
  • 网络Industrial Action
  1. 生产可能会受到工业行动的阻碍。

    Production will probably be hold up by industrial action .

  2. 国泰劳资双方将在周五早上尽最后努力,希望成功取消工业行动。

    Cathay Pacific management and pilots will meet again on Friday morning in a last-ditch attempt to avert threatened industrial action .

  3. 给出一份AIAG(汽车工业行动集团)量具双性研究结果,六西格玛黑带应该能够回答各种关于该测量系统的问题。

    Given the results of an AIAG Gage R & R study , the Six Sigma Black Belt should be able to answer a variety of questions about the measurement system .

  4. 生产可能因工业行动(罢工,怠工)而停顿。生产者为扩大业务而聚在举行的会议。

    It is possible that production will is hold up by industrial action . a gathering of producers to promote business .

  5. 资方因经济衰退,生意额下降,拟削减员工加班津贴达百分之十六,引起劳方不满,在昨夜采取工业行动抗议。

    Last night 's action is in protest agai ta proposal to cut overtime allowances by up to16 per cent in the wake of falling busine due to the economic downturn .

  6. 钢铁工人为声援矿工举行了罢工.生产可能因工业行动(罢工,怠工)而停顿。

    The steel workers came out in sympathy with the miners , ie went on strike to show support for them . It is possible that production will is hold up by industrial action .

  7. 加入是指一个新厂商加入到某一工业部门的行动。

    Entry is the act of coming into an industry by a new firm .

  8. 未来对重量的要求更高,玻璃工业已经开始行动。

    The future belongs to the light-weights . The glass industry is taking this on board too .

  9. 国际涂料工业技术团体协调行动委员会;

    International Committee to coordinate activities of technical groups in the coat ;

  10. 促进亚洲及太平洋工业结构调整汉城行动计划

    Seoul Plan of Action for Promoting Industrial Restructuring in Asia and the Pacific

  11. 更大的问题依赖于我们对于盟友的信赖,帮助他们扭转局面,而且他们已经以金融市场和及石油工业为中心采取行动。

    The bigger problems are such that we have relied upon our allies to help tackle them , and they have centered around the money markets and the Petroleum Industry .