
  • 网络Fault structure;fault tectonic
  1. 断层构造在矿井工作面震波CT反演中的特征显现

    Character appearance of fault structure in seismic wave CT inversion for mine work faces detecting

  2. 而整个断层构造岩,在成分上的最大特点是带出了Mg,而带入了Ca。

    The most striking feature of the tectonite along the whole fault is efflux of Mg and influx of Ca.

  3. 为获得不同断层构造的CT反演特征,通过实际地质模型探测实验,对断层构造与工作面巷道不同夹角的波速重建图像进行了对比研究。

    Through practical detecting experiment in geological model , the velocity rebuilding images with different degree between fault structure and laneway were contrasted for getting the different CT inversion characters of the fault structure .

  4. 实验表明,在无断层构造条件下,底板在承压水作用下呈O-X型破坏,并且在O与X的交点处最容易产生突水通道;

    The results show that the O X type failure will occur in the floor without fault but under the water pressure of the confined aquifer , and the passage of water inrush will be most easily formed at the point of intersection of O and X ;

  5. 文章以断层构造为例,利用有限差分法分别计算出TE、TM模式的视电阻率值和相位,并且绘制了大量的视电阻率曲线和相位曲线;

    By taking the fault structure as an example , the apparent resistivity and phase values of the TE and TM modes were calculated by use of finite difference method and a large number of the apparent resistivity and phase curves were drawn up by the authors .

  6. 结合该地震的震源机制和震源区的断层构造情况,认为该地震是在NE-SW的压应力作用下,近EW向的海原西断层天祝-古浪段左旋破裂错动的结果。

    Combining with the source mechanism of the earthquake and the fault structure in the source area , the authors have considered that the earthquake is the result of the left lateral dislocation of the segment of the west Haiyuan fault which is in EW direction .

  7. 在地质断层构造中地应力状态演变研究

    Study of in situ stress state evolution in geologic fault structure

  8. 张性断层构造预测的岩石分形统计强度理论

    Rock Fractal Statistical Strength Theory Using the Prediction of Tensile Fault

  9. 断层构造对煤层底板突水的影响分析

    Analysis on the influence of fault structure to water-inrush from coal floor

  10. 断层构造影响下井筒煤柱开采的研究

    The Research of Shaft Column Mining Influenced by Fault Structure

  11. 宏观碎裂结构与微观糜棱状结构是断层构造岩的主要特点。

    The tectonites are characterized by macroscopic cataclastic and microscopic mylonitic structures .

  12. 碱交代岩是地幔流体转变为热液的化石记录;(3)拆离断层构造体系是地幔流体上升到地壳后的活动通道;

    The detachment structure is the channel of the upwelling mantle fluids ;

  13. 电磁辐射仪在预测预报断层构造型冲击地压中的应用

    Application of Electromagnetic Radiation Instrument in Forecasting Fault-Structure Pressure Bump

  14. 地应力在地质断层构造发生前后的变化

    Variation of in-situ stresses before and after occurrence of geologic fault structure

  15. 蔚县矿区断层构造定量研究

    Quantitative analysis on fault structure in Yuxian Mine Area

  16. 脆性断层构造的三维几何模型研究

    Study on the Three-dimensional Geometry Model of Brittle Fault

  17. 断层构造研究在生产实践中的应用

    The application of faultage tectonic researching into operational practice

  18. 海南西部戈枕拆离断层构造及金矿成矿作用

    Ge & zhen detachment fault zone and its mineralization , the West Hainan Province

  19. 一种新的断层构造三维建模技术

    A new 3D modeling technique of fault structure

  20. 台地沉积与岩石底壁处都受到了断层构造的影响。

    The platform deposits and rocks in their footwall are affected by fault tectonics .

  21. 成矿断层构造作用演化促使金的富集成矿。

    The evolution of metallogenetic fault tectonism impelled to enrich the gold into deposit .

  22. 流域地貌指标的空间分布受到盆地边界断层构造活动性的影响;

    Distributions of drainage basin indexes are mainly influenced by tectonic activity of boundary fault ;

  23. 凭祥地区金矿床受断层构造与酸性火山岩的双重控制。

    Gold deposits in the Pingxiang area are controlled by faults and hosted in acid volcanics .

  24. 震源区的断层构造与震源应力积累过程关系的实验研究

    Experimental study on the relation between the structural form of faults in earthquake source and its stress accumulation process

  25. 断层构造的主要量化指标包括断层条数、断层长度、断层密度、断层强度和分维值等。

    The main quantitative parameters include fault number , fault length , fault density , fault intensity and fractal dimensions .

  26. 结果表明:当两者之间夹角大于30°时断层构造重建效果显著,构造迹线及其特征明显。

    The results show that the structure rebuilding effect is notable when fault structure has angle more than 30 ° with laneway .

  27. 双螺杆压缩机转子圆弧及圆弧包络线型线的几何构造电磁辐射仪在预测预报断层构造型冲击地压中的应用

    Geometry of Arcs and Their Evolution Profile of Twin Screw Compressors ; Application of Electromagnetic Radiation Instrument in Forecasting Fault-Structure Pressure Bump

  28. 从而为根据小尺度断裂构造密度的变化预测大型张性断层构造提供了理论依据。

    The theoretic evidence was provided to forecast a large size tensile fault depending on the density change of small fracture structure .

  29. 岩脉的分布受断层构造的控制,刘家沟石英闪长岩体的展布特点说明其就位受近南北向和北西向断层的控制。

    The characteristic of quartz-diorite in Liujiagou shows that it is controlled by the compound positions of the north-west striking and north-south striking faults .

  30. 沃溪成矿断层构造作用引起断层内部物质组分重新调整,导致金元素活化、浸出、迁移;

    The readjustment of material component in faults caused by metallogenetic fault tectonism in Woxi led the gold element to reactivate ; leach and migrate ;