
kǒu fú
  • Oral;by mouth;take orally;profess to be convinced
口服 [kǒu fú]
  • (1) [profess to be convinced]∶口头上表示信服或佩服

  • 口服心不服

  • (2) [take orally;by mouth]∶把药吃下去

  • 不得口服

口服[kǒu fú]
  1. 全身用药组除不放缓释体,给予口服环丙沙星0.250g和替哨唑0.500g,每日两次外,其余处理同局部用药组。

    Been given 0.250g cinrofloxacin and 0.500g tinidazole ( take orally , two times everyday ), but not sustained release carriers , the other managements of the oral medication group were the same with the local medication group .

  2. 本文研究了灵芝孢子粉的食品毒理学安全性,结果表明:灵芝孢子粉小鼠经口服LD50>10gkg。

    In this paper was studied food safe toxicology of mythic fungus spore powder , the resultshowed : mouse take orally LD 50 > 10g / kg .

  3. 自从发明了口服疫苗后,令人痛苦的伤寒疫苗注射就成为了过去。

    Painful typhoid injections are a thing of the past , thanks to the introduction of an oral vaccine

  4. 她不可能口服这么大的剂量,因为她根本没有足够的药丸了。

    She could not have taken these massive doses orally . In the first place , she did not have enough pills .

  5. 那些药品可以注射,也可以口服。

    Those drugs are given by injection as well as through the mouth .

  6. 那是口服药。

    It is oral medicine .

  7. 脚癣通常可用外用的抗真菌药水治疗,更严重些的要通过口服药物来治疗。

    Athlete 's foot is usually treated with topical antifungal lotions or oral medications for more severe cases .

  8. 口服华法令抗凝中蛋白C和抗凝血酶Ⅲ的变化

    Changes in Protein C and Antithrombin ⅲ during Warfarin Anticoagulation

  9. 口服甘露醇多层螺旋CT小肠造影的临床价值

    Clinical value of multislice CT enterography with isosmotic mannitol as oral contrast

  10. 口服维生素K1在新生儿的安全性研究

    Study on security of oral vitamin K1 to newborn infants

  11. 对照组口服脑益嗪片、维生素C片、静滴复方丹参注射液。

    The control group was treated with oral cinnarizine , vitamine C and compund salvia miltiorrhiza intravenously .

  12. 减毒沙门氏菌为载体的口服生长抑素DNA疫苗对草鱼的安全性

    Safety of an Oral Somatostatin DNA Vaccine Using Attenuated Salmonella typhimurium as Carrier for Grass Carp

  13. 口服金剂KG(881)免疫抑制作用的研究

    Effects of immunological suppression of oral golden agent kg 881

  14. 青霉素V口服治疗中轻度感染的临床观察

    Clinical observation of oral penicillin V in treating mild to moderate infections

  15. 刺梨SOD口服液的制备及临床应用

    Preparation and Clinical Use of Rosa Roxburghii Tratt 's SOD Oral Liquid

  16. 口服蛋白质药物AC缓释微球的膜性能研究

    Studies on the Membrane Characteristics of Alginate-Chitosan ( AC ) Microspheres for Oral Protein Delivery

  17. 口服维生素K1对新生儿维生素K缺乏诱导蛋白的影响

    The effect of oral vitamin K_1 on protein induced by vitamin K absence ⅱ in newborn infants

  18. 口服络合剂8102对~(234)Th的促排效果

    Effectiveness of intragastric administration of 8102 for removal of thorium - 234 in rats

  19. 方法92例HP阳性的十二指肠溃疡患者随机分为3组,A组为治疗1组31例,口服奥美拉唑+克拉霉素+大蒜素胶囊治疗;

    Methods 92 patients with HP-positive duodenal ulcer were randomized allocated to three groups .

  20. 新城疫V4株疫苗的研究&口服、滴鼻与同居感染免疫试验

    Studies on V_4 strain vaccine of Newcastle disease : Oral administration , nasal drip and cohabitation infective immune test

  21. 结果口服GSH可明显提高小鼠耐缺氧能力;

    Results The hypoxia - tolerance of mice was increased .

  22. 目的探讨急性口服甲醇中毒血液透析(HD)的适应证。

    Objective To investigate the indication of hemodialysis in acute oral methanol poisoning .

  23. 对照组30例,口服克罗米芬(CC)。

    Meanwhile Clomiphene Citrate ( CC ) was given to control class including 30 patients .

  24. 口服VP(16)联合DDP方案治疗非小细胞肺癌

    Oral VP 16 Plus DDP Regimen for Non small Cell Lung Cancer

  25. 口服葡萄糖耐量试验诊断DM、IGT、IFG的临床意义

    Clinical Significance of OGTT in Diagnosis of DM , IGT and IFG

  26. 口服大剂量别嘌呤醇可预防ERCP后胰腺炎的发生:一项前瞻性、随机、双盲对照试验

    High-dose allopurinol for prevention of post-ERCP pancreatitis : A prospective randomized double-blind controlled trial

  27. 结果:小鼠口服OPC限量试验结果>5g/kg体质量,证实OPC安全、无毒性作用;

    Results : The result of OPC limit test in mice was > 5 g / kg ;

  28. 口服抗凝剂治疗的患者仅INR能使PT的报告方式标准化。

    For patients on oral anticoagulant therapy , only INR standardized the PT results .

  29. 另一组口服制霉菌素10万U~15万U/(kg·d),分3次。

    Another group took Nystatin at dose of 100 ~ 150 thousand unit / ( kg · d ), three times a day for oral .

  30. 所有患者均接受静脉注射普通肝素及口服二磷酸腺酐(ADP)受体拮抗剂和阿司匹林。

    All patients received intravenous heparin and oral ADP receptor antagonist and aspirin .