
dǒu mén
  • Doumen;sluice gate;the smallest water gate
斗门 [dǒu mén]
  • [the smallest water gate;sluice gate] 农业灌溉系统中用在最小的固定渠道的水闸,以控制水的流量

斗门[dǒu mén]
  1. 把那个斗门打开,放水流进水渠。把水放进那个水渠里。

    Open that sluice gate and let water out into the channel .

  2. 基于GIS的斗门县土地资源信息系统的建立

    Creation of GIS-Based Land Resource Information System of Doumen County

  3. 基于GIS的斗门县土地资源评价

    GIS Based Land Resources Evaluation of Doumen County

  4. 目的了解广东省斗门县50岁以上人群中,老年性黄斑变性(age-relatedmaculardegenera-tion,AMD)的患病率。

    Purpose To describe the prevalence of age related macular degeneration ( AMD ) in the population aged 50 and over in Doumen County of Guangdong Province .

  5. 针对目前农村电网规划难以满足规划人员实用要求的现状,提出应用地理信息系统(GIS)技术改进农村电网规划的设想,并结合珠海斗门县电网进行了试验性的研究。

    Since the present rural power grid planning method can not meet the practical demand , A new planning is presented under the assume that the Geographical Information System ( GIS ) technology being introduced into rural power distribution system planning .

  6. 广东省斗门县原发性闭角型青光眼流行病学调查

    An epidemiological survey of primary angle-closure glaucoma in Doumen county Guangdong

  7. 斗门县农村中老年人群原发闭角性青光眼流行病学调查

    The Prevalence of Primary Angle-closure Glaucoma in Elderly Rural Population

  8. 广东省斗门县农村中老年人的眼病意识调查

    Patient awareness study of elderly population in rural Guangdong

  9. 抓斗门座起重机断臂分析

    Analysis of broken jib of portal crane with grab

  10. 抓斗门式起重机的初步设计

    The Preliminary Design of the Grab Bucket Type Crane

  11. 斗门县自然人群晶体混浊的流行病学调查

    An epidemiologic survey on lens opacities in Doumen County

  12. 珠海市斗门区农村居民糖尿病患病情况及危险因素分析

    Prevalence and risk factor analysis of diabetes in Doumen rural area of Zhuhai City

  13. 广东省斗门县老年人视力障碍及病因的流行病学调查

    An epidemiological survey of the visual impairment in elderly population of a Guangdong county

  14. 可根据物料的特性,细微调整料斗门的开闭速度,防止破碎及卡料。

    The open & close speed of the material hopper cover can be adjusted .

  15. 市区儿童吃坚果类、水果类食物等较郊区和斗门县儿童少。

    The children in Domen County eat more huts and fruits than other two areas .

  16. 珠海斗门供电局配网地理信息采集系统开发应用的研究

    The Research for the Distribution Network Geographic Information Collection System of the Zhuhai Doumen Power Supply Bureau

  17. 珠海市斗门区居民体重指数、腹围与血压关系的研究

    Study on the relationship between BMI , waist circumference and blood pressure in Doumen District , Zhuhai

  18. 珠海市斗门区农村居民血脂异常及与慢性非传染性疾病聚集性研究

    Investigation on Status of Lipid Disorders and Chronic Noninfectious Diseases Aggregation in Doumen Rural Area of Zhuhai City

  19. 市妇联领导16日来到斗门区坭湾村,向该村妇女学校捐赠图书。

    On may16th , leaders of the municipal women 's Association contributed books to the women 's School of Niwan village in Doumen district .

  20. 在斗门区举行146个项目签约、动工、投产仪式的同时,斗门区行政服务中心也正式挂牌运作。

    During the ceremony celebrating the signing , groundbreaking and inauguration of146 local projects , the Doumen District Administrative Service Center was formally opened .

  21. 业务范围覆盖大佛山各区镇、肇庆地区、广州番禺、珠海斗门区、茂名信宜市等整个珠三角区域。

    Business coverage of a large district town , Foshan , Zhaoqing , Guangzhou , Panyu , Zhuhai , Doumen District , Maoming Xinyi such as the Pearl River Delta region as a whole .

  22. 因为此抓斗门机为非标准设备,在投标和签订合同时不可能做详细设计,当时只能做投标设计方案图,整机重量也是根据经验估算的。

    As we know that grab portal crane is not standard equipment , so we couldn 't made detailed design on our bidding documents , and we just established the total weight according to our experience .