
  1. 正是他的有担当和自信激励着我。

    His commitment and belief in himself is what inspire me .

  2. 很多超级英雄的故事总会在他如何从少不更事的年轻人成长成有担当的成年人处大量着墨。

    So many superhero origin tales focus on the character as a young person through adulthood .

  3. 如果让我的职业生涯重头来过,我会把培养并展示有担当的态度作为首要任务。

    If I were starting my career all over again , I would make developing and exhibiting an attitude of accountability a top priority .

  4. 因此,他已经指出了一条连通政治参与的政治哲学道路。这条道路超越了纯粹的学术研究,以一种平静、反思但有担当的方式,直接表达日常政治生活中的问题。

    He has connected political philosophy with political participation ; He has also ascended pure academic research and addressed issues in the daily political life directly in a reflective and responsible way .

  5. 一些有担当、有抱负的民营企业家也都纷纷意识到正确认识、积极行动和合理承担企业社会责任的必要性。但总体来看,我国民营企业在承担社会责任方面还任重道远。

    Some responsible and aspiring private entrepreneurs have been aware of the importance of recognizing and fulfilling social responsibilities . However , as for responsibility consciousness , private entrepreneurs in general still have a long way to go .

  6. 中国是负责任、有担当的发展中大国,中国越发展,给世界带来的机遇和做出的贡献就越大。

    China is a major developing country which is ready to live up to its responsibilities . The more it develops , the more opportunities China will create and the more contribution it will make to the world .

  7. 国内很多有担当的学者,已经清楚地意识到这一点,并以不同的方式向人们展示着马克思学说的生命力,出现诸如真正的马克思、回到马克思、保卫马克思的研究热潮。

    Many domestic scholars have clearly realized this point , and with a different way to demonstrate the vitality of the doctrine of Marx , appearing a rush for " the real Marx "," back to Marx "," defend Marx " .

  8. 当彼此冲突的双边协定引发国家间争端时,谁又有资格担当中立的仲裁者?

    And who will be the neutral arbiter when nations clash over conflicting bilateral agreements ?

  9. 定律六:一个球手的差点越高,他越自以为有资格担当教练。

    LAW6 : The higher a golfer 's handicap , the more qualified he deems himself as an instructor .

  10. 说实话,有机会担当一个比自身强大得很多的集体的一部分,这本身就是一个宝贵的经历。

    And truly , to be a part of something so much larger than yourself is the most rewarding experience you can possibly have .

  11. 统计人员调动工作或者离职,应当有能够担当规定职责的人员接管,并须办清交接手续。

    When statistical personnel are transferred or removed from office , persons competent for the prescribed responsibilities shall take over and go through relevant procedures for it .

  12. 另一位不具名的神父说,昂山素姬在国际社会上声誉良好,与新成立的人文政府关系也明显缓和,是恰当人选,有机会担当纠纷调停人。

    The priest , who wished to remain anonymous , also said an apparent thawing in relations between Suu Kyi and the new civilian government could make this possible .

  13. 在这之后,他回到旅馆吃晚饭,并作出了决定:由于保罗已经长大,也长健康了,从今以后他就应该开始接受一个充实的教育过程,以便使他有能力担当起他将大显身手的职务;

    now that he was getting so old and well , should begin a vigorous course of education forthwith , to qualify him for the position in which he was to shine ;

  14. 我不知道高峰做了什么丢了工作,但是很明显,这位岳丈大人兼老板对高峰是否是个有责任担当的人持怀疑态度。

    I don 't know what Gaofeng had done to lose his job . But , obviously , the dad-slash-boss had some doubts about whether or not Gao Feng could be responsible .

  15. 这一错误在网上引发了热议,一些网民对林校长不知道这个词语进行了批评,并且质疑他是否有资格担当这所中国最好高校之一的校长。

    It triggered heated debate online , with some netizens criticizing Lin for not knowing the word and questioning whether he was qualified to be head of one of China 's best universities .

  16. 与此同时,与望远镜娱乐关系交好的派拉蒙影业也有可能担当发行公司,目前,这两届公司正联手拍摄《星际迷航2》。

    Deadline , on the other hand , tend to believe that James Bond 23 may go to Paramount , as they have a very close relationship with Spyglass and are currently working with them to produce Star Trek 2 .

  17. 以后每次都让人力资源的同事抓阄决定每次该谁来切蛋糕,或者,你们公司有人担当“正式的”蛋糕执刀手,那就授予她更多权利吧。

    Have the person in charge of HR draw names out of a hat to see who gets cake-cutting duty each time , or if someone in the office volunteers to be the official cake cutter , more power to her .

  18. 和传统民事、行政诉讼以私益为导向不同,公益诉讼突出强调了对公益的保护,因而和宏观调控纠纷诉讼具有高度契合性,从而最有可能担当这类纠纷的司法诉求。

    Different to private interest-oriented civil litigation and administrative litigation , the public interest litigation highlights the protections of public interest , which provides a high consistency between public interest litigation and macroeconomic regulation litigation and meets the need of requirements of actionability .

  19. 我有10年担当项目经理的经验。

    I 'm a project manager with 10 years of experience .

  20. 但一个有能力能担当此任的后卫需要从不同的几方面训练。

    But a competent organizer need to be trained in some different aspects .

  21. 现在,在大多数大学中,有一些人担当注册员的角色。

    Today , at most modern universities there are people in the role of registrar .

  22. 如果我有幸能担当领导世界银行的重任,我将保证继续推动这一进程。

    If I am entrusted with the responsibility of leading the World Bank , I shall ensure this continues .

  23. 如果有意识地担当领袖成了我生活、思考和行动的自然状态,那会是什么感觉?

    And what is it going to feel like when acting as a conscious leader becomes my natural way of being , thinking and acting ?

  24. 在我看来,只要做好了充足准备和理性的就业心态,面对市场的竞争和挑战,我们就有能力去担当和胜任。

    In my opinion , as long as adequate preparation and rational mentality of employment , we have the ability to face of market competition and challenges .

  25. 在一项富有挑战性的新项目面前,你的经理需要有人来担当领导作用时,即使这项任务超出你的工作范围之内,你也要第一个站出来。

    Be the first person to raise your hand when your manager needs someone to take the lead on a challenging new project & even if the assignment falls outside the confines of your job description .

  26. 但是,就像我们这里所看到的,如果一项对公共福利和私人福利都有益的工作,市场却不能推动,那就有让政府担当推手的必要了。

    But if , as in this case , a public as well as a private good is involved , and the market does not seem to be doing its job properly , there is an argument for governments giving it a nudge .

  27. 为了使培训课程有效果,讲师担当了重要的角色。

    To make a training course effective , trainers play an important role .

  28. 做学问要有独立人格,担当社会责任;

    Being independent and conscious of social responsibilities ;

  29. 这是一件大事业,但是我们有足够的本领担当起来!

    This is a mighty task , but we are men enough to do it !

  30. 在概述出版误区的基础上,阐述了出版的本质与使命,认为出版人应当有社会责任与担当,有文化追求,有出版家的胸襟,去构建民族精神,塑造文明社会;

    Based on the summary of harmful publishing practices currently , the paper expatiates the essence and mission of publishing , and points out that publisher should have social responsibility , cultural pursuing and mind to construct ethos and civilization .