
ɡōnɡ yì pǐn
  • handicraft;handicraft article;handiwork;craftwork;artefact
工艺品 [gōng yì pǐn]
  • (1) [artware]∶指既实用又艺术化的物品(如零星装饰物)

  • (2) [workmanship]∶手工劳动制成的产品

  • 这些屋顶都是辉煌的工艺品

  1. 研究表明采用整体式CI包装结构更适合陶瓷工艺品的缓冲包装。

    The research shows the pack-frame of entirety type CI more suit for buffering packaging of ceramics handicraft .

  2. 工艺品出口加工行业是劳动密集型行业,资本的原始积累一般都是通过做贴牌生产,即OEM来完成的。

    Handicraft export processing industry is a labor-intensive industry and the primitive accumulation of capital is usually achieved through OEM .

  3. 他爬进来的时候,那件易碎的工艺品摇晃起来。

    The frail craft rocked as he clambered in .

  4. 房子里陈设着几件工艺品。

    There is some artware set out in the room .

  5. 这些工艺品造型优美。

    These art objects are beautifully shaped .

  6. 从1979年以来国家为优秀工艺品颁发了金奖和银奖。

    Since 1979 , the state has given gold and silver awards for the best industrial artifacts .

  7. 这件工艺品达到了尽善尽美的程度。

    This piece of art work has achieved the acme of perfection .

  8. 展览会上的工艺品琳琅满目,美不胜收。

    We were dazzled by the endless array of beautiful handiwork on display .

  9. 他们很讨厌低劣的工艺品。

    They have a hatred of bad workmanship .

  10. 参观国际工艺品市场,了解不同的文化。

    Visit the International Crafts Market and learn about different cultures .

  11. 超级购物中心很荣幸举办超级国际工艺品市场。

    The Super Shopping Center is proud to hold the Super International Crafts Market .

  12. 两年后,她开始在美国帮忙销售肯尼亚工艺品。

    Two years later , she started to help sell the Kenyan craf in the US .

  13. 超级国际工艺品市场

    Super International CraftsMarket

  14. 出土的重要文物包括金面具、铜面具、铜器、100多个象牙、纺织物以及玉器等其他工艺品。

    Among the important cultural finds are gold and bronze masks , bronze ware among other artifacts .

  15. 工艺品商店

    an arts and crafts emporium

  16. 这些工艺品你可以让孩子在节日时送给亲戚,教育他们怎样做可以有助于保护地球。在这个特别的日子,花点时间想想你能为地球母亲做点什么,你能做点什么吧。

    Make a bunch of crafts that your kids can give to family members for the holidays to teach them about what they can do to help protect the planet .

  17. VRML在工艺品展示中的应用

    Application of VRML in the Craftworks Display

  18. CoG软件包技术与应用VRML在工艺品展示中的应用

    An Introduction of CoG Kits Application of VRML in the Craftworks Display

  19. 本文用加速器质谱(AMS)~(14)C测定了河北兴隆发现的一件珍贵的旧石器时代晚期工艺品&纹饰鹿角,以及山西朔县峙峪。

    A carved antler of Late Palaeolithic collected from Xinglong County , Hebei Province , was measured by accelerator mass spectrometry ( AMS ) radiocarbon dating .

  20. 从丰富多彩的岛屿服装和T恤衫以独特的创作,手工制作的珠宝及本地酒店LOGO设计艺术家的工艺品,有等待被猎杀和收集特殊纪念品。

    From colourful island apparel and T-shirts to unique creations , handmade jewellery and crafts by local artists , there are special mementos waiting to be hunted and collected .

  21. 昨日,美术设计师、工艺品设计师和时装设计师们齐聚在南山区OCT生态广场的创意市集,出售他们的创意及尖端产品。

    Arts , crafts and fashion designers gathered at a creativity market in the OCT Ecological Square in Nanshan District to sell their creative and cutting-edge products yesterday .

  22. 知情人士称,被杠杆收购集团贝恩资本(BainCapital)和百仕通(Blackstone)买下的艺术品及工艺品零售商Michael'sStores,其债券一度沦为不良债务,但现在交易价格已高于面值。

    Once-distressed bonds in Michael 's Stores , an arts and crafts retailer bought by leveraged buy-out groups Bain Capital and Blackstone , are now selling at a price above par , according to people familiar with the matter .

  23. 一些客户可能会将这件工艺品视为时尚宣言,另一些人则可能觉察出,它其实是暗指该公司具有传奇色彩的创始人、英国免税购物业亿万富翁&鲍勃•米勒(BobMiller)。

    It is an objet d'art that some clients may regard as a fashion statement , while others may detect a hidden reference to the larger-than-life founder of the firm - Bob Miller , the British duty-free shopping billionaire .

  24. Kearns的肥皂也在工艺品市场出售,以及华盛顿,马里兰,弗吉尼亚和加利福利亚的各大商店销售。

    Mary Kearns also sells her products at craft fairs and at stores in Washington , D.C , Maryland , Virginia and California .

  25. 它意味着你得先坐地铁4号线来到第18区的科里尼安古尔门(PortedeClignancourt)站,然后在一条两侧摆满便宜衣服、布料、皮革制品、小工艺品、手机壳、锅碗瓢盆等杂物的路上穿行15分钟,才终于到达。

    It meant a ride on the No. 4 M é tro line to the Porte de Clignancourt in the 18th Arrondissement and 15 minutes of jostling through a bazaar of cheap clothing , fabrics , leather goods , trinkets , cellphone covers , pots and pans .

  26. 通过对圣诞木制品的考察,总结了圣诞制品中所反映出来的意义、ERZ山脉地区人们对传统工艺品的爱心和责任心,并对圣诞习俗的主题作了初步的归纳。

    Through the careful review of the origin , content , trait of those woodworks , we have a primary view of people 's love , responsibility , and the theme of Christmas custom .

  27. 在另一个名为Behali的社区,Joaquina是一个小组的司库,她拿著漂亮的手织棕榈叶工艺品给我们看,笑容十分灿烂,使我无法忘记。

    In another bairo , Behali , I cannot forget the bright smile of Joaquina , the treasurer of her group , when she showed us her handicrafts , beautiful woven palm leaves in pinks and purples .

  28. 抽纱刺绣工艺品、服装、床上用品加工销售。

    Embroidery embroidery crafts , clothing , bedding processing and sales .

  29. 生产销售五金索具、工艺品、塑料制品。

    Hardware sales demand with production , handicrafts , plastic products .

  30. 工艺精美是这些工艺品的突出特点。做工讲究的手工艺品精美无比。

    Exquisite workmanship is the outstanding characteristic of these artistic handwork 's.