
  • 网络neo-Confucianism;new confucianism
  1. 另一种是现代新儒家文化观。

    Another kind is the culture outlook of the modern new Confucianism .

  2. 叩问生命:现代新儒家的佛学因缘

    Ask the Being : The Karma of Buddhism and the Modern New Confucianism

  3. 不同的新儒家有不同的想法,如何做到这一点。

    Different Neo-Confucians had differing ideas for how to do so .

  4. 继之而起的是后来逐渐成为现代中国文化保守主义思潮之主流的新儒家。

    The contemporary Neo-Confucianism was the mainstream of Chinese culture conservatism .

  5. 儒家文化与中国科学:现代新儒家的见解

    Confucian Culture and Chinese Science : The View of Modern Neo-Confucianism

  6. 现代新儒家对五四新文化运动的省察梳要

    The May Fourth New Culture Movement in the Context of Neo-Confucianism

  7. 现代新儒家对五四反传统的反思&以徐复观为例

    Modern Neo-Confucianism 's Confrontational Introspection to " The May Fourth Movement "

  8. 该宣言成为现代新儒家复兴的里程碑。

    The Manifesto became a landmark in the revival movement of New-Confucianism .

  9. 现代新儒家以复兴儒学为己任,依然提倡圣人人格。

    Modern Neo-Confucian revival of Confucianism is still to promote personality saints .

  10. 论早期现代新儒家的宗教观

    View on the Religion about the Modern Neo-Confucianists in the Early Ages

  11. 傅伟勋对当代新儒家的批判性超越

    A Critical Transcendence over the Contemporary Neo-Confucianism by FU Wei-xun

  12. 新儒家的这些努力对今天的教育改革无疑有重要的启示。

    All of these are very important to the present education reform .

  13. 现代新儒家与整理国故运动

    Modern Neo-Confucianism and the Movement for Rearranging the National Heritage

  14. 现代新儒家的仁智论

    Theory of Morality and Intellect Proposed by Modern Confucianists

  15. 近期新儒家发展的几个焦点问题

    Some focal questions about the development of new Confucianism

  16. 现代新儒家兴起的条件

    The Up growth Conditions of the Modern new Confucian

  17. 现代新儒家的易学思想论纲

    An outline of the Modern New Confucian scholars ' thought based on the Yi-ology

  18. 现代新儒家文化观研究

    A Study of Cultural Outlook on Modern Neo-Confucian

  19. 新儒家在大陆的发展前景

    Developing Prospect of New Confucianism in the Mainland

  20. 尽管如此,新儒家著作改编的佛教思想和信仰的儒家利益。

    Nonetheless , Neo-Confucian writings adapted Buddhist thoughts and beliefs to the Confucian interest .

  21. 周敦颐新儒家形上学与伦理学

    The Neo-Confucian Metaphysics and Ethics of Chou Tun-i

  22. 现代新儒家唐君毅先生对生死问题的思考贯穿他整个人生。

    Modern Neo-Confucian Tang Junyi thought of life and death through his whole life .

  23. 当代新儒家的追求和局限管窥&从杜维明《现代精神与儒家传统》说起

    On the Pursuits and Limitations of Contemporary New Confucianism Humanism : Tradition and Contemporary

  24. 论汉代新儒家

    On the New Confucianism in the Han Dynasty

  25. 论民国新儒家的政治合作化与现代化构建

    Political cooperative transformation and modernization construction of me new Confucianists in the Republic of China

  26. 牟宗三是现代新儒家一个承先启后的人物,他从三个层面完成了对历史哲学的现代性建构。

    He finished on the philosophy of history from the three levels of modern construction .

  27. 以人文涵盖科学&现代新儒家文化观及其偏颇

    Science Covered with Human Studies & The culture outlook of modern Neo-Confucianism and its bias

  28. 三系论是现代新儒家重要代表人物牟宗三儒学思想的标志性成果。

    Theory on Three Schools is the important result of Mu Zongsan s Confucian thought .

  29. 显然,新儒家使传统儒学的现代意义得以彰显。

    It is clearly that the modern significance of traditional Confucianism was visualized by Neo-Confucians .

  30. 虽然道学纳入佛教和道教的思想,许多新儒家强烈反对佛教和道教。

    While Neo-Confucianism incorporated Buddhist and Taoist ideas , many Neo-Confucianists strongly oppose Buddhism and Taoism .