
kǒu yì yuán
  • interpreter
  1. 阿里斯蒂德通过口译员向媒体发表讲话。

    Aristide spoke to the press through an interpreter .

  2. 虽然无法完全避免使用这种质问形式,但律师应在使用口译员时尽量让自己的讲话简洁清楚。

    While it is impossible to eliminate this format of questioning , attorneys should strive for simplicity in speech when an interpreter is used .

  3. 口译员们发现他说的话他们连一半都翻译不出来。

    Interpreters found they could not interpret half of what he said .

  4. 正如Daniel所指出的,跨文化因素属于语言外知识范畴,是口译员在口译理解过程中不可避免需要考虑的重要因素。

    As Daniel pointed , intercultural factor which belongs to Extra Linguistic Knowledge ( known as ELK ) is an undoubtedly unavoidable factor for interpreters to consider during interpretation .

  5. 口译员所需的语言流畅度与知识,和其他职业不尽相同。

    Neither corresponds exactly to the requirements of any other profession .

  6. 你们是否有兼职口译员的工作?

    Do you have any job for a part-time interpreter ?

  7. 口译员既应该语言流利,又应该接受过高等教育。

    Interpreters should be highly educated as well as fluent .

  8. 在此意义上说,口译员是交流的促进者具有一定的自由。

    In this sense , interpreters are free communication facilitators .

  9. 人大记者招待会口译员压力分析及应对策略

    The Stress on Interpreters for NPC Press Conference and Its Coping Strategies

  10. 口译员素质研究及其对口译教学的影响

    A Study of the Interpreter 's Qualities and Its Influence on Interpreting Teaching

  11. 从顺应论角度看记者招待会口译员的角色

    The Role of Interpreters in Press Conference Interpreting in Light of Adaptation Theory

  12. 交际者的明示刺激和语境则为听众找到最佳关联提供了依据。那么口译中的语境则是口译员进行推理的基础,而关联性则是推理的依据。

    The ostensive stimulus and the context are the base of optimal relevance .

  13. 接受口译员训练前,需要具备怎样的语言流畅度?

    What kind of language proficiency is needed to train as an interpreter ?

  14. 口译员着重口语,而笔译员着重写出来的东西。

    Interpreters specialize in spoken language , translators focus on what 's written .

  15. 文章在最后就如何提高口译员的跨文化交际能力提出了一些建议。

    And thus this thesis gives some suggestions about improving interpreters intercultural communication abilities .

  16. 演讲者与口译员之间&文化差异对口译风格的影响分析

    Between the Speaker and the Interpreter : Cultural Influences in Two Styles of Interpretation

  17. 我想成为一个口译员,听说做口译的话最好是用一口比较“中性”的口音。

    My dream is to become an interpreter .

  18. 这就使得商务口译员的需求量也大大增加。

    This also brings the constant increasing on the demand of professional business interpreters .

  19. 理解,这里是指口译员听收并领会原语信息。

    Comprehension here means understanding the SL message .

  20. 英语教学中的跨文化意识的培养论口译员的跨文化意识及其培养翻译中的跨文化意识

    Cross - cultural Awareness in Teaching Translation

  21. 医院不得不安排一名口译员帮助女孩与家人交流。

    Hospital staff have to use an interpreter to translate her words to her family .

  22. 毕业于北京外国语大学的她现在是一名口译员。

    Having graduated from Beijing International Studies University , she now works as an interpreter .

  23. 近年来,在全球就业市场趋紧的大环境下,口译员却供不应求。

    In recent years , interpreters are in short supply despite the tightening global job market .

  24. 古代的中国口译员主要是为宗教传播服务。

    Interestingly , Chinese interpreters in ancient times have mostly worked for disseminations of religious thoughts .

  25. 预测是同声传译策略之一,预测的使用能够帮助口译员更好地完成口译任务。

    As one of SI strategies , anticipation can help interpreters to better complete anSI task .

  26. 随着全球化进程,中国正越来越多地融入国际社会,因此,更需要优秀的会议口译员。

    With the development of globalization , China is much more involved in the international community .

  27. 这位口译员特工名叫兰臣·施密特,有德国血统,来自俄罗斯波罗的海地区。

    The interpreter agent , a Baltic Russian with German roots identified only as Lenchen Sch .

  28. 答:来自世界各地的精神科医生和心理医生通过口译员进行交流。

    A : There were psychiatrists and psychologists from different parts of the world communicating through interpreters .

  29. 中国口译员的职业水准

    Professionalism of Interpreters in China

  30. 口译员可以在实践中参考本文总结的方法,以取得理想的翻译效果。

    Interpreters could adopt the methods summarized in this thesis for guidance to improve their interpreting effects .