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gōng jié
  • Troll;censure;rake up sb.'s past and attack him;expose sb.'s past misdeeds;flay
攻讦 [gōng jié]
  • [rake up sb.'s past and attack him;flay;censure] 揭发他人的过失或隐私而加以攻击(多指因个人或派系利害矛盾)

攻讦[gōng jié]
  1. 人们会难以相信地相互攻讦。

    Men can be unbelievably vicious about each other .

  2. 美国芝加哥艺术学院美术史论与攻讦系主任。

    Art critic and historian , School of the Art Institute of Chicago .

  3. 他是1个经验很是富厚的艺术家,不至于为攻讦家们的群情而担心。

    He is too experienced an artist to be worried by what the critics say .

  4. 聚会,即使出于光明正大的理由,也可能成为媒体攻讦的目标。

    Partying , even for a good cause , is still an easy target for the media .

  5. 北约内部的混乱和相互攻讦,让西方海外军事干预仰仗的唯一一个最有效的潜在工具失去了作用。

    Disarray and recriminations within NATO hobble the single most effective potential tool for Western military intervention overseas .

  6. 指责汇率低估的游戏或攻讦助长通胀的剧码能够持续多久?

    How long can the currency undervaluation blame game or the finger-pointing about the fuelling of inflation last ?

  7. 那些候选人没有什么好政见,只是恶劣地互相攻讦。

    The candidates had no good ideas of their own , so they just took cheap shots at each other .

  8. 虽然他的政府遭到攻讦,但总统未受到以往经常针对他前任的人身攻击。

    While his administration has been attacked , the president has been spared the personal vitriol regularly directed at his predecessor .

  9. 在海外的犹太人眼中,越来越落后的以色列已经跟他们没有任何关系了。仍在以色列的不同流派的犹太人互相攻讦。

    Jews abroad see Israel as increasingly backward and irrelevant to them , and Jews of different streams within Israel are at loggerheads .

  10. 另外在每年的同一时段,分析师们会公布调查得出的初始质量数据或客户满意度数据,这难免又会激起一轮指责和攻讦。

    Analysts release their data on initial quality or customer satisfaction at the same time every year , generating the predictable finger pointing and recriminations .

  11. 在中国,有时事故发生后,证据还没全部浮出水面,网民们就开始在网上攻讦他人,这就是blamestorming。

    In China , blamestorming takes place on the Internet when netizens post a series of accusations following an accident before all the evidence is in .

  12. 随着教育的地位从社会的边缘被推向社会的中心,各界对教育的批评和攻讦之声也随之兴起,教育之于人性的种种压抑和束缚也遭到严正声讨。

    Education receives critics from all the circles as it is pushed to the center of the society , for the reason that it oppressed the human nature .

  13. 刑罚之重古所罕见,更使得满官与汉官因圈地逃人问题相互攻讦,造成了统治集团的内部分裂。

    Penalty of heavy ancient rare made full officers and Chinese officials as a result of enclosure to escape human mutual most caused internal division of the ruling group .

  14. 最后又从趣剧转向痛苦的正剧。虽则电影的情感基调有点模糊,但它对社会的攻讦是不克不及再清晰了。

    Though the film 's emotional tone is blurry toward the end it swerves away from farce and back toward anguish its social criticism could hardly be more clear .

  15. 看来,对于人中最神圣的人,不到魔鬼对他的一切攻讦都已弄清并经权衡之后,也不能许以身后的荣誉。

    The holiest of men , it appears , cannot be admitted to posthumous honours , until all that the devil could say against him is known and weighed .

  16. 为摆脱制裁,英国开始调整对以政策,致使英以关系不断降温,相互攻讦。

    To get rid of sanctions , England began to adjust its policy to Israel , so that their relationship went from bad to worse , and argued with each other .

  17. 我不能使自己处于这样引起旁人误解的恶劣地位。那些候选人没有什么好政见,只是恶劣地互相攻讦。

    I won 't put myself in such a beastly false position . The candidates had no good ideas of their own , so they just took cheap shots at each other .

  18. 失败将导致相互攻讦,进而使全球领导人更容易接纳保护主义按照古老的游戏规则是你先开始的。

    Any such failure would lead to recriminations , which would then make it much easier for world leaders to embrace protectionism , on the old playground principle of you started it .