
  • 网络political psychology;Politics Psychology
  1. 政治心理学发展中需要澄清的几点问题

    Some Issues that Need Be Cleared in the Development of Political Psychology

  2. 政治心理学引入态度研究,既是社会心理学态度研究扩展的结果,又深化了社会心理学对态度的认识。

    The introduction of attitude study in political psychology results from the development of social psychology .

  3. 第一部分介绍政治心理学派对国际政治提出的新解释。

    Part one introduces the theory of psychologic analysis of international politics .

  4. 政治心理学中的态度研究

    Attitude Studies in Political Psychology

  5. 政治心理学在世界上是一门相对年轻的学科。在我国也是一个亟待研究的全新领域。

    Political psychology is a relative new subject in the world , and also a brand-new field waiting to be investigated into .

  6. 本文首先回顾了政治心理学的历史概况,介绍了政治心理学的发展阶段及其研究主题。

    This article first traces back to the general historical situation of the political psychology , and introduces its developmental phases and the topic of study .

  7. 政治心理学是政治学与心理学有机结合产生的一门学科,它注重研究政治活动中各类政治角色的心理规律。

    Political psychology , a disciplinary combination of political science and psychology , attaches great importance to the study of psychological rules of political roles in political activities .

  8. 文学翻译需要调动如文化、宗教、历史、政治、心理学等个方面因素。

    Literary translation is connected with a variety of factors such as culture , religion , history , politics and psychology .

  9. 互联网时代中高校思想政治工作的心理学分析

    Psychology Analysis of College Idea Political Work in Internet Age

  10. 研究生思想政治工作的心理学原则

    Psychological Principles of Ideological and Political Work for Post Graduates

  11. 我大学时主修政治,辅修心理学。

    I studied psychology as a subsidiary to my politics degree at university .

  12. 社会科学科目包括地理学、经济学、政治学、心理学和社会学。

    Social science disciplines include geography , economics , political science , psychology , and sociology .

  13. 法兰克福学派在哲学、社会学、政治学和心理学方面的成就举世瞩目,但他们在传播学上的贡献国内却鲜见评介和研究。

    The Frankfurt School has been recognized for their studies in philosophy , sociology , political science and psychology .

  14. 摘要“群体心态学”是与政治学、心理学、行政学等学科相关的边缘学科。

    Group psychology is an inter-discipline that is related to such disciplines as politics , psychology and science of administration .

  15. 西方经济学、社会学、政治学、心理学等学科的进展都与其有密切关系。

    The progress of Western economics , sociology , political science , psychology and other subjects is closely related to it .

  16. 伊夫林·福克斯·凯勒的科学哲学思想研究属于哲学研究领域,涉及历史学、生物学、政治学、心理学和社会学等多个研究领域。

    The science philosophy research of Evelyn Fox Keller belongs to the philosophy research realm , involving history , biology , politics , psychology and sociology etc.

  17. 西方女性主义心理学是在20世纪60、70年代的西方女权主义运动中形成并发展起来的具有明确政治目标的心理学理论与实践。

    Western feminist psychology is both psychological theory and practice with a definite political standpoint , and was formed and developed during western woman 's movement in the 1960s and 1970s .

  18. 翻译理论与实践的研究都应该被置于更广阔的学术领域诸如历史学、哲学、政治学、心理学、人类学等。

    The study of translation theory and practice are expected to be on such broader issues of context as history , philosophy , politics , psychology , anthropology and so on .

  19. 根据研究生的思想特点,结合我院实际情况,提出了一些思想政治工作的心理学原则。

    With the special reference to the specific conditions in our Institute , some psychological principles of ideological and political work are proposed on the basis of the ideological features of the post graduates .

  20. 但是新西兰奥塔哥大学政治学和心理学退休荣誉教授詹姆斯•弗林说,人们能一辈子“升级”自己的智商。

    But James Flynn , Emeritus professor of political studies and psychology at the University of Otago in New Zealand , argues that people can ' upgrade " their own intelligence throughout their lives .

  21. 最后从管理的角度提出了高校学生思想政治工作中心理学知识有效应用的保障措施:实施高校学生工作队伍职业化建设;

    Finally , it indicates the method in terms of management to guarantee the efficiency of the college students ' ideological and political work in psychology : Actualize the construction of the professional college student 's work team .

  22. 目前学术界已从各个方面来研究腐败,如运用社会学、经济学、政治学、心理学等学科的研究方法和成果来分析腐败。

    Currently the academic circle has already studied the corruption from the each aspect , such as : making use of the research methods and results of the sociology , economics , politics , criminology etc. to analyze the corruption .

  23. 新世纪初年,中国学者对后现代的研究从哲学、法学、政治学、心理学、文学艺术、文化产业等方面展开,拓展了后学研究空间。

    In the beginning years of the new Millennium , Chinese scholars undertake studies of post-modernity in the areas of philosophy , law , politics , psychology , literary arts and cultural industries , etc. , expanding the research space for the " post - studies " .

  24. 美国专栏作家李普曼1922年出版的著作《民意》(PublicOpinion)一书是涵盖新闻传播学、政治学、社会心理学、公共关系学等领域的综合性的传世名著。

    American columnist Walter Lippmann ' Public Opinion published in 1922 was a masterpiece which covered many disciplines such as journalism , mass communication , political science , social psychology and PR.

  25. 以学生为本,促进大学生思想政治教育&从心理学角度谈高校思想政治教育

    Being students-oriented , promote student education of political thought & discuss education of political thought in universities from psychology

  26. 思想政治教育需要更加重视心理学的研究,更加重视人的心理特点和心理规律的研究,更加重视思想政治教育学同心理学理论上和实践上的结合。

    Ideological and political education requires more attention to the study of psychology and the theory and practice of psychology .

  27. 本文以清代州县差役作为研究对象,以他们的政治行为作为分析的框架,同时吸收政治心理学、行政管理学的理论和方法,重点探讨差役在司法行政中的积极作用;

    The thesis try to study county runners of the Qing dynasty and to analyse their political acts as a framework , while absorbing political psychology , management theory and methods , focused on the active role of runners in the administration of justice .