
  • 网络oral instruction;verbal instruction
  1. 对教师而言,树立良好的榜样比发布口头指令更有力。

    For teachers , setting a good example is much more powerful than giving verbal instructions .

  2. 两人创造的机器人能够执行人的口头指令如“起立”和“请坐”。

    The robots they have created follow verbal instructions such as ' stand up ' and ' sit down ' from a human operator .

  3. 他们制造了一个能懂口头指令的机器人。

    They made a robot capable of understanding spoken commands .

  4. 他造了一个能理解口头指令的机器人。

    He built a robot capable of understanding spoken commands .

  5. 口头指令稍后必须以书面形式确定或通过会议纪要、联络函的形式予以确认。

    Oral instructions shall be confirmed in written in the form of meeting summaries and contact letters .

  6. 尽管这名病人被诊断为植物状态,但她保留了理解口头指令并通过大脑活动、而非语音或动作做出反应的能力,欧文表示。

    Despite the diagnosis of vegetative state , this patient retained the ability to understand spoken commands and to respond to them through her brain activity , rather than through speech or movement , said Mr Owen .

  7. 所有书面的,口头的工作指令,进程和规范的执行。

    Implementation of all written and verbal work instructions , procedures and specifications .

  8. 对承包人不符合规范要求的施工工艺、方法、程序,口头发出纠正指令。

    Supervisors shall command the contractor to rectify construction technology , methods and procedures which do not comply to construction regulations and requirements in words .