
yǒu xiàn hé huǒ
  • limited partnership
  1. 近几来年,民间对有限合伙形式的风险投资(venturecapital)呼声很高,地方政府也因此纷纷出台了有关有限合伙的法规或办法。

    The local governments have issued some related regulations and the measures on the limited partnership for the abroad requirements on the Venture Capital by the populace .

  2. 我国1996年《合伙企业法》(草案)第八章规定了有限合伙(LimitedPartnership),但是经立法机关对该草案审议后,取消了整个第八章。

    The limited partnership abolished from the Partnership Law with the consideration by the legislative body was prescribed in the 8th chapter of the partnership law in 1996 for the draft of the law .

  3. 切尔西码头有限合伙公司(ChelseaPiersLP)总裁兼联合创始人汤姆•伯恩斯坦及和妻子安德莉亚。

    President and co-founder of Chelsea piers LP Tom Bernstein and wife Andrea .

  4. 被出售证券似是DLJMerchantBankingPartnersIV的有限合伙股权,DLJMerchantBankingPartnersIV是2008年建立的一只私募股权基金,募资21亿美元。

    The securities being sold appear to be LP interests in DLJ merchant banking partners IV , a $ 2.1 billion private equity fund raised in 2008 .

  5. 随着容量的增加,租金也许会承受压力,这将打击业主有限合伙制企业的盈利能力。正在建造油罐的RoseRockMidstream表示,平均租金已经下跌。

    Lease rates may come under pressure as capacity grows , hitting the profitability of master limited partnerships . Rose Rock Midstream , which is building tanks , said average rates had fallen .

  6. 最后,在方案假设条件、设置操作流程两部分内容中,大胆模拟了该案例在有限合伙制(RELP)模式下的融资过程。

    Finally , the program assumptions , the process set up operations in the contents of two parts , bold simulation in the case of RELP mode of financing process .

  7. 他特别指出了业主有限合伙制企业。

    He specifically pointed to Master Limited Partnerships , or MLPs .

  8. 第一部分有限合伙制度的历史。

    The first part : the history of the limited partnership .

  9. 有限合伙法律制度研究

    Research on the Limited partnership On Legal System of Limited Partnership

  10. 我国现在制定一部有限合伙的市场主体法是否必要值得探究。建议起草一部专门的《创业投资法》。

    The author suggests drawing up a special law-law on start-up investment .

  11. 有限合伙是相对于普通合伙而言的一种合伙形态。

    Limited partnership is a form of partnership , like general partnership .

  12. 有限合伙是合伙的一种形式,是特殊的合伙。

    Limited partnership is a special partnership as the kind of partnership .

  13. 第二章:有限合伙型风险投资基金;第三章:有限合伙型风险投资基金在我国的实现。

    Chapter two : venture capital fund in limited partnership .

  14. 第二章:有限合伙创业投资基金。

    Chapter Two : venture investment fund in limited partnership .

  15. 新增了特殊的普通合伙和有限合伙两种合伙企业类型。

    Add the special ordinary partnership and limited partnership two partnership type .

  16. 有限合伙制条件下基金管理人的业绩报酬机制分析

    An Analysis of Performance Reward Mechanism of Fund Manager under Limited Partnerships

  17. 它们用来筹资的各个基金都组织成有限合伙企业的形式。

    The individual funds through which they raise money are limited partnerships .

  18. 有限合伙制创业投资机构制度创新与应用思考

    System Innovation and Application Thinking of Limited Partnership in Venture Investment Organization

  19. 第三部分,有限合伙制度的价值分析。

    Part III , analyzing the value of limited partnerships .

  20. 有限合伙制代理风险及其控制制度安排

    The Risk of Limited Partnership Agency and the Controlling System

  21. 浅论我国有限合伙制度的不足及其完善

    On Defects of and Improvement for Partnership System in China

  22. 我国有限合伙制风险投资的法律规制

    Legal Regulation of the Venture Capital Limited Partnership of China

  23. 有限合伙制私募股权基金法律制度研究

    The Study on the Legal System of Limited Partnership Private Equity Fund

  24. 有限合伙在我国建立的立法模式和立法建议

    Legislative Mode and Suggestions on the Limited Partnership Legislation in Our Country

  25. 有限合伙契约的柔性激励机制设计

    Design of Flexible Stimulation Mechanism for Limited Partnership Contracts

  26. 风险投资最佳组织形式&有限合伙

    Best organization form of venture capital & limited partnership

  27. 我国有限合伙立法路径探究

    Probe into the Path of Legislation for Limited Partnership

  28. 新法律明确了适用于有限合伙企业的具体规定。

    Specific rules applicable to limited partnerships are set out in the law .

  29. 在美国,风险投资以有限合伙制为主。事实证明有限合伙制是一种使权、责、利密切结合的有效的资金运行模式。

    The limited partnership is the main form of venture capital in America .

  30. 自那以来,这家有限合伙公司的股价涨了41%。

    Since then , shares of that limited partnership have increased 41 % .