
duō shú zhòng zhí
  • multiple cropping
多熟种植[duō shú zhòng zhí]
  1. 红壤旱地多熟种植系统的综合效益评价

    Evaluation on comprehensive benefits of multiple cropping systems on upland red soil

  2. 中国北方小麦多熟种植发展现状与前景

    Status Quo and Prospect of Multiple Cropping about Wheat in Northern China

  3. 一季多熟种植模式中的光能利用问题的研究

    A Study of Light Energy Utilizing in the Multi-cropping-a-season Growing Pattern

  4. 新型绿洲种植区域化、专业化布局发展很快,近年来在热量条件较好的地区多熟种植也有发展。

    Planting circumscription and specialization developed quickly in the new type oasis .

  5. 稻田多熟种植制中作物养分吸收利用特点研究

    Study on absorption and utilization speciality of crop nutrient in multiple-cropping paddy

  6. 浅析贵州旱地多熟种植

    Preliminary analysis on the multiple cropping of the NONIRRIGATED land in Guizhou

  7. 阐述了中国北方小麦多熟种植发展的必要性。

    The necessity of multiple cropping about wheat in northern China was generalized .

  8. 沿江稻区多元多熟种植模式及其高效技术途径研究

    Multiple Cropping Modes in Riparian Rice Region and Its High Effective Technical Ways

  9. 旱地多熟种植方式综合评价初探

    Evaluation of multiple cropping system on upland field

  10. 稻田多熟种植的经济、生态效益及生产弹性分析

    Study on economic and ecologic returns of various cropp in g systems of paddy field

  11. 多熟种植制的发展缓慢;

    The intensive cropping development is slow ;

  12. 四川旱地宽带改制多熟种植技术研究与应用

    Research and utilization of intensive planting technology of upland wide-strip multiple-harvest planting reformation in Sichuan

  13. 川东商丘陵区稻田多熟种植制度定位评价

    Cropping system evaluation of fixed location paddy field in the hilly area of the Southeast Sichuan

  14. 棉田抗雹灾多熟种植模式及其综合效益分析

    Study on the Cotton Field Multiple Cropping Model and Its Comprehensive Effect Resistant to Hail Calamity

  15. 江苏沿江经济区多元多熟种植方式及效益评价

    Evaluations on Multicomponent-Multiple Cropping Patterns and Their Comprehensive Benefits of Along Changjiang River Economic Zone in Jiangsu

  16. 中国珠江三角洲与东南亚四大三角洲多熟种植制度的时空格局研究

    Spatio-Temporal Distributions of Multiple Cropping Systems in the Pearl River Delta of China and Four Deltas in Southeast Asia

  17. 宁南半干旱区灌溉农田高效多熟种植模式研究

    Study on the Multiple Cropping Patterns with High Efficiency in the Irrigated Farmland in Semi arid Areas of South Ningxia

  18. 1981年至1987年,对稻田不同多熟种植方式进行了定位观察。

    During 1981-1987 , the fixed position observation was conducted in different patterns of multiple cropping system of paddy fields .

  19. 因此,发展多熟种植,增加农田人工辅助能的投入,特别是有机肥和化肥的投入,能够显著提高能量利用效率和能量产出。

    Increasing supplementary energy input especially increasing input of manure and fertilizer could greatly increase energy transformation efficiency and energy output .

  20. 以下辽河平原为背景,以多熟种植农业生态模式为研究对象,描述了多熟种植农业生态模式在下辽河平原的实践,应用农业生态学原理,提出了多熟种植农业生态模式专家系统设计思想;

    In this paper the practice of agroecological patterns of multiple cropping in the Lower Reaches of Liaohe Plain is described .

  21. 西北黄土高原实行多熟种植开发夏闲地的气候可能性分析

    An Analysis of Climatological Possibility for Developing Summer Fallow Lands in Practising Multiple Cropping System on the Loess Plateau in Northwest China

  22. 与此同时,研究了与多元多熟种植模式相配套的高产高效关键技术。

    Four kinds of multiple cropping modes are developed , and their key supporting techniques with high yield and high efficiency are analyzed as well .

  23. 多熟种植是提高资源利用效率的有效途径之一,但严格受限于热量和水分资源。

    The multiple cropping is one of the most effective practices to enhance the resources utilization , however it is strictly limited by quantity of heat and water resources .

  24. 在江苏沿江经济区设置了23种多元多熟种植方式进行定位对比试验,从增粮、增收和省工3个方面进行了综合评价。

    The comprehensive benefits of 23 multicomponent-multiple cropping patterns of Along Changjiang River Economic Zone in Jiangsu are evaluated in three aspects : cereal yield increasing , return increasing and labor saving .

  25. 再次,研究包世臣在种植业方面精耕细作的技术思想,包括多熟种植、土壤耕作、中耕管理、合理施肥技术思想等。

    Taking planting as a main point , it studies Bao thought of intensive farming , such as multi-crop a year , soil tillage , mid-cultivation management and reasonable application of manure , etc.

  26. 多熟种植是中国重要的种植制度,对保持和增加粮食产量和促进农村经济发展有重要意义。

    Multiple cropping system ( double - and triple-crop in one year ) is an important agricultural system in China , which is significant to increase grain yield and promote agricultural economic development .

  27. 中国农业能以占世界10%的耕地养活世界上22%的人口,多熟种植起着决定性的作用。

    Multiple cropping system is a special characteristic of agriculture in China , which has crucial function on feeding 22 % people of the whole word by 10 % cultivate field of the whole world .

  28. 该专家系统知识库的建立能将有关多熟种植领域的专门知识和领域专家的经验以可接受的方式传递给农业决策者,从而提高农业决策的自动化和科学化。

    The building of the knowledge base can transfer the expertise and the domain experts ' experiences on multiple cropping to the agricultural policy makers in an acceptable fashion , thus improving the automation and scientism of agricultural policy making .

  29. 针对宁南半干旱区一熟有余、两熟不足的气候条件,在灌溉农田开展了以间作套种为主的高效多熟种植模式试验研究。

    Based on the situation of heat resources were enough for one crop but insufficient for two crops per annum in the semi arid areas of South Ningxia , an experiment on the multiple cropping patterns with high efficiency has been conducted in the irrigated farmland by using intercropping .

  30. 四川盆地作物多熟带状种植的主要类型

    The principal patterns of multiple cropping system with striped land in Sichuan Basin