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  • file compression
  1. 非常著名的PE文件压缩引擎,希望对大家有所帮助!

    PE is very well-known file compression engine , I hope all of you to help !

  2. 通用UNIX文件压缩程序compress产生的编码格式。

    The encoding format produced by the common UNIX file compression program compress .

  3. WindowsPE可执行文件压缩机制的分析

    Analysis of Compression of Windows PE Executable File

  4. Linux系统的文件压缩和解压缩方法

    The Compress and Decompress Method of Linux System

  5. ZIP文件压缩编码分析

    The Analysis of Compressing Code in ZIP File

  6. SolidWorks文件压缩方法的研究

    Research on the Compress Method of SolidWorks File

  7. 可以使用publisher中的“打包向导”将大文件压缩以便传输。

    You can use the pack and go wizard in publisher to compress large files for transport .

  8. 考虑使用几乎所有计算机都可以处理的ZIP文件压缩格式是十分安全的。

    It 's safe to consider ZIP a file compression format that almost every computer can handle .

  9. 把数据库及有关文件压缩到含有空格的文件夹中进行备份(恢复),并且解决了由于Windows的并行性处理而引发的问题。

    This paper presents backup ( recovery ) of compressing database and irrelevant files into folders with blanks , and solves the problems produced by Windows parallel processing .

  10. 压缩算法之一ZIP压缩格式是在基于互联网进行数据传输过程中,被广泛采用的数据文件压缩格式。

    The type of zip is regarded as the widely used style of data compression on the basis of internet .

  11. 这个特性称为ArchiveViewer并提供除标准的文件压缩工具之外的额外价值。

    This new feature is called the Archive Viewer and it provides additional value above just using a standard file compression utility .

  12. 从工程角度出发,提出实用的动态升级技术,采用shell技术和文件压缩技术,解决了管理信息系统客户端维护中可升级性和可维护性差的问题。

    The practical dynamic upgrade technique was proposed from the view of engineering by using shell technology and file compressing technique , and the problem of bad upgrading and modification in client maintenance in MIS was resolved .

  13. 您可以使用文件压缩工具,例如Winzip来打开并查看XML文件中的内容。

    You can use a file-compression utility , such as Winzip , to open the file and look at the XML that it contains .

  14. 文件压缩程序gzip(GNUzip)产生的编码格式,由RFC1952描述。

    An encoding format produced by the file-compression program gzip ( GNU zip ) as described in RFC1952 .

  15. 介绍了一种基于LZSS字典模型的故障信息文件压缩算法及程序流程。

    An LZSS dictionary model based compression algorithm for fault information files and its flow chart is presented .

  16. 实际上,带有尾文件压缩功能(默认)的ReiserFS文件系统可以比同等的ext2文件系统多存储6个百分点的数据,这就其自身来说是令人惊叹的。

    In fact , a ReiserFS filesystem with tail packing enabled ( the default ) can store six percent more data than the equivalent ext2 filesystem , which is amazing in itself .

  17. 本文介绍了用于声音文件压缩/解压缩的Companding算法及改进。

    This paper introduces the companding arithmetic about compression and decompression in audio files , and elaborates on train of thought arithmetic process , function of some important module and flow of the companding .

  18. 为此,笔者设计了一种基于动态规划算法的无损文件压缩技术,并编写了程序。

    It introduced one compressing file method which based on dynamic programming algorithms .

  19. 对几种倒排文件压缩技术的研究与分析

    Research and Analysis on Five Inverted Files Compression Techiques

  20. 图像文件压缩方法有很多种。

    There are several different ways in which image files can be compressed .

  21. 无法破坏文件压缩会话。

    Unable to destroy the file compression session .

  22. 基于动态规划算法的文件压缩技术

    File Compressing Based on Dynamic Programming Algorithms

  23. 较好的显示质量意味着较低的文件压缩率!

    Better quality means lower compression level !

  24. 将文件压缩为较小的大小,但可能导致安装速度较慢。

    Files will be compressed to a smaller size , but may result in slower installation .

  25. 指定无效的文件压缩类型。

    Invalid file compression type specified .

  26. 一种波形音频文件压缩的实现

    Realization of WAVE File 's Compression

  27. 为了节省空间,可以把许多文件压缩到原大小的几分之一。

    To conserve space , many files can be compressed to a fraction of their original size .

  28. 理论核心是利用无理数所具有的特性完成文件压缩工作。

    Its academic core is to use the characters of the irrational number to finish condensing work .

  29. 这些简单的任务只是一个开始,并且几乎不能用于最复杂应用程序的文件压缩。

    These simple tasks are just the beginning and hardly the most complex application of file compression .

  30. 如果您希望将所有数据放在一起,那么您可以将所有文件压缩打包到一个新文件,并使用新的扩展名。

    If you want to keep all of the data together then zip up all of the files into a new file with a new extension .