
  • 网络children poetry
  1. 邱易东儿童诗的艺术魅力

    Artistic Charm of Qiu Yi-dong 's Children Poetry

  2. 邱易东的儿童诗在意象化、情景化、非规则搭配、非对称组合、虚实转换等方面,显示出他独特的艺术魅力,既能够让儿童接受,也能够给予成年读者以美感。

    Qiu Yi-dong 's children poetry throws light on his unique artistic charm in such aspects as image , plot , irregular collocation , asymmetrical aggregation , and virtual and actual transformation , which can make the children receive and as well the adult readers have a sense of beauty .

  3. 新世纪中国儿童诗的发展方向

    On the Developing Lines of the Contemporary Chinese Children 's Poetry

  4. 你也可以给婴儿唱歌或讲儿童诗。

    You can also sing songs or tell children 's poems to the baby .

  5. 解放后17年的重庆儿童诗创作

    On the Creation of Children 's Poetry in Chongqing Since Seventeen Years after the Liberation

  6. 英语儿童诗的审美空间与汉译的美感再植

    Aesthetic Realm of English Children ′ s Poem and Its Resetting of Beauty In Chinese Translation

  7. 尽管儿童诗涌现了许多优秀的诗人和作品,但它也存在着一些问题:一是被文学界遮蔽,得不到社会的足够重视;

    Although the Chinese children 's poetry has lots of excellent poets and works , it has some problems .

  8. 新时期是他儿童诗创作的第二个丰收期,在固守传统的同时,他充当爱的传播者和文明传承人。

    The New Age was his second productive period , during which he acted on the basis of tradition as a disseminator of love and the inheritor of civilization .

  9. 英语儿童诗语言清淡却意象突出,音律所占诗意比重高,其可诵性使它的欣赏呈由表及里的深化过程。

    Plain in language but remarkable in image , an English children ′ s poem holds larger proportion in its temperament so far as poetic flavor is concerned , the reading-aloud attribute of which tends to deepen the course of appreciation from surface to inside .

  10. 儿童散文诗观照世界的审美方式并非单纯使用儿童视角或成人视角。

    It is not simply by using the visual angles of children or adults that childrens prose poems watch worlds aesthetic model .

  11. 儿歌是儿童教育的重要内容和良好形式,是儿童诗教的无可替代的一部份。

    Children 's songs play an important part in children 's education not to be replaced by other forms of poetry .

  12. 2004年民族儿童文学创作:中、短篇小说居多,民族儿童诗创作有待加强。

    In 2004 , national children 's literature creation is such a case that middle or short novel takes up the majority and the national children 's poetry creation needs to be strengthened .