
duàn liè diǎn
  • break point
  1. 虽然对染色体上断裂点多发部位的真正生物学意义尚不清楚,但可以肯定的是有关损伤热点的研究是辐射远后效应研究中十分重要的一部分。

    Although the true biological significance of break point regions has been not clear , there is no doubt that research on hot damage point is important part of study on after effect of radiation .

  2. 丝裂霉素C诱发染色体畸变的量效关系与特异性断裂点的观察

    Observations on dose response and specific breakpoint of mitomycin C-induced chromosomal aberrations

  3. 染色体畸变断裂点分布的初步研究关于{x/n}的分布

    A preliminary research on distribution of breaking points of chromosome aberration

  4. 方法采用G显带方法分析外周血淋巴细胞染色体断裂点。

    Methods The breakpoints of lymphocyte chromosomes are analyzed using G-banding .

  5. DNA断裂点标记法检测凋亡优于DNA含量分析法

    Detection of apoptosis by labeling DNA breaks is superior to that by reduction of DNA content

  6. Ph阳性慢性粒细胞白血病断裂点簇区域重排的探讨

    Bcr Rearrangements in Ph Positive Chronic Myelocytic Leukemia

  7. 滑膜肉瘤t(X;18)易位断裂点基因组DNA序列特征分析

    Sequence analysis of translocation t ( X ; 18 ) genomic breakpoints characterized in synovial sarcoma

  8. 目的对医用诊断X射线工作者染色体畸变断裂点的分布进行分析。

    Objective To analyze the distribution of the chromosome aberration breakpoints from medical diagnostic X-ray workers .

  9. 肝癌组织中bcl-2基因断裂点和其蛋白检测的意义

    The significance of detection of bcl-2 gene breakpoint and its protein in hepatocarcinoma

  10. 目的分析滑膜肉瘤t(X;18)染色体易位断裂点基因组DNA序列特征,探讨其与滑膜肉瘤t(X;18)染色体易位发生的关系。

    Objective To analyze the DNA sequence characteristics of translocation t ( X ; 18 ) genomic breakpoints and to study the mechanism underlying chromosomal translocation t ( X ; 18 ) in synovial sarcoma .

  11. 目的:建立跨越断裂点的PCR技术(也称裂口PCR、gap-PCR)为α-地贫血基因诊断提供良好的方法。

    Objective : In order to provide a kind of good method for Mediterranean anemia diagnosis PCR across gap point named gap-PCR was founded .

  12. 目的探讨应用跨越断裂点荧光聚合酶链反应(PCR)技术在α地中海贫血(简称α地贫)植入前遗传学诊断(PGD)中的应用。

    Objectives To develop single-cell fluorescent gap polymerase chain reaction ( PCR ) assay for preimplantation genetic diagnosis ( PGD ) in couples at risk of having child with alpha-thalassemia .

  13. 与以前国外所报道的二例病例进行了比较,发现断裂点可能处于拓扑异构酶Ⅱ裂解位点,由此,我们对t(15;17)中DNA异常重组的机制提出了一个工作模型。

    Compared to those of two previously reported cases abroad , we found that the breakpoint may be situated in the topoi-somerase ⅱ cleavage site . A working model has been proposed for the mechanism of DNA illegitimate recombination in t ( 15 ; 17 ) .

  14. 目的为探讨假肥大型肌营养不良症(DMD)基因内含子的核苷酸序列特点与存在于内含子中的多个断裂点的关系。

    Objective The purpose of the study was to investigate the relationship between the character of nucleic acids and the multiple breakpoints in the introns of DMD gene .

  15. 在以上研究的基础上,选择涉及断裂点好发部位的畸变利用AFM分析,观察损伤热点的结构变化,并与光学显微镜分析结果进行比较。

    On the basis of these work , AFM was used to analyze the translocations occurring frequently and observe the structures of hot damage point . The results were compared with the optical microscopy finally .

