
  • 网络contraindicated
  1. 药品禁忌症:出血性中风忌用。

    These drugs will not be used if hemorrhage is the cause of the stroke .

  2. 对治敏感性皮肤可选用微酸性洁面品,多补充维他命C,日霜忌用控油配方。

    To sensitivity skin can choose acidic taste , more cleansing cream to supplement vitamin C , avoid oil-control formula .

  3. 某些粗话在平常的交谈中是忌用的。

    Certain rude words are taboo in general conversation .

  4. 忌用铁链系渔船。

    Jiyong chain line fishing vessels .

  5. 使用范围:瓷器、玻璃器皿、不锈钢均可,亦适用于管道自动清洗系统(软金属忌用)。

    Applications : china , glassware , stainless steel , also can be used in automatic duct cleaning systems .

  6. 矿泉浴适用于病情较轻的高血压患者,对于病情较重及老年体弱的高血压患者忌用矿泉浴。

    Mineral bath applied to patients with less severe hypertension , for the serious condition and the frail elderly hypertensive patients with Jiyong spa .

  7. 六岁以下儿童,孕妇以及高血压、心脏功能不全和糖尿病患者忌用。

    Do not administer to children under six years old , pregnant women or to individuals with high blood pressure , cardiac insufficiency or diabetes .

  8. 气动冲击回转钻进主要应用于难用或忌用液体作为循环介质的地区。

    The pneumatic percussion rotary drilling is mainly operated in the area where liquid is hardly or not permitted to be used as the circular medium .

  9. 特性:健胃、利尿、通便,促进雌激素的分泌,调和女性荷尔蒙。注意事项:有通经作用,孕妇忌用。

    Properties : stops stomach cramps , diuretic , laxative , stimulate the production of estrogen in women precautions : emmenagogue , do not use on pregnancy .

  10. 在婚礼上忌用离开、重复、多次等字眼,在喜庆场合忌用去、旧、坏了、完了等字眼。

    The wedding Jiyong leave , repeat the word several times , the happy occasions Jiyong , and the old , bad , the end of the word .

  11. 另外,由于这天也是“扫把星”的生日,因此正月初一忌用扫帚,或倒垃圾,否则就会扫走运气、破财。

    Also , it is the birthday of " broom , " so it is taboo to use broom or take out trash , otherwise , you might sweep away good fortunes and suffer financial losses .

  12. 治疗期间,两组均不使用外用药,治疗期间忌食辛辣刺激及鱼虾蟹等食物,多喝水,多吃水果蔬菜,忌烟、酒,忌用肥皂热水烫洗。

    During treatment , the two groups were not using drugs , during treatment with acrimony stimulation and fish shrimp and other food , drink plenty of water , eat more fruits and vegetables , not to smoke , drink , do not use soap and hot water .