
  • 网络Xinhua Finance;XFML;XFN;XFML-US
  1. 在日本上市的中国金融信息公司新华财经(xinhuafinance)昨日股价大跌18.3%,此前有消息称,该公司可能推迟提交第一季度财报。

    Shares of Xinhua Finance , the Chinese financial information company , tumbled 18.3 per cent yesterday after news it was likely to delay submitting its first-quarter financial documents in Japan , where it is listed .

  2. 根据这一规定,新华财经必须在6月17日前提交第一季度财报,否则将被东京证券交易所(tse)摘牌。

    This means Xinhua Finance must submit its first-quarter documents by June 17 . If it fails to do so , the Tokyo Stock Exchange will de-list the company .

  3. 谢琛瀚已于本月从新华财经媒体和新华财经辞职。

    Mr Singhal this month resigned from Xinhua Finance media and Xinhua Finance .

  4. 新华财经表示,计划在6月11日前发布财报。

    Xinhua Finance said it planned to file its own financial documents by June 11 .

  5. 农历春节过后,新华财经上海、北京、香港三地分别举行了简单而热烈的年会。

    Xinhua Finance Annual party was held in Shanghai , Beijing and Hong Kong after the Chinese New Year .

  6. 近年来,新华财经增长缓慢,为了维持盈利,不得不出售了许多资产。

    It has been suffering from slow growth in recent years and was forced to sell assets to shore up its bottom line .

  7. 新华财经媒体上周表示,第一起诉讼“完全没有依据”,其招股说明书中“包括了美国证券法规所要求的所有重要披露”。

    Xfmedia said last week that the first of the lawsuits was " wholly without merit " and that its prospectus " contained all material information as required by US securities laws " .

  8. 他在一份声明中表示:不幸的是,媒体最近关于我在加入新华财经之前活动的指控,使得我继续留在这里分散了管理层的注意力。

    In a statement , he said : Unfortunately , recent allegations against me in the press concerning my activities prior to joining Xinhua Finance have created a situation where my continued involvement with [ it ] has become a distraction to management .