
dié luó hàn
  • pyramid;make a human
叠罗汉 [dié luó hàn]
  • [make a human] 杂技表演项目之一,即人上架人,重叠成各种形式

叠罗汉[dié luó hàn]
  1. 全球金融市场在这次牛市中看起来是玩了一个叠罗汉的游戏。

    Global financial markets look suspiciously like a pyramid game in this bull market .

  2. 叠罗汉主要出现在民俗叠罗汉、杂技、滑水项目、技巧啦啦操、大型团体操、舞蹈、竞技健美操中。

    Pyramid mainly appeared in the folk pyramid , acrobatics , water skiing project , technique , mass gymnastics , dance , competitive aerobics .

  3. 杂技演员们以惊人的敏捷动作表演叠罗汉。

    The acrobats stacked themselves up with amazing agility .

  4. 我想某人还欠我一个迟来的叠罗汉是啊叠罗汉

    I think someone 's overdue for a dogpile . Yeah , dogpile !

  5. 加利福尼亚圣迭戈动物园的一只6个月大的米沙鄢疣猪在一只成年疣猪背上表演“叠罗汉”。

    Taking a stand : a six-week-old endangered Visayan warty pig plays king of the mountain on an adult at the San Diego Zoo in california .

  6. 不仅如此,参加网上学习的话,你还会有充足的时间来组织各种活动,无论是制作标本也好,还是纸杯叠罗汉也好,你都有时间去做。

    Not only that , but youll probably even have enough time to organize your own event , whether it be for taxidermy or building paper cup pyramids .