
  • 网络speculative risk;pure risk
  1. 公司经营投机风险,公司财务弄虚作假;

    The company runs the speculative risk ;

  2. 与之相对的是投机风险,这种风险是有可能获利的。

    The alternative to this is speculative risk , where there is the chance of gain .

  3. 任何一种风险最初都表现为投机风险。

    Any risk is venture risk in the first phase .

  4. 其潜在风险因素包括道德风险、投机风险以及传导风险。

    And the potential risks include moral , speculative and conductive ones .

  5. 本文研究证券投资既有损失的可能、又有超额赢利的可能的投机风险及其测度。

    This paper studies the speculative risk and its measure for securities investment .

  6. 证券投机风险三次指数平滑测度及应用研究

    A Study on the Multiple Exponential Smoothing Measure of Oder 3 and Its Application for Speculative Risk of Securities

  7. 最后,应用证券理性预期收益和投机风险的三次指数平滑测度建立证券组合投资多目标决策模型。

    Finally , the multiobjective decision-making models of portfolios investment are set up with multiple exponential smoothing measure of oder 3 .

  8. 其风险主要来自于单项交易、初期股指下挫的风险,投机风险,流动性风险和制度风险。

    The risk is mainly brouht by the individual trade , including descendant risk , speculative risk , floating risk and institutional risk .

  9. 股指期货交易在规避股票市场风险的同时,产生了新的风险&投机风险和套期保值风险。

    The transaction in stock index futures may avoid the risk of stock market . The speculation risk and hedging risk come into being .

  10. 此时如果层级组织治理方式的费用很高,企业应该选择市场或中介治理方式,哪怕资本的专用性投资水平很高,并存在极高的投机风险。

    When the level of the related transaction-specific investment is medium , the Intermediate Governance can reduce the threat of opportunism and avoid the high costs by adopting Hierarchical Governance .

  11. 提出一种测度风险的理性预期新模式,其中理性预期收益率和理性预期投机风险采用三次指数平滑模型进行预测。

    It puts forward a kind of new pattern of risky measure , and applies the multiple exponential smoothing Measure of order 3 forecasting model to the rational expected estimations of profit rate and speculative risk .

  12. 本文经过对典型套保亏损案例的深入分析,认识到企业保值亏损的主要原因是因为需要面对基差风险、现金流风险和投机风险等。

    After an in-depth analysis of the typical hedging loss case , this article realizes that the main reason of hedge loss is due to enterprises fail to face basis risk , cash flow risk and speculative risk .

  13. 目前上市公司在发挥其金融特性和功能中主要存在四种风险,即盲目扩张风险、金融投机风险、证券欺诈风险和道德、信用风险。

    At present there found four different risks during the listed companies playing the role of financial character and function that is the blind expansion risk , financial venture risk , stock fraud risk , moral & credit risk .

  14. 但虚拟经济的发展也会在一定程度上对实体经济产生负面影响,例如减少进入实体经济的资金,降低金融资源的利用效率,出现经济泡沫,增加实体经济的运行不稳定性和投机风险等。

    On the other side , the development of Fictitious Economy may form some negative influences on Real Economy such as cutting down the capital flow into Real Economy , reducing the effective utilization ratio , coming forth economic bubble , increasing instability and speculation risks .

  15. 投机的风险却存在着潜在的获利或受损的可能。

    A speculative risk has the potential for gain or loss .

  16. 特别是由于其通常具有杠杆作用,投机的风险很大。

    Particularly because it normally has leverage , derivatives speculation is rather risky .

  17. 只有有钱人才冒得起股票投机的风险。

    Only a rich man can afford to gamble in stocks and bonds .

  18. 交易意味着风险,这些跨市场交易行为可能会引发跨市场联合操纵、跨市场内幕交易的风险,除此之外,在我国还极有可能出现跨市场过度投机的风险。

    Cross-market transactions may cause cross-market joint manipulation , insider risk , especially cross-market excessive speculation in China .

  19. 交易成本理论认为专用性投资在带来高的附加值的同时,也使得进行专用性投资的渠道成员面临投机行为风险。

    Transaction cost theory believes that make specificity investment will face opportunism risk when it enjoys high added value .

  20. 如果国债期货合约设计不科学、不合理,就会导致国债期货市场过分投机,风险增大,市场秩序混乱,甚至导致国债期货市场的关闭。

    An ill designed treasury future contract will cause increased market arbitrage , increased market risk , market disorder and even market break down .

  21. 在欧元区内,欧元将减少货币投机的风险,促进资本流动,但是又会增加金融成本和诸多不确定性因素。

    Within Euro area , Euro will reduce the risk of currency speculation , and accelerate capital flow , but increase financial cost and many uncertain factors .

  22. 在推出设于深圳的守业板时候,政府监管部门用了几个月的时间举行公共宣称,试图让投资者们认识到投机的风险。

    In the build-up to the launch of ChiNext , based in Shenzhen , government regulators spent months of public campaigns trying to educate investors on the perils of speculation .

  23. 第二部分是现代西方经济学关于价格波动、投机、风险控制原理等方面的理论,第三部分是金融工程学关于价格波动性数理方法的介绍。

    The second sector introduces west economic theory about price fluctuation , speculation and risk control fundamentals , etc. The third sector introduces mathematical analysis about price fluctuation by virtue of financial engineering .

  24. 国际投机资本冲击风险预警指标体系的构建

    Index System of Risk Prediction System of International Speculative Capital

  25. 人们用信贷衍生品进行投机还是对冲风险?

    Is a credit derivative used for speculation or to hedge risk ?

  26. 金融衍生品市场应规避由过度投机导致的风险。

    Derivative financial market risk caused by the excessive speculation should be prevented .

  27. 第三章首先分析了房地产市场所存在的区域性房地产泡沫风险,房价下跌风险、房屋空置率高、房地产投机热潮的风险。

    The third chapter analyzes present risk of the real estate industry , including regional risk of high price bubble , decrease of housing price , high housing vacancy rate , speculation boom .

  28. 知识型企业并购是基于价值创造的投资行为,但并购的价值创造依赖于并购投机价值和风险损失的实现情况,风险损失的减少就意味着并购价值创造的增加。

    The M A of knowledge based enterprises is an investing action based on valued creation , but value creation of M A depends on speculative value and loss and it will increase when loss decrease .

  29. CDS投机可能推高风险溢价。

    Speculation in CDS may drive the risk premium higher .

  30. 用借来的钱投机本身就颇具风险而资产越复杂,互相关联度越高,风险就越大。

    Speculating with borrowed money is inherently risky and riskier the more complex and interconnected are the assets .