
ɡōnɡ zuò wén jiàn
  • work document;work file;working papers
  1. word不能创建工作文件。

    Word cannot create a work file .

  2. 若硬盘上的加密备份文件未被破坏,以该文件快速恢复被破坏的工作文件,并更新标准参照数据。

    Renewing work file with it 's mirroring in hard disk and renewing its standard data reference rapidly if the encrypted mirroring in hard disk was not demolished .

  3. 而Dropbox的粉丝还通过它保存和共享工作文件。

    But fans also used Dropbox to save and share work files .

  4. SEC一案的结果可能是行政初审法官判定五家会计师事务所未向SEC提交审计工作文件应受处罚。

    The SEC case could lead to the administrative trial judge penalizing the five firms for failing to provide working papers to the sec .

  5. 它还表示,每周员工用Dropbox保存的工作文件多达6亿份。

    It also says some 600 million work files are saved by employees each week .

  6. 我们可以节省我们作为一个PSD文件和网络使用的出口工作文件后为GIF文件。

    We can save our working doc as a PSD file and export for web use later as a GIF file .

  7. 在此之前,德勤(Deloitte)也由于相同原因被诉诸法庭,因为它拒绝提供东南融通(LongtopFinancialTechnologies)的审计工作文件。

    This follows the earlier charges against Deloitte for the same issue , and the court action against Deloitte for failure to produce the working papers for Longtop financial technologies .

  8. 这将指示DB2将索引键传递给内存中的排序程序,而不是再次将这些键写到DASD上的排序工作文件中,然后从中读取这些键。

    This instructs DB2 to pass the index keys to the sort program in memory , rather than having the keys written to and read once again from sort work files on DASD .

  9. 美国国家经济研究局(NBER)近日发布了一篇名为《通胀追踪投资组合》(InflationTrackingPortfolios)的工作文件,研究了自1985年初一直到去年年末的消费价格以及一系列投资活动的变动。

    Inflation tracking portfolios , which was released as a working paper by the NBER this week , looked at the movement in consumer prices and a number of various investments from the beginning of 1985 through the end of last year .

  10. 上述工作文件得到了许多国家的支持和响应。

    The above-mentioned working paper has received favorable responses from many countries .

  11. 第五部是制作工作文件。

    Step five is to now create a working document .

  12. 在最后一秒创建的工作文件数目。

    Number of workfiles created in the last second .

  13. “工作文件”-施工工程进行设计文件包。

    " Working documentation " - package of design documentation for construction works performance .

  14. 编制工作文件,并指导监督文件有效执行。

    Prepare related working correspondence monitor the implementation .

  15. 如果公司要求你保留一些工作文件的话,那么不要删掉它们。

    Don 't delete anything work related if you 're required to keep it .

  16. 按照确定步骤增添与更改项目工作文件;

    Making additions and changes into the working project documentation , following the established procedure ;

  17. 直到下一次会议开始之时,委员会要准备好他们的工作文件。

    By the time of next GA meeting , Commissions prepare the documentation about their work .

  18. 经常在组成国家集团及写作工作文件和决议草案的时候采用。

    Frequently used to sort countries into blocs and to write working papers and draft resolutions .

  19. 论建设监理工作文件的写作

    On writing of Project management document

  20. 信息被提取到工作文件中进行翻译,并被编译成一张哈希表。

    Messages are extracted into a working file to be translated and compiled into a hash table .

  21. 监控施工安装工程与项目工作文件设计解决方案的一致性;

    Monitoring the conformance of the construction-erection works with the design solutions of the working project documentation ;

  22. 这是一个工作文件,但是配置管理工具没有关于它的隐藏状态信息。

    There is a working file , but the SCM tool has no hidden state information about it .

  23. 如果您还没有保存的工作文件的副本,您将在很大的绝望。

    If you have not save the working copy of the file , you will be in much despair .

  24. 例如,工作文件可用于存储哈希联接和哈希聚合的临时结果。

    For example , work files could be used to store temporary results for hash joins and hash aggregates .

  25. 存储库是一组用于输入和输出文档,以及工作文件字典。

    A repository is a group of directories for input and output documents , as well as for working files .

  26. 如果排序的性能在您的环境中很重要,那么需要为工作文件创建一个单独的缓冲池。

    If the performance of sorts is important in your environment , then create a separate buffer pool for work files .

  27. 监控设施中防火与防爆安全措施的一致性,按照项目工作文件与法律之规定;

    Monitoring the adherence to fire-prevention and explosion safety measures at the facilities as provided for by the working project documentation and legislation ;

  28. 会议中的所有文件,包括工作文件、决议草案、修正案都应提交给我。同时也欢迎大家提问。

    All the files , including working papers , draft resolutions , amendments will directly come to me and any other questions are welcome .

  29. 备份出来的文件应该和你的工作文件放在不同的地点,最好不在你的电脑上。

    You should store your backup copy in a separate location from your work files , one that is preferably not on your computer .

  30. 即使是如此非凡的政治家,也难以将竞选中的高歌,改写为平凡的政府工作文件。

    Even so singular a politician will struggle to make the transition from the soaring poetry of the campaign to the workaday prose of government .