
duàn diàn
  • outage;interrupt;blackout;break;interruption of power supply
断电 [duàn diàn]
  • [break] 切断电源,中断电路

断电[duàn diàn]
  1. 矿井综采工作面瓦斯超限分级断电技术开发方案

    The Scheme of the Development of the Technique for Graded Interruption of Power Supply Used when the Gas of the Comprehensive Mechanized Coal Mining Face Exceeding the Limit

  2. 针对电网断电和非断电故障,将其工作模式分为补偿模式和UPS模式。

    Under the different conditions of power grid outage and non-outage fault , its operation mode is divided into compensation mode and UPS mode .

  3. 镇上已停水断电。

    The town is without electricity and the water supply has been cut off .

  4. 发动机断电装置和方向盘锁无法保护汽车的内部。

    Engine cut-out devices and steering wheel locks do not protect the car 's contents .

  5. 该国北部大片地区断电。

    There was an electricity black-out in a large area in the north of the country .

  6. 使用带自动断电装置的水壶加热,这样水沸腾的时间就不会过长了。

    Use a kettle with an automatic cut-out so it doesn 't boil for longer than necessary

  7. 你若要买烘干机,找一台带感应器的,可以在衣服干的时候自动断电。

    If you buy a drier , look for one with a sensor which switches off when clothes are dry .

  8. 青少年们爬上几十层楼梯,为困在断电的高层建筑中的老人送水和食物。

    Teenagers climbed dozens of flights of stairs to deliver water and food to elderly people trapped in powerless high-rise buildings .

  9. 此外,洪水还会导致断电、通信中断、交通拥堵和大面积的破坏。

    Additionally , floods can cause power outages , communication disruptions , traffic jams and widespread destruction .

  10. 昨晚又断电了,屋里漆黑一片。

    We had another power cut last night ; it was as black as night in our house .

  11. 昨晚我们这儿大断电,整座小镇连续七小时漆黑一片。

    We had a huge black out here last night , the whole town was out of power for about 7 hours !

  12. 18日,该州仍有数十万人断电,水管爆裂淹没了房屋,人们只能尽力保持温暖和干燥。

    Hundreds of thousands in the state remained without power on Thursday , trying their best to stay warm and dry as burst pipes flood homes .

  13. 该无人机系统具有航程远、留空时间长、承载能力大、环境适应性强等特点,可在“断路、断电、断网”等极端灾害条件下,完成现场探查、公/专网应急组网通信、应急物资投送等任务。

    Featuring outstanding flight range , endurance , carrying capacity and environmental adaptability , the Wing Loong-2H UAV is able to conduct field surveys , support emergency communication and deliver emergency supplies in extreme conditions , such as power and network outages and circuit breaks .

  14. PLC断电时间记录问题的研究

    Study on The Question of Time Record for PLC Service Interruption

  15. PLC定时器断电延时功能的软件设计

    Software design of delayed-breaking-off function through PLC-timer

  16. 电源控制器还可以监测AC断电,电量不足和电池存在。

    It also includes monitoring for AC failure , low battery , and battery presence .

  17. 国民警卫队(nationalguard)将在遭受断电和水灾的地区分发食物和水。

    The national guard is to distribute food and water in areas suffering from lack of power and flood damage .

  18. 用钛基组合钎料对Ti-10%Zr合金进行电阻钎焊,断电后水淬或气冷处理。

    Ti-10 % Zr alloy was resistance-brazed with Ti based filler metal by subjecting to water or gas cooling .

  19. 但是,在电脑断电之后RAM就会忘记你所告诉它的所有东西。

    But , when the computer is turned off , RAM forgets everything you told it .

  20. 但在中国钢铁工业协会(chinaironandsteelassociation)于大连组织的年会上,行业高管们表示,他们的钢厂已不再受断电的影响。

    But senior industry executives at the annual meeting organised by the China Iron and Steel Association in Dalian said their mills were no longer being affected by the energy cuts .

  21. 矿用监控分站2s断电功能的设计与实现

    Function Design and Realization of Power-off in 2s for Mine Monitoring Substation

  22. RL电路断电过程中影响自感电动势最大值的因素分析及实验验证

    An analysis of factors that impact maximum self-induced EMF in open RL circuit

  23. 已选择断电,显示OSD图标

    Power OFF has been selected and OSD logo screen is displayed

  24. 具有循环播放音乐、断电后音量和当前音乐记忆功能,还带FM收音功能。

    With looping music , after powrefailure volume , and the current music memory function , still take FM radio functions .

  25. 当系统断电或重启时,保存在sram中的内容将丢失。

    Data stored in an SRAM is lost when the system is powered down or reset .

  26. EEPROM数据指针的断电保护方法

    The Power-off Protection Method of EEPROM Data Pointer

  27. 离线的AP没有运行其平台软件,但UNIX仍在运行(直到AP也已经断电)。

    An offline AP is not running its platform software , but UNIX is running ( unless the AP is also powered off ) .

  28. HL-1M中性束注入器快速断电保护器

    Fast Turn off Power Protector for HL 1M Neutral Beam Injector

  29. 上周四,经济产业大臣枝野幸男(yukioedano)要求地方电力企业关西电力(kansaielectricpower)为可能的轮流断电做好准备。

    On Thursday , Yukio Edano , industry minister , told local utility Kansai Electric Power to plan for possible rolling blackouts .

  30. 接着,应用程序通知DB2事务分支提交事务。现在,在应用程序可以通知IDS事务分支提交它这一部分之前,IDS引擎由于断电发生崩溃。

    Now , before the application is able to advise the IDS transaction branch to commit its part the IDS engine crashes due to a power cut .