
  • 网络BITMAP;bit map;BMP;DIB
  1. 位图索引是集成在Oracle的优化器和运行执行引擎中的

    Bitmap indexes are integrated with the Oracle optimizer and execution engine .

  2. 插入符可以是一根短线、一个方块或者一幅位图。

    The caret shape can be a line , a block , or a bitmap .

  3. 返回或者设置位图绘制起始点的X坐标

    Gets or Sets the initial X offset in the bitmap tiling from .

  4. 基于位图校验码方法的Web认证系统及其应用

    BMP validation code based Web authorization system and its applications

  5. 基于影子显示位图技术的GIS图形部分的实现

    GIS implementation of graph part based on shadow display bitmap technology

  6. 包装CAD系统中对位图图像文件的处理方法

    Methods About Quickly Displaying Bitmap Images of Packaging CAD System

  7. 在WINDOWS下无失真显示256色位图的方法

    The Method for Undistorted Display of 256 - color Bitmap Under Windows

  8. Windows位图的结构分析及其显示与转换

    Structure analysis and display method and transform of windows bitmap

  9. Windows下一种显示透明位图的方法

    The Method to Display Transparent Bitmap in Windows

  10. 基于位图和字库技术获取LED点阵信息的方法

    Methods of Getting Lattice Information for LED by Using Device Independent Bitmap and Chinese Character Library

  11. 不精确位图索引中Bloomfilter空间预估的一种方法

    An Approach for the Pre-estimation of Bloom Filter Size in Approximate Bitmap Index

  12. 基于面向对象BP算法的灰度位图图像处理

    Gray Bitmap Processing Based on Object-oriented BP Algorithm

  13. 通过在服务器端增加信息编辑接口,提高了基于位图的Web虚拟场景平台的功能可扩展性。

    Added interface of editing information on the server that can improve the functions of Web virtual scene based on bitmap .

  14. 自建ASP组件获取Access位图并显示于Web页技术的研究

    Research on Retrieving Bitmap from Access and Displaying It on Web Page by Means of ASP Component

  15. 介绍了Windows下一种实现显示透明位图的方法,产给出了实现代码。

    This paper discusses the method to Display Transparent Bitmap in Windows and gives its codes .

  16. VC十十5.0中自定义位图按钮的开发

    The developing of custom bitmap button in VC + + 5.0

  17. 用VC实现Windows下BMP位图文件的显示

    A implemention of displaying to BMP file on windows in VC

  18. Web站点设计者开始考虑将SVG作为位图的一个主要替代品。

    Web site designers have started considering SVG as a robust alternative to bitmaps .

  19. 利用VC实现真彩色位图到灰度图的转换

    Transformation of a Color Bitmap to a Gray Scale Image in VC

  20. 在DOS方式下显示WINDOWS位图文件

    To show bitmap file of windows under DOS environments

  21. 使用BroadcastDisks方法分布的空中位图索引

    Bitmap Index Distributed with Broadcast Disks for Data on Air

  22. 基于VB与VC编程技术的位图图像处理系统的开发

    Development of Bitmap graphics processing system using programming technique of VB and VC

  23. 一种将位图文件转换为PCB文件格式的方法

    A Method to Convert a Bitmap File into PCB File

  24. 该方法充分利用了Windows内存位图功能,使得不变矩的计算不仅简单实用,而且精度较高。

    With memory bitmap of Windows system , the computation of moment invariants is simple , feasible and highly precise .

  25. VC中显示点位图的方法

    The Way to Show Bitmap in VC

  26. 结合位图压缩方法,详细阐述了RAY和周期算法的压缩思想。

    Combining bitmap compression method , it expounded the compression theory of RAY algorithm and period algorithm respectively .

  27. DOS环境中使用Windows位图

    Using the Bitmap of Windows in DOS

  28. 本文给出了一种实现位图图象叠映的处理方法&透明粘贴法,并在BorlandBGI图形接口标准中实现了该算法的C语言程序设计。

    A kind of processing method that implements bitmap overlay - Transparent Pasting is presented , and its C programming is given in this paper .

  29. AutoCAD图形输出为位图命令的改进

    Improvement of saving as bitmap command of AutoCAD

  30. 电路采用独特的页式位图显示RAM有效管理显示内存;

    It utilizes a unique bitmap page RAM structure to manage RAM effectively .