
dòu jìn
  • compete in strength
斗劲 [dòu jìn]
  • [contest of strength] 两人间相互较量力气的大小

  1. 学会谈论个人品质以及如何斗劲人们。

    Learn to talk about personal traits and how to compare people .

  2. 我感受你们的价钱斗劲高。

    I'am afraid your price is quite high .

  3. 然后,研究人员将测试学生的结论与基因检测结不美观进行斗劲。

    The researchers then compared the findings with gene test results from the students .

  4. 不雅观察组病平易近心率、呼吸及血氧饱和度较斗劲组平稳。

    And heart rate , respiration and blood oxygen saturation of patients in test group were more stable .

  5. 本周日到下周二将会是多云的天色,西部和西北部地域有短时细雨,沿海和山区的降雨会斗劲较着。

    From Sunday to Tuesday , it will be cloudy with occasional drizzle in western and northwestern areas , especially around coasts and hills .

  6. 本文采纳文献调研的方式,按照汗青的线索从诸多教育资源库中检索出在长途教育经济学研究规模中贡献斗劲突出的五位专家。

    This paper mainly uses the literature review methods to select five representatives in distance education economics research according to the time thread as well as research development .

  7. 此刻,位于冰岛的“解码遗传学打算”也让我们这些让苡锫来能做一件最美梦的工作,那就是有机缘拿我们自己的基因组,与有些科学文献中的遗传学发现进行斗劲。

    Now Iceland-based deCode Genetics is offering the rest of us the next best thing : a chance to compare our genomes against the some of the scientific literature 's genetic discoveries .

  8. 不雅观察并斗劲两组病平易近心率、呼吸、血氧饱和度、麻醉清醒期的反映及操纵舒适药物情形。

    Then heart rate ( HR ), respiration ( R ), blood oxygen saturation ( SaO2 ), emotion changes , and use of sedatives of patients between the two groups were observed and compared .