
  • 网络oral communication;spoken communication
  1. 小学语文口语交际教学的研究

    The Study of Oral Communication Instruction of Chinese in Primary School

  2. 然后,按照这些要求,结合初中语文教与学的特点和学生语文素养培养的需要,依据相关的理论与思想,构建了信息技术与初中语文阅读、写作、口语交际教学相整合的模式。

    And consequently it offers respective models integrating information technology with reading , writing and oral communication in Chinese teaching .

  3. 随着中国加入WTO,国际交往日益增多,口语交际能力就越来越体现出它的重要性。

    With China 's participant in WTO and the increment of international association , English communicative competence has become more and more important .

  4. 我们为什么要提高学生的口语交际能力?

    Why the oral communicative competence of our students is weak ?

  5. 我国现阶段的口语交际教学还存在诸多问题:如教学理念陈旧、内容远离学生生活、还处于单向活动、只局限于优等生、教师只是参与者等。

    There exist many problems in the current oral communication teaching .

  6. 口语交际教学要充分开发教学资源。

    Fifth , fully explore teaching resources in oral communication teaching .

  7. 职业学校英语口语交际策略训练

    The Communication Strategies Training in a Vocational School EFL Oral Class

  8. 语文口语交际教学中情感因素的研究

    The Research on Sentimentality Factors in the Chinese Oral Communication Teaching

  9. 心理障碍是影响英语口语交际的重要因素。

    Psychological obstacle has a great effect on English oral communication .

  10. 口语交际内隐能力的理论与实践

    The Theory and Practice of the Potential in the Spoken Communication

  11. 第二部分,论述口语交际教学的现状。

    The 2nd section & Dissertation on actuality on oral communicative teaching .

  12. 如何提高大学生的英语口语交际水平

    How to Improve the Spoken English of the College Students

  13. 口语交际教学改革初探

    The Preliminary Exploration in Reform of Spoken Language Communication Teaching

  14. 然后分析口语交际的特点和类型。

    Then analyzed the characteristics and types of oral communication .

  15. 不同类型问题口语交际效果的语用分析

    Analyzing the Socializing Effect of Question Types from Pragmatic Perspectives

  16. 其中,口语交际技能是导游从业人员的关键基本技能。

    Oral communicative skill is the basic quality of them .

  17. 中学生口语交际表现性评价研究

    Research on the Performance Assessment of Junior Student Oral Communication

  18. 口语交际能力是一种个体的类化经验。

    The oral communicative ability is a individual systematic experience .

  19. 初中生口语交际策略量表的编制

    Compiling of Junior students ' Oral - communication Strategy Scale

  20. 异议表达是汉语口语交际中一种常见的言语现象。

    Disagreement expression is a common language phenomenon in Chinese oral communication .

  21. 英语口语交际能力的提高关键在于实践。

    Practice is the key to improve the ability of spoken English .

  22. 同时主要采用访谈法、问卷调查法、观察法对该校的口语交际教学进行调查分析。

    Meanwhile also adopts interview , questionnaire survey and observation .

  23. 口语交际类校本课程开发研究

    The Research on the School-based Curriculum Development of Oral Communication

  24. 高中语文口语交际教学的思考与实践

    The Thought and Practice of Senior High School Oral Chinese Communication Teaching

  25. 论如何提高学生的口语交际能力

    How to Improve Students ' Competence in Oral Communication

  26. 论高校非英语专业学生英语口语交际能力的培养

    The Cultivation of English Spoken Communication Ability of Non-English Speciality Students in Universities

  27. 运用激励机制,调动学生口语交际激情;

    Using the encouragement to inspire the primary students'enthusiasm .

  28. 中学口语交际教学研究

    Research on Spoken Language Communication Teaching in Middle School

  29. 口语交际是交际的重要组成部分。

    Oral communication is an important part of communication .

  30. 小学口语交际教学是语文课程教学的重要组成部分。

    Communicative language teaching in primary schools is an important component of teaching .