
  • 网络ELONGATION AT BREAK;Breaking elongation
  1. 这可能是由椽胶提高断裂伸长与双酚A提高屈服应力产生协同效应的结果。

    The phenomena mentioned presumably srises because of the synergistic effect of increasing of breaking elongation by BPA and of yielding stress by multifunctional rubber .

  2. 文章从初始模量、断裂伸长、润滑度变化等几个方面,分析了不同泡丝剂和不同处理工艺引起丝胶聚集状态改变对丝条柔软性能的影响。

    It is analyzed the influence of sericin aggregating state change caused by different soaking agents and treatment processes on the soft properties of silk in such aspects as initial modulus , breaking elongation and lubrication level variance .

  3. FD水凝胶中的孔洞结构也导致了其抗张应力和断裂伸长的降低。

    The formation of a porous structure within FD hydrogels also leaded to the decrease of tensile strength and elongation at break .

  4. 用红外光谱ATR法研究了涤纶短纤维的皮芯结构,断裂伸长及老化过程。结果表明:纤维表面与内部只有微小差异;

    This paper describes the study of skin core structure , break stretch and ageing of PET cut fibre using ATR of infrared spectroscopy .

  5. 随着水含量的增加,SPI塑料的拉伸强度会降低,断裂伸长率先增后降,但对其吸水率影响不大。

    With the increase of water content , tensile strength decreased , and elongation increased first , but then decreased . It had little effect on its water absorption .

  6. 结果表明PTT短纤维具有优良的弹性和柔软度,其断裂伸长和弹性回复性比PET纤维高得多,一次拉伸回复和10次反复拉伸的总弹性回复率均高于PET纤维。

    The results show that PTT staple fibers have good elasticity and softness , and its breaking elongation and elastic recovery rate are higher than that of PET fiber , which is proved by single-extension recovery experiment and ten-extension recovery experiment .

  7. PTT纤维的强度不如PET,但断裂伸长却远高于普通PET纤维,与高收缩PET相近,拉伸模量也比PET小,尤其是纤维的初始模量小,说明PTT具有良好的延伸性和柔软性;

    The conclusions are as follows : 1 . PTT fiber has lower breaking strength , lower initial modulus and higher breaking elongation than PET fiber , whose breaking elongation is similar to high shrinking PET fiber , and all these indicate that PTT fiber has good extensibility and softness .

  8. CPL型PC&ABS塑料合金缺口冲击性能、无缺口冲击性能和相对断裂伸长与国外同类品种相比有明显的突破,其它机械性能相接近。

    The notched and unnotched impact strength as well as the elongation at break with the CPL types PC-ABS alloys are evidently better than those of the same type of PC-ABS alloys produced abroad . Other mechanical properties are about equal .

  9. 研究了PTT长丝的力学性能和热性能,并与其他长丝进行了比较,结果表明PTT长丝具有优良的弹性和柔软度,其断裂伸长和弹性回复性比其他长丝好。

    The article studies the mechanical and thermal properties of PTT filament by comparing it with other filaments . The result shows that PTT filaments is of good elasticity and softness with its breaking elongation and elastic recover rate higher than that of other filaments , especially PET .

  10. 纱线断裂伸长随着处理温度的增加而增加。

    Breaking elongation increases with the increase in treatment temperature .

  11. 基于人工神经网络的纱线断裂伸长预测

    Predicting the Breaking Elongation of Ring Spun Cotton Yarns Using Artificial Neural Network

  12. 断裂伸长增加,试验出现细颈状,然后断裂。

    The elongation at break is increased and the specimen may neck before fracture .

  13. 拉伸强度和断裂伸长率先增加后降低。

    The tensile strength and elongation at break showed a maximum as the content T-ZnOw increased .

  14. 结果表明,芳香族聚酰胺纤维的强度及断裂伸长随捻度的增加而下降。

    The tests show that the strength and breaking extension of aramid fibres decrease with twisting .

  15. 将半芳香聚酰胺纤维进行热处理,发现其断裂伸长大大下降,强度和模量大大提高,表明后处理过程能改善半芳香聚酰胺纤维的机械性能。

    The semi-aromatic polyamide fibers were then heat treated and found that its elongation at break significantly decreased , while strength and modulus increased .

