
  • 网络New Taipei City;New Taipei;Taipei;taipei city
  1. 火车正驶入位于新北市平溪区的十分车站。

    A train approaches Shihfen Station in Pingsi District , New Taipei City .

  2. 新北市莺歌区凤鸣国小校园内的陶瓷艺术墙与艺术作品。

    Ceramic art murals and other artworks at Fengming Elementary School in New Taipei City 's Yingge District .

  3. 民众上周六在新北市平溪区平溪国中施放天灯庆元宵。

    People release sky lanterns to celebrate the Lantern Festival in Pingsi District , New Taipei City on Saturday .

  4. 一只玳瑁八月二十三日于新北市龙洞湾海底,努力挣脱困住它的渔网。

    A hawksbill sea turtle struggles to free itself from a fishing net in New Taipei City 's Longdong Bay on Aug.23 .

  5. 只要设籍或工作在新北市的劳工都可以报名,即日起到6月底报名。

    The labors who register or work in New Taipei City can apply for it from now on till the end of June .

  6. 拍摄于二十日照片为电线杆上的电力座标,位置落在新北市中和莒光路一百四十九号旁。

    A utility pole 's coordinates are shown in this photo taken on Nov.20 near No.149 Juguang Road in New Taipei City 's Zhonghe District .

  7. 新北市三峡区近年来发展蓬勃,是否可更新三峡区的空拍图?

    The Three Gorges area in recent years , the new Taipei booming , if air can update the Three Gorges area of making a map ?

  8. 台湾新北市——大多数台湾人就算对现代舞没有任何兴趣,可能也会知道这里最杰出的表演艺术团:云门舞集。

    NEW TAIPEI CITY , Taiwan - Most people in Taiwan are probably aware of the country 's pre-eminent performance group , Cloud Gate Dance Theater , even if they have no interest in modern dance .

  9. 据悉,这名男子是台湾新北市的一名三胞胎父亲,那天,因七个月大的女儿哭闹,他坐在女儿摇椅旁边,边摇晃边逗她开心。

    The man was the father of triplets in Xinbei , a city in Taiwan . One day , he sat with his seven-month-old baby girl on a rocking chair , shaking and teasing her as she dozed .