
  • 网络Portfolio Manager
  1. 本文作者是加州公务员退休基金(CaliforniaPublicEmployees'RetirementSystem)公司治理主管、全球股票高级投资组合经理

    The writer is head of corporate governance and senior portfolio manager for global equities at the California Public Employees ' Retirement System

  2. 北美信托银行投资组合经理乔治马里斯(georgemaris)表示,他计划本周联络美银董事会。

    George Maris , a portfolio manager at Northern Trust , added that he planned to contact the BofA board this week .

  3. 为了对目前情况加以解读,《财富》杂志(Fortune)有幸对资金规模达31亿美元的第一雄鹰黄金基金(FirstEagleGoldFund)联合投资组合经理雷切尔•贝内普进行了一次采访。

    To get a read on things , fortune caught up with Rachel Benepe , co-manager of the $ 3.1 billion first Eagle Gold Fund ( sggdx ) .

  4. AxaInvestmentManagement全球投资组合经理马克汀克(MarkTinker)表示:大多数投资者仍在观望,因而流动性较低。

    Most investors are still on the sidelines and liquidity is very low , said Mark Tinker , a global portfolio manager at Axa Investment Management .

  5. 迄今为止,6名SAC前分析师和投资组合经理承认在该公司工作期间从事了内幕交易。

    To date , six former SAC analysts and portfolio managers have pleaded guilty to insider trading in relation to their time at the hedge fund .

  6. 作为美国仅有的两家获标普(Standard&Poor’s)AAA评级的企业之一,微软此次发售债券获得了寻求收益的投资组合经理的热烈欢迎。

    The sale from the triple-A rated company , one of only two US corporates to hold the opinion from Standard & Poor 's , was met with intense demand as portfolio managers search out income .

  7. 基金管理公司ArmytagePrivate的投资组合经理金(BradKing)说,管理层需要重建整个公司的信誉。该公司持有TreasuryWine的股票。

    ' Management need to rebuild credibility across the board , ' said Brad King , a portfolio manager at fund manager Armytage Private , which owns Treasury Wine shares .

  8. 投资组合经理的负责人AK在投资组合经理助理负责人JM的协助下,对这个投资过程担负有重大的责任。

    The lead portfolio manager , AK , has ultimate accountability for this process , assisted by JM as assistant portfolio manager .

  9. 投资组合经理表示,投资者的需求十分强劲,一定程度上是由于微软的声望,同时也是由于微软债券拥有AAA信用评级。

    Demand among investors was strong , in part for the cachet of the Microsoft name but also for the bond 's triple-A rating , portfolio managers said .

  10. RKC前投资组合经理坎农(RussellCannon)表示,他已经关闭了该基金,并将资本返还给了投资者。

    Russell Cannon , the former portfolio manager of RKC , says he has shut down the fund and returned the capital to investors .

  11. 例如,去年花旗集团(citigroup)在东京组织了一次会议,会上5家欧洲债务管理机构对购买了它们政府证券的100位日本投资组合经理表示了感谢。

    Last year , for example , Citigroup arranged a conference in Tokyo , where five European debt managers addressed 100 Japanese portfolio managers on the merits of buying their government securities .

  12. “无论中国方面说自己有多少库存,到头来他们还是需要铜,”天达资产管理公司(investecassetmanagement)金属及矿业投资组合经理乔治切维利(georgecheveley)表示。

    " Whatever the Chinese say that stocks are , in the end they still need copper , " said George Cheveley , metals and mining portfolio manager at Investec Asset Management .

  13. WellsCapital的投资组合经理杰伊穆勒(JayMueller)表示:这是股市市盈率扩张的一年。我们看到上市公司的盈利有所增长,但增幅没有达到29%。

    It has been a year of multiple expansion for the stock market . We have seen earnings growth but it has not grown by 29 per cent , said Jay Mueller , portfolio manager at Wells Capital .

  14. 骏利环球科技基金(JanusGlobalTechnologyFund)的投资组合经理丹尼·菲什(DennyFish)周二表示,该基金在第一季度出售了一些苹果仓位,原因是它的增长面临着挑战,它在中国的状况也令人担忧。

    Denny Fish , a portfolio manager at the Janus Global Technology Fund , said Tuesday that the fund sold some of its position in Apple during the first quarter , citing the company 's growth challenges and worries about its position in China .

  15. 对亚特兰大Aston/MontagCaldwellMidCapGrowth基金的联席投资组合经理安迪•容(AndyJung)而言,当股票达到他的公司对其公允价值估计的100%时,这只股票就成为了被剔除的候选股。

    For Andy Jung , co-portfolio manager for Aston / Montag Caldwell Mid Cap Growth in Atlanta , a position becomes a candidate for trimming when the stock reaches 100 % of his firm 's estimate of its fair value .

  16. 就在sac资本上周收到通知的同一天,该公司前投资组合经理马修马拓玛(mathewmartoma)因内幕交易指控遭到逮捕。

    Sac received the notice on the same day that Mathew martoma , a former sac portfolio manager , was arrested on insider trading charges last week .