  16. 三阶平滑B-样条函数插值算法应用于低信噪比的纱线张力信号滤波取得了良好的滤波效果,纱线断裂点校正(BPR)算法使被延时的纱线断裂点位置得到了校正。

    Smoothing algorithms consisting of three times smoothing B-spline interpolations and broken-point rectification ( BPR ) implement smooth-ing of low SNR tensile signals of yarns with satisfactory results and correct shifted broken-point of tensile signals .

  17. 方法:采用DNA多聚酶链反应(PCR)扩增23例B-NHL患者新鲜肿瘤组织、骨髓和外周血标本中bcl-2重排的主要和次要断裂点(MBR、mcr)。

    Methods : Major breakpoint region ( MBR ) and minor cluster region ( mcr ) of bcl 2 rearrangement were amplified by polymerase chain reaction in fresh tumor tissue , bone marrow and peripheral blood samples from 23 cases of B NHL .

  18. 通过深入分析城市断裂点理论的性质,并应用加权Voronoi图对其扩展,发现了包括传统断裂点在内的城市吸引范围的理论上的准确边界,提出了“断裂弧”的概念。

    The exact boundary of each city 's absorbed region in theory is found and the conception of breaking arc was put forward by analyzing the breaking point theory deeply , and expanding the theory with weighted Voronoi diagram .

  19. 为了快速、简便检测IgH基因相关易位的发生并明确易位的伙伴染色体和克隆断裂点,根据易位的断裂点通常位于IgH基因转换区,参考国外专利和文献,建立了长距离小载体PCR方法。

    To rapidly detect the occurrence of translocation involving IgH locus and the fellow chromosomes and isolate the break points , According to the break points occured in switch regions , patents and references , a long distance vectorette PCR method was developed .

  20. 连接片段插入了26bp序列并在断裂点周围形成3个13bp的短序列重复(GGCTTATATTTAA)连接断裂点两端。

    A 26-bp fragment was inserted into the breakpoint and formed 3 duplications ( GGCTTATATTTAA ) of 13 bp around the deletion-junction fragment .

  21. Array-CGH精确地确定了这些CNVs的大小、断裂点及基因组定位,并与相应的基因联系起来,便于性质鉴定及表型效应分析。

    The sizes , breakpoints and genomic locations of these CNVs were accurately determined by array-CGH , which contributed to the connection between these CNVs and corresponding genes and facilitated the characteristics identification and phenotypic effects analysis of CNVs .

  22. 城市断裂点理论的验证、扩展及应用

    Expanding , validation and application of urban breaking - point theory

  23. 白血病染色体易位断裂点区域微卫星的不稳定性和杂合性丢失

    The microsatellite instability and loss of heterozygosity in chromosome translocation breakpoint in leukemia

  24. 苎麻牵切原理及牵切区断裂点分布的研究

    Study on the Principle and Distribution of the Breaking Place in Breaking Zone

  25. 而且脆性部位与癌基因断裂点及癌基因座位相关。

    Furthermore , chromosomal fragile site is closely correlated with oncogene breakage and oncogene seat .

  26. 白血病患者20例染色体断裂点研究

    Chromosomal breakpoints in 20 patients with leukemia Ma Jia-bao et al . Department of pediatrics

  27. 区域定量划分方法的初步研究&兼论用断裂点理论进行区域划分问题

    Study on quantitative method of regional division : also about the questions of breakpoint theory

  28. 磁电机断电器臂接触点破坏包络线断裂点轨迹

    Magneto breaker arm point failure envelope

  29. 这个模拟桥面用来测试其耐力与强度,以确定断裂点。

    A simulated bridge deck is tested for durability and strength to determine its breaking point .

  30. 缺失型杜氏肌营养不良症缺失热区内含子断裂点分子结构特点的对比分析

    Comparison and analysis of the molecular character of breakpoints in introns of deletion hotspots of dystrophin gene