
  • 网络bidding documents;bid documents;tender document
  1. 浅谈招投标文件词语的翻译与用法

    Talking about Translation and Usage of the Words in Bidding Documents

  2. 修改的内容为投标文件的组成部分。

    The content modified shall form part of the bidding documents .

  3. CPM原理在投标文件编制中的运用

    Application of CPM Principles in the Preparation of Tender Documents

  4. 建设工程投标文件编制应注意的几点问题

    On some problems in compilation of bidding files in construction projects

  5. 投标文件中的报价应包括所有包装费用。

    Quotations in the bid document shall include all packing expenses .

  6. 试谈招投标文件的语言特点

    A Study of the Linguistic Characteristics of Bidding & Tender Documents

  7. 投标文件交付后,更改投标文件的内容;

    The contents of bidding documents are altered after submission ;

  8. 英文招投标文件是国际商务活动的基础和法律依据。

    Bidding documents are the basis and foundation of international business activities .

  9. 建筑工程投标文件编制技巧的探讨

    Discussion of the Bid File Compilation Skill of The Construction

  10. 英文招投标文件的文体特征及翻译

    Style as a Consideration in the Translation of Bidding & Tender Documents

  11. 浅谈编制投标文件应注意的问题

    On the problems should be noticed during compiling bidding documents

  12. 论招投标文件的英语结构

    English Lexical and Syntactical Structures in Bidding and Tender Documents

  13. 投标文件评审中评委信度的实证分析

    Empirical Analysis of Jury Reliability in the Process of Evaluating Tender Documents

  14. 竞争对手的投标文件以及对这些文件的内部评估。

    Rivals ' bid documents and the internal evaluations of those bids .

  15. 起草标书,分析投标文件,为决定中标单位提供意见;

    Draft the tender document , Analysis bidding document , Select winner ;

  16. 如何编制好企业自备内燃机车招标的投标文件

    How to compile tender documents for enterprise 's self-sourced locomotive

  17. 不过,尚不清楚它们是否提交了正式的投标文件。

    However , it is unclear whether they have yet tabled formal bids .

  18. 怎样才能获得投标文件呢?

    What is the term of obtaining tender document ?

  19. 投标人应在投标文件中清楚地确认质量保证期限。

    The bidder shall confirm quality guarantee period clearly in the bidding document .

  20. 负责投标文件中的技术应答部分。

    Prepare the technical content of the bidding documents .

  21. 所有投标文件在评审后不退回投标单位;

    Any tender documents shall not after evaluation be returned to the tenderer ;

  22. 补充、改的内容为投标文件的组成部分。

    Such supplements or modifications shall be the constituent of his bid documents .

  23. 投标文件没有按要求签字、盖章;

    Tender documents without the required signature or seal ;

  24. 公路工程招投标文件汉英翻译剖析

    Discussion on Chinese - English Translation of Highway Engineering Tendering and Bidding Documents

  25. 投标文件逾期送达或者分次提交;

    Overdue to submit bidding documents or do not submit bidding documents simultaneously ;

  26. 参照用户要求,检查投标文件的二次技术参数;

    Checking secondary technical data of bidding document according to the requirement of client ;

  27. 工程建设监理投标文件编制系统开发研究

    Research on Software Exploitation for the form of Tender Preparing of the Project Management

  28. 招标文件与投标文件关系的模糊点

    The Ambiguous Points in Bid and Tender Documents

  29. 不接受邮寄方式提交投标文件。

    Mailing bidding documents will not be accepted .

  30. 浅议编制投标文件

    Brief discussion on compiling documents to bid