  17. EatonVanceBondFund投资组合经理加夫尼(KathleenGaffney)称,今年是利率环境从下跌向上升过渡的一年;该基金管理的资产规模为1.207亿美元。

    ' It was a transitional year from a declining rate environment moving toward a rising rate environment , ' said Kathleen Gaffney , portfolio manager of the $ 120.7 million Eaton Vance Bond Fund .

  18. 但是美国加州公务员退休基金(Calpers)的高级投资组合经理兼全球治理主管安妮•辛普森(AnneSimpson)却相信,库克的道德立场不仅仅是种姿态。

    But Anne Simpson , senior portfolio manager and director of global governance at the US pension fund Calpers , a prominent Apple shareholder , believes his ethical stance is more than just posturing .

  19. 对亚特兰大Aston/Montag&CaldwellMidCapGrowth基金的联席投资组合经理安迪•容(AndyJung)而言,当股票达到他的公司对其公允价值估计的100%时,这只股票就成为了被剔除的候选股。

    For Andy Jung , co-portfolio manager for Aston / Montag & Caldwell Mid Cap Growth in Atlanta , a position becomes a candidate for trimming when the stock reaches 100 % of his firm 's estimate of its fair value . '

  20. 对冲基金SynapseInvestmentManagement的投资组合经理加里•詹金斯(GaryJenkins)补充道:如今,在意大利托斯卡纳休假的银行家,可以在地中海岸的别墅里获取信息报告,如同他在办公室的情况一样。

    Gary Jenkins , a portfolio manager at Synapse Investment Management , a hedge fund , added : Now the banker who is holidaying in Tuscany can be just as clued in from his villa on the Mediterranean as he can by being in the office .

  21. 霸菱资产管理(baringassetmanagement)亚洲投资组合经理khiemdo称,如果外国投资者对中国公司“极其看好”,并因而推高港股股价,那么内地股市对香港股市的溢价甚至可能倒过来,变成折价。

    The premium could even turn into a discount if foreign investors become " massively bullish " on Chinese companies and so bid up H shares in Hong Kong , said Khiem do , head of Asian multi-asset at Baring Asset Management .

  22. 开曼群岛对冲基金CRCFinancialsOpportunity的投资组合经理布拉德戈尔丁(BradGolding)表示:人们去年赔了太多的钱,他们极其渴望挽回自己的损失,为此愿意投资任何东西。

    People lost so much money last year and they are so desperate to recoup their losses , that they are willing to invest in anything , said Brad Golding , portfolio manager of CRC Financials Opportunity hedge fund in the Cayman Islands .

  23. 科技业分析师、LoomisSayles投资组合经理托尼•乌斯罗(TonyUrsillo)表示,支付宝的转移过程此前似乎是“不完全透明的”,但高管们在波士顿午餐会上的回答缓解了担忧。

    Tony Ursillo , technology analyst and portfolio manager at Loomis Sayles , said the Alipay transfer process had seemed " not totally transparent , " but executives " answers assuaged concerns at a lunch meeting in Boston .

  24. 本文作者安杰拉攠吉尔是澳大利亚石油和天然气勘探生产公司SantosGLNG土地获得和投资组合经理,她此前在同一家公司担任供应规划和优化经理。

    Angela Ogier is manager of land access and portfolio at Santos GLNG , an Australian oil and gas exploration and production company . Previously , Ms Ogier was a manager of supply planning and optimisation at the same company .

  25. 但他援引自己的联席投资组合经理萨曼莎麦克勒莫尔(SamanthaMcLemore)的观点称:你可以去试试,看你能找到另一个基本能保证未来五年的年均利润增幅至少达到25%的行业吗?

    But he invokes the opinion of his co-portfolio manager Samantha McLemore : Try and find another sector where you can pretty much guarantee at least 25 per cent earnings growth a year for the next five years .

  26. 休斯敦的InvescoDiversifiedDividend基金的高级客户投资组合经理克林特•哈里斯(ClintHarris)购买股票时,会寻找他认为能在两年中提供至少35%的总收益率、且上涨可能至少是下跌可能三倍的股票。

    When buying shares , Clint Harris , a senior client portfolio manager for the Invesco Diversified Dividend fund in Houston , looks for stocks that he thinks can deliver at least a 35 % total return over two years and that have upside potential that is at least three times their downside potential .

  27. 交易员/投资组合经理:该岗位以过往绩效为导向。

    Trader / Portfolio Manager : This position is past performance driven .

  28. 但投资组合经理负责做出所有个股方面的决策。

    But portfolio managers are responsible for every stock decision .

  29. 也是投资组合经理们一直应该在做的事。

    That 's what portfolio managers are supposed to be doing all the time .

  30. 曾对我进行面试的一位投资组合经理披露,他们卖出了仓位。

    One portfolio manager who interviewed me disclosed they had sold out of a position .