
kǒu jì
  • ventriloquism;vocal mimicry;vocal imitation;oral stunts
口技 [kǒu jì]
  • [vocal mimicry] 杂技的一种,运用口部发音技巧来模仿各种声音

口技[kǒu jì]
  1. 演出的包括一名口技表演者。

    Entertainment included a ventriloquist .

  2. 一角色为口技演员,另一是梦游者。

    One character is a ventriloquist , another a sleepwalker .

  3. 你只需要歌词和口技音乐(beatbox)。

    All you need are lyrics and a beat box .

  4. 从这个到现代的口技者的木偶,

    From there , to the modern ventriloquist 's dummy ,

  5. 在公园表演口技会发生什么?

    What happens if you beatbox in the zoo ?

  6. 我说的击打意思就是口技

    And by " boxing " he meant beatboxing

  7. 他喜欢你的口技和混音。

    He loved the beat-boxing andthe scatting .

  8. 口技者必须首先让我们相信,在他膝盖上坐着的是一个小男孩儿。

    The ventriloquist must first make us believe that a small boy is sitting on his lap .

  9. 楚国南方有一个猎人口技很好。

    In the south of the State of Chu , there was a hunter good at ventriloquy .

  10. 还有一种精彩的口技表演,不用任何乐器,只凭表演者的嘴和一架话筒,就能创造出美妙的旋律。

    Another great show is the vocal percussion , relying on nothing but artists'mouths and microphones in creating wonderful rhythms .

  11. 譬如专辑中的单曲《棒棒糖》里,一位年轻辣妹服服帖帖伺候着歌手的“棒棒糖”,小韦恩对其“口技”赞赏有加。

    The song'Lollipop ' , for example , celebrates a young lady who treats Lil Wayne as she might a lollipop .

  12. 如果大家还不知道的话,我叫汤姆·图姆,我是个口技表演家

    If you guys haven 't figured it out already , my name 's Tom Thum , and I 'm a beatboxer ,

  13. 本期节目将教你如何制作口技木偶,口技人贝拉特里斯和斯皮亚将教会你制作要领。

    How To Make A Beat box Puppet : Beat boxers Bellatrix and Spitf'ya show you how to make beatbox puppets the VideoJug way .

  14. 我们听说,她首创了一种一年一度的竞赛会,会上比赛唱民间歌曲,跳捷格舞,甚至表演口技。

    We heard that she started an annual contest that featured country music singing , jig competition , and even a mouth harp contest .

  15. 一位口技表演者用放在他膝上的玩具娃娃练习表演。他在跟金发碧眼的玩具娃娃说笑话的时候,一位白色头发的年轻美女突然一跃而起。

    A ventriloquist is performing with his dummy on his lap . He 's telling a dumb-blonde joke when a young platinum-haired beauty jumps to her feet .

  16. 他说这话的时候,身子几乎悄无声息地后靠椅子,嘴巴幅度很小,十足像个口技演员。

    He is almost imperceptibly leaning back in his chair and , as he speaks , his mouth moves less than you might expect , as if he were a ventriloquist minus a dummy .

  17. 腹语术,口技一种发声的技巧,声音仿佛来自它处,如来自木偶本研究主要目的是将布偶晤谈技巧应用在亲子游戏治疗过程中。

    The art of projecting one 's voice so that it seems to come from another source , as from a wooden figure . The purpose of this study is to apply therapeutic techniques of puppets in filial therapy .

  18. 他能扮小丑、口技者和角笛舞者,让观众开怀大乐,却也是偏执狂,逡巡于街道之间,“只有在人群中,我才能摆脱心中的恶灵”。

    Here too is the man who could light up a room , the clown , the mimic and dancer of hornpipes - but also the obsessive who prowled the streets unable to " get rid of my spectres unless I can lose them in crowds . "