
zhī pèi
  • dominate;govern;control;rule;dictate;determine;influence;budget;possess;arrange;allocate;sway;guide
支配 [zhī pèi]
  • (1) [arrange;allocate;budget]∶安排;调派

  • 时间不够支配

  • (2) [control;dominate;guide]∶控制;引导

  • 受人支配

  • 支配某人

支配[zhī pèi]
  1. 为你的工作做妥善的计划,使你有剩余的时间和精力任由支配!

    Schedule for your job appropriately so that you can freely arrange your left time and energy .

  2. 由于存在的根源尚未消失和其本身所具有的超强稳定性,传统人情化思维仍然在影响,甚至支配着广大民众的心理和行为。

    Because of superstrong stability and the existing origin that has not disappeared yet , traditional humanely mode of thinking influence , even arrange psychology and behavior of the masses still .

  3. 他的所有决定都受利己之心的支配。

    All his decisions have been entirely governed by self-interest .

  4. 对金钱的追求支配着他的生活。

    The pursuit of money ruled his life .

  5. 你的假日归你自己支配。

    Your day off is your own .

  6. 我可以自由支配自己的生活。

    I was allowed to do whatever I wanted with my life

  7. 我的薪水大约是9,000英镑,还有一辆车和业务经费可支配。

    My salary was around £ 9,000 plus a car and expenses

  8. 父辈们有能力支配孩子们和年轻人的生活。

    Fathers have the power to dominate children and young people

  9. 东欧国家立即开始占据支配地位。

    The countries of Eastern Europe immediately started to dominate .

  10. 男人给她的感受是支配一切,野蛮残暴。

    Her experience of men was of domination and brutality .

  11. 尽管在地理上彼此依存,两省却长期为获取政治支配权你争我夺。

    Although geographically linked , the two provinces have long fought for political ascendancy

  12. 1987年国民可自由支配收入达到了860亿英镑。

    The nation 's disposable earnings in 1987 amounted to £ 86 billion .

  13. 能支配像卡尔·梅这样的人总是很有用的。

    It 's always useful to have a hold over a fellow like Carl May

  14. 总统权力受到的第二项限制就是可以自由支配的时间有限。

    The second restriction upon the president 's power is the limited time at his disposal .

  15. 杰拉尔德的可支配收入很少。

    Gerald had little disposable income

  16. 现在他明白他处于支配地位,可以等到更好的待遇。

    Now he knows he 's in the driver 's seat and can wait for a better deal .

  17. 不仅仅在政治方面,而且在经济实力上巴黎在法国也都一直处于支配地位。

    Paris has played a dominant role in France , not just in political terms but also in economic power .

  18. 莫不想受任何人支配,而且很明显她从不容许自己生活里的男性光芒盖过自己。

    Mo did not want to be ruled by anyone and it is notable that she never allowed the men in her life to eclipse her

  19. 对财富的追求支配着她的生活。

    The pursuit of wealth ruled her life .

  20. 她善于支配时间。

    She is good at budgeting her time .

  21. 在中世纪,教会支配着许多国家。

    In medieval times the church held sway over many countries .

  22. 你绝不应让感情来支配你。

    You must not be guided by your feelings .

  23. 他现在是我的上司,然而在上次的工作中,他受我支配。

    Now he 's my boss yet he came under me at our last job .

  24. 强者支配弱者。

    The stronger man dominates the weaker .

  25. 他试图支配我。

    He tried to control me .

  26. 思想支配行动。

    Actions are governed by thinking .

  27. 我想这是不可能的,世界永远由价值规律支配着。

    I think this is impossible , the world is always dominated by the law of value .

  28. 蒂娜似乎能够迷住特里,并随心所欲地支配他。

    Tina seems able to cast a spell over Terry and get him to do anything she wants .

  29. 革命和工业创造着一个新社会,在这样的社会里旧的传统的价值观不再具有支配力量。

    Revolution and industrialism were creating a new kind of society , in which the old traditional values no longer held sway .

  30. 美国的政治制度被金钱所支配。

    The American political system is overrun by money .