨支架材料的制备及体内外降解实验研究

    Comparative Study of Two Methods of DNA Extraction from Different Colour Costal Cartilage in STR Genotyping ; The Preparation of Two Scaffolds for Tissue Engineering Rib and Comparison of Their Degradability