- 名periosteum

Study of the Effects of 17 β - estradiol on Osteoprogenitors from Periosteum
Twelve weeks after distraction , positive stain of TGF β 1 could seldom be seen except in the marrow 's fibrous and vessel bases .
Histological findings in the experimental side included active proliferation of osteoblast in exterior periosteum , fibrous connection , cartilage and newly formed bone trabeculae between fragments of the fracture at the end of the 2nd week ;
For bone initial geometries , the periosteal and endosteal diameters are set , the results show that the periosteal and endosteal diameters can increased significantly after simulation , it is presented that periosteum expands outward and endosteal resorbs after expansion .
Conclusion Testosterone could keep the structure of cortical bone by accelerating periosteal bone formation and inhibiting endosteal bone resorption in ORX rats .
Results : Direct osteogenesis occurred at the periosteal side in the early stage of distraction , whilst in the distraction gap , the fibrous tissue formed firstly and transformed to fibrous callus and bony callus gradually , resulting in the formation of new cortical bone ultimately .
Bone mass of PTM more improved ( % Tb . Ar + 79.8 % , P < 0.05 ) and higher bone turnover reduced in group C than in group B. Testosterone also could elevate periosteal formation and endosteal bone resorption .