
duō xīn
  • suspicious;oversensitive
多心 [duō xīn]
  • (1) [oversensitive]∶过分敏感

  • 你多心了

  • (2) [suspicious]∶乱猜疑

  • 你别多心,没人说你

多心[duō xīn]
  1. 可能也是我多心的原因吧。

    May also be the reason I am suspicious now .

  2. 真诚的友谊是不多心的。

    Sincere friendship is not suspicious .

  3. 我不会对此多心的。

    I 'm not going to get paranoid about it .

  4. 你别多心,我只是就一般而论。

    Don 't be touchy ; I 'm speaking in general terms only .

  5. 多心轮和残轮的CORDIAL性

    The cordiality of multiple centre wheel and incomplete wheel

  6. 我没让你失望,是你多心了。

    I 'm not letting you down . you 're tripping .

  7. 我有和你一样多的灵魂-并且丰满的同样多心!

    I have as much soul as you-and full as much heart !

  8. 千万别多心,也许这根本不是什么个人原因。

    Don 't worry , it is probably nothing personal .

  9. 宝贝,你太多心了。

    Baby , you get too worked up about them .

  10. “你可别多心,她到底可靠不可靠呢?”

    " Now don 't be touchy , but is she reliable ?"

  11. 没关系珍娜别多心

    It 's OK , Jenna , don 't worry about it .

  12. 如果你觉得这是骗局,你是多心了。

    If you think it 's a hoax , you 're off base .

  13. 请不要费那么多心。

    Please don 't go to all that trouble .

  14. 多心腔多发粘液瘤的临床特征与手术方法

    Clinical Feature of Multiple Myxomas in Chambers of the Heart and Operative Method

  15. 别多心了。反正我玩得很愉快。

    B : Don 't sweat it . I had a good time anyway .

  16. 我认为她不喜欢我&难道只是我多心吗?

    I don 't think she likes me or am I just being paranoid ?

  17. 德州理查不是担太多心的家伙。

    Richard from Texas is not a guy who worries about a lot of stuff .

  18. 请你不要多心,我本来是没有歹意的。

    Please don 't mind what I said . I didn 't mean any harm .

  19. 对于工作我们付出愈多心力,将来就会愈成功。

    The more effort we put into our work , the more prosperous we will be .

  20. 他多心地猜测他们在外面逗留为的是避免听他那拖得很长的祷告。

    He cunningly conjectured they were staying away in order to avoid hearing his protracted blessing .

  21. 用于计算任意截面二维电磁散射的多心柱谐函数展开法

    Multi-center cylindrical harmonic function expansion method for computing the electromagnetic scattering by two-dimensional cylinder of arbitrary cross-sections

  22. 基于初参数法的多心圆拱隧道衬砌结构内力与变位求解

    Analytical solution of internal force and displacement in multi-center circular arc tunnel lining based on initial parameter method

  23. 然而现在的父母们却花费那么多心力来给自己的孩子取一个别出心裁的名字,而大多数这样的名字都让人感到陌生。

    Yet parents nowadays are putting that much more effort into giving their offspring original names that are largely unfamiliar .

  24. 由于面视产生的压力和高亢的感情,有时让我们对招聘者的一句评价多心了。

    Sometimes we read more into a remark than the interviewer intended because of the pressure and heightened emotions of an interview .

  25. 他是否有真的有外遇抑或者这只是你的多心并不重要,重要的是你已经注意到某些事情改变了。

    Whether he 's actually cheating or you 're just seriously paranoid , evidence isn 't required to know something has to change .

  26. 哈利不知道是他多心呢还是事实如此,似乎他不管走到哪里,都会碰到斯内普。

    Harry didn 't know whether he was imagining it or not , but he seemed to keep running into Snape wherever he went .

  27. 本文系统地考察了量子测量的相对态解释语境,阐述了解读相对态解释的两种意义语境多世界解释与多心解释的主要观点。

    This paper investigate systematically the relative-state interpretation 's context of quantum measurement and expounding the two views of readings the relative-state interpretation : many-worlds interpretation and many-minds interpretation .

  28. 结论复粒高粱小穗结构与传统理论不同,表明高粱小穗的原始结构是多小花的,存在着多心皮子房;

    【 Conclusion 】 The structure of the multiple grain sorghum was different from traditional theory . It showed that the original spikelet was putatively multi floret , carpel and ovary .