
shù jù xiǎn shì
  • data display;data suggest;data presentation
  1. 昨天公布的数据显示零售额在3月份有所下滑。

    Figures released yesterday show retail sales were down in March .

  2. 第一组数据显示截至7月27日的周销售量。

    The first figure shows sales for week ending July 27 .

  3. 这些数据显示了目前经济周期的最低点。

    The figures marked the final low point of the present economic cycle

  4. 新的数据显示经济衰退可能有所缓和。

    New figures indicate the recession may be easing up .

  5. 政府统计数据显示这是10年来工业产量最大幅度的滑坡。

    Government statistics show the largest drop in industrial output for ten years .

  6. 3月份的美国失业数据显示失业率一直徘徊在7%上下。

    US unemployment figures for March showed the jobless rate stuck at 7 per cent

  7. 今年到目前为止的最新数据显示增长了13.8%。

    The last figures so far this year indicate a rise of 13.8 % .

  8. 最新数据显示,过去10年来全球臭氧的浓度降低了几个百分点。

    The latest data showed that global ozone concentrations had dropped several per cent over the last decade .

  9. 数据显示,从2015年初到2016年,只有0。8%的零售额从线下转移到了线上。

    Their data show that only 0.8 percent of retail sales shifted from offline to online between the beginning of 2015 and 2016 .

  10. 果不其然,美国人口普查局刚刚发布的数据显示,2015年第一季度至2016年第一季度,网上零售额激增了15。2%

    Sure enough , the Census Bureau just released data showing that online retail sales surged 15.2 percent between the first quarter of 2015 and the first quarter of 2016 .

  11. 例如,统计数据显示,十几岁的司机载着同龄乘客,比青少年单独驾车或载有成年人时,发生致命车祸的风险更高。

    Statistics show , for example , that a teenage driver with a same-age passenger in the car is at higher risk of a fatal crash than an adolescent driving alone or with an adult .

  12. 互联网向商业开放了20多年,美国人口普查局的数据显示,2016年第一季度,实体店销售额占零售总额的92。3%。

    More than 20 years after the internet was opened to commerce , the Census Bureau tells us that brick and mortar sales accounted for 92.3 percent of retail sales in the first quarter of 2016 .

  13. 但美国是个例外:11月是全球有史以来最热的一个月,目前的数据显示,2013年可能是有史以来第四热的一年。

    But the U. S. was the exception : November was the warmest ever globally , and current data indicates that 2013 is likely to have been the fourth hottest year on record .

  14. 据美国大学和大学招生服务中心(UCAS)提供的高考统计数据显示,今年有25310名高校录取生推迟到明年入学。

    This year , 25,310 students who have accepted places in higher education institutions have put off their entry until next year , according to statistics on university entrance provided by University and College Admissions Service ( UCAS ) .

  15. 报告数据显示,年龄在2-8岁的幼儿的快乐阅读水平基本保持不变。

    The report data shows that pleasure reading levels for younger children , ages 2-8 , remain largely the same .

  16. 该报告中分享的最有希望的数据显示,有明确的证据表明,父母对孩子的阅读起着榜样和重要的指导作用。

    The most hopeful data shared in the report shows clear evidence of parents serving as examples and important guides for their kids when it comes to reading .

  17. 他说:"新加坡国立大学的统计数据显示,超过40%的学生在上学期间被迫工作,假期期间这一数字增至90%。

    " NUS statistics show that over 40 % of students are forced to work during term-time and the figure increases to 90 % during vacation periods , " he said .

  18. 事实上,官方数据显示,自1993年以来,俄罗斯的人口减少了5%,现在俄罗斯人民的寿命比1961年更短。为什么会出现这种情况?

    Indeed official figures suggest the country has shrunk by 5 % since 1993 and people in Russia live a shorter life now than those in 1961 . Why is this occurring ?

  19. 尽管过去十年来青少年读者的阅读量急剧下降,但报告中的一些数据显示,阅读仍然是许多儿童生活的重要组成部分,并表明父母可能会帮助鼓励更多的阅读。

    While the decline over the past decade is steep for teen readers , some data in the report shows that reading remains a big part of many children 's lives , and indicates how parents might help encourage more reading .

  20. 数据显示,与不常阅读的孩子相比,经常阅读的孩子和青少年家里有更多的书,买给他们的书也更多。他们还有爱读书、常花时间陪伴他们阅读的父母。

    Data shows that kids and teens who do read frequently , compared to infrequent readers , have more books in the home , more books purchased for them , parents who read more often , and parents who set aside time for them to read .

  21. 然后统计数据显示你可能喜欢你的老师。

    Then the statistics say you probably like your teacher .

  22. 数据显示,青少年阅读课本的时间比阅读小说、电子书、杂志等其他阅读材料的时间要长得多。

    The data shows that teenagers spend much more time reading from school textbooks to some other reading materials , such as novels , e-books , magazines and so on .

  23. 数据显示,与不喜欢阅读的孩子相比,经常阅读的孩子和青少年的家里有更多的书,家里也会给他们更多书。

    Data shows that kids and teens who do a lot of reading , compared to those who don 't like reading , have more books in the home , and more books brought for them .

  24. 国家统计局公布的数据显示,2020年2月份,全国居民消费价格指数(CPI)同比上涨5.2%。

    China 's consumer price index ( CPI ) grew 5.2 percent year on year in February , the National Bureau of Statistics ( NBS ) said .

  25. 浏览器使用量追踪机构NetMarketShare的数据显示,2010年IE在浏览器市场的份额跌破50%大关,如今只剩下5%的份额。

    Its share of the browser market fell below the 50 % threshold in 2010 and now sits at about 5 % , according to browser usage tracker NetMarketShare .

  26. 沙发和地毯专业生产公司ScS汇编的数据显示,卧室地毯中藏匿的细菌是客厅地毯细菌的两倍多,是健身房地板上细菌的十倍。

    The data , compiled by sofa and carpet specialist ScS , found carpets in the bedroom also harbor more than double the bacteria found in a living room , and ten times that of a gym floor .

  27. 国家统计局1月18日公布的数据显示,2020年我国国内生产总值(GDP)首次突破100万亿元,比上年增长2.3%。中国成为全球唯一实现经济正增长的主要经济体。

    China 's gross domestic product ( GDP ) expanded 2.3 percent year on year last year , exceeding the 100-trillion-yuan threshold for the first time , official data of the National Bureau of Statistics showed on January 18 . That makes China the only major economy to post growth in 2020 .

  28. 数据显示,2020年,全国共有民办学校18.67万所,占全国各级各类学校总数的比例超过1/3;在校生5564余万人,占比接近1/5。

    China has 186700 private schools as of 2020 , accounting .

  29. 数据显示,在所有气候造成的风险中,热浪最为致命。

    Heatwaves kill more people than any other climate risk .

  30. 据新数据显示,这些原始森林持续以惊人的速度遭到毁坏。

    According to the new data , these primary forests continue to be destroyed at alarming rates .