  16. 超细羊毛及拉细羊毛混纺纱线强力低,断裂伸长差,细节偏多,后道加工难度大。

    Tensions of the superfine wool yarn and the stretched fine wool yarn tension are low , their breaking extensions are bad , and their thin places are relatively high .

  17. 然后以比粘附强度和断裂伸长为量化指标,通过轻浆粗纱法研究了淀粉羧甲基化变性、变性程度及纤维类型对纤维粘附性能的影响。

    Then the influences of starch carboxymethylation , modification extent , and type of fiber substrates upon the adhesion behavior to textile fibers were investigated by slightly sized roving method for warp sizing .

  18. 随着交联剂含量的增加,膜材料的吸水率减小,接触角增大,拉伸模量增加,断裂伸长率先增加后减小;

    The water absorption would decrease , while the contact angle and the tensile module would increase with increasing the content of crosslinking agents , but extension at break would increase at first and decrease at last .

  19. 随着钛元素含量的增加,锌铝合金的抗拉强度和断裂伸长率先增大后减小;硬度先降低而后增高;冲击韧性有所下降但减低不多。

    With the increasing of Ti content , the tensile strength and elongation of the zinc alloy increase at first and then decrease . The hardness of the alloy decreases at first and then increases . The impact toughness decreases a little .

  20. 染色后毛条强度、断裂伸长和断裂功损伤率平均值分别为5.79%、14.23%和9.67%,初始模量增加93.52%。

    The findings show that , after dyeing , the mean loss values of tenacity , elongation at break and work-to-break of the dyed top are 5.79 % , 14.23 % and 9.67 % respectively , while the initial modulus increases by 93.52 % .

  21. 为了使亚麻纱顺利上机织造,分析了捻度对纱线强度、断裂伸长、体积、直径、布面风格的影响以及捻度的大小对亚麻针织织造的影响。

    In order to knit smoothly for flax yarn , analyzing twist has influence on the breakdown intensity , breakdown elongation , volume , diameter and the quality of cloth , and studying the number of twist has influence on the flax yarn for knitting .

  22. 测定单根纱线的抗拉断裂强力断裂伸长。

    To measure tensile strength and breaking elongation of single yarn .

  23. 并且对固色前后断裂强力、伸长、撕破强力等物理指标进行了测试。

    The physical indices such as tensile strength , elongation and tear strength before and after the dye-fixation were tested .

  24. 有织物机械性能的改变,诸如重量,厚度,硬度,透气,断裂强力和伸长度等性能的改变。

    There are changes in mechanical properties of the fabric such as weight , thickness , stiffness , permeability , or breaking strength and elongation .

  25. 由于其荷载量增加,被障碍物划伤、老化及接头硫化不规范等原因易发生钢丝绳芯锈蚀、断裂或接头伸长等故障。

    Because of its load quantity increased , scratched by the barrier , aging and connectors vulcanization non-standard , it is easy to happen wire rope core rust , fracture or connector elongation and other faults .

  26. 共混比例为50/50左右时,膜的断裂伸长率和伸长弹性率都较大,是一种具备较好弹性和韧性的蛋白质膜。

    When the blend ratio was about 50 / 50 , the elongation at break and the elongation elasticity rate of the film both were relatively large . Therefore , it was a kind of protein film with relatively good elasticity and flexibility .

  27. 与普通纤维相比,无论PP,还是PP唱一MAH,其中空纤维的相对断裂强度和断裂伸长都要低很多;

    Breaking tenacity and elongation not only of hollow PP fibre but of hollow PP-g-MAH fibre is lower than that of the common sectional fibre .

  28. PASTER的断裂强力、断裂伸长和卷曲弹性率低于常规涤纶和ECDP,进一步证明结晶度下降,分子结构变得疏松、柔软。

    The breaking strength , breaking elongation and crimp elasticity of PASTER are lower than conventional polyester fibre and common ECDP fibre ' s. It proved that crystallinity degree decreased , the molecular structure becomes loose and soft .

  29. 化纤长丝断裂强力和断裂伸长测试方法的探讨

    On the testing method for breaking tenacity and elongation of manmade filaments

  30. 拉伸方向对针织物断裂强力和断裂伸长的影响

    Affection of tensile direction on the break strength and stretch of knitted fabrics