
On the attitudes toward modernist literature , Tagore and Yeats elucidate poetry views through criticism .
Revealed in this narrative technique is Conrad 's attitude towards knowledge and literary creation as well as the particular social environment in which literary impressionism appeared and flourished .
Researches of Yu Tai Xin Yong had a turn till Ji Yun , a poetic critic of the Qing dynasty , who represented the attitude of orthodox scholars toward literature of love .
The literature essay New Romanticism , translated by Shi Zhe-cun , represented the editors ' attitudes towards the prevailing Left Wing literature . It was also a doctrinal study and recognition of the literature ideology .
From Lu Xun regarding " Yiwen " as well as in foreign country literary work manner , may also see Lu Xun translation thought and translator the position , as well as he regarding translation original opinion .
The Basic Literary Views of Chinese Ancients
Different Attitudes to Innovation between Chinese and Western Literature
Emperor Wen and Yang took different attitude to literature , therefore they affected literary aesthetic differently .
We would also like to know about your attitude towards contemporary radical lesbian feminist writing and criticism ? Do you think that this has gone too far ?
Writers of classical works of Marxism hold a recognition-and-criticism attitude towards commercialization tendency of literature and commercialization literature .
Consequently , the Ming and Qing education overthrows the tradition of valuing literature established in Tang and Song dynasties , and contrarily takes an exclusive attitude toward literature .
In the new era , many films are just from the adaptation of literary works , but in the past the attitude to the literary elite is totally different from now .
Lately period , the process of Chinese literature changes much , there 's not only the wildly hot attitude to literature , but also the dismemberment behavior of literature .