
tóu zī ɡōnɡ sī fǎ
  • investment company act
  1. 1940年投资公司法

    Investment Company Act of 1940

  2. 独立董事制度最早出现在美国,1940年的美国《投资公司法》对此作了规定。

    The outside director system most early appears in US , 1940 US " Investment company Law " has made the stipulation regarding this .

  3. 论外商投资企业法与公司法的接轨

    On the Coordination of Foreign Investment Law and Business Law

  4. 在这一转变过程中,应做好外商投资法与《公司法》的衔接工作。

    In this conversion , the foreign investment law should be connected with the corporation law .

  5. 投资者借用他人名义向公司投资的行为在公司法实务中非常普遍,理论界和实务界将该种隐名投资者概称为隐名股东。

    As investors ' behavior of investing in different companies in others ' names are commonly seen in company law practices , dormant investors are generally called dormant shareholders by theorists and practitioners .

  6. 公司型证券投资基金是依据公司法组建股份有限公司,通过发行股票来募集投资者的资金,并运用于证券投资,以股利形式对投资者进行分配的一种基金形式。

    Corporate securities investment fund is a fund based on the formation of limited company , the company issues shares to investors to raise fund , invests the capital into securities market and distributes the profits to investors as dividend .

  7. 投资所在国(地区)现行的有关外国投资的法令、法规,如:投资法、公司法、税法等;

    The effective laws and regulations on foreign investment in the host country ( region ), such as investment law , company law and tax law .