
xīn tái bì
  • New Taiwan Currency
  1. 新台币电动机提供与MS型连接器。

    NT motors are supplied with MS style connectors .

  2. 金融分项指数上涨6.9%,国泰金融(cathayfinancial)大涨7%,至39.60元新台币。

    The financial sub-index rose 6.9 per cent , with Cathay Financial up 7 per cent to T $ 39.60 .

  3. 总部位于香港的壹传媒(NextMedia)表示,已同意以175亿新台币(合6.01亿美元)将其在台湾的印刷和电视媒体业务出售给一批当地商人。

    Next Media has agreed to sell its Taiwanese print and television media outlets to a group of local businessmen for NT $ 17.5bn ( $ 601m ), according to the Hong Kong-based group .

  4. 台湾检调机构上月起诉100余人犯有挪用公司资金和会计欺诈罪,并指控力霸所有者利用旗下的中华商业银行(TheChineseBank)骗取了股东逾700亿元新台币的资金。

    Prosecutors indicted more than 100 people on embezzlement and accounting fraud charges last month and accused the owners of using the Chinese Bank , the group 's lender , to defraud shareholders of more than T $ 70bn .

  5. 此外,该公司还希望推出一个以新台币计价、投资于洁净水和替代能源等领域的全球绿能趋势基金(ecotrendsfund)。

    Beyond that , it wants to launch a local currency-denominated version of its Eco Trends Fund , a product invested in sectors such as clean water and sustainable energy .

  6. HTC的净利润达到4.7亿元新台币,高于一年前的3.1亿元新台币。

    HTC 's net profit was NT $ 470m , up from NT $ 310m a year before .

  7. 在亚洲其它地区,台湾早已规划了规模5000亿元新台币的国安基金(NationalStabilisationFund),在非经济事件造成股市动荡时入场托市。

    Elsewhere in the region , Taiwan has long had a T $ 500bn ( $ 14.4bn ) National Stabilisation Fund designed to support markets in times of volatility caused by non-economic events .

  8. 巴克莱银行(Barclays)预计今年富士康的总收入将会超过3.9万亿新台币。

    Barclays , a bank , forecasts that the company 's revenues will exceed NT $ 3.9 trillion ( $ 134 billion ) this year .

  9. 去年Acer以90亿新台币(合2.741亿美元)的价格收购了倚天公司的全部股份。

    Acer bought E-Ten last year in an all-stock deal valued at NT $ 9 billion ( US $ 274.1 million ) .

  10. 潘文炎表示:根据此项提议,我相信,我们能够将每股收益(EPS)恢复到以往的2元新台币的水平。

    Under this proposal , I am confident that we could return to our past average earnings per share level of T $ 2 , says Mr Pan .

  11. 第一季度HTC的净收入为8500万新台币(合280万美元),下降了98%,远远低于分析师预测的6亿新台币。

    Net income declined 98 % to NT $ 85 million ( $ 2.8 million ) , well below analyst estimates of NT $ 600 million .

  12. 3月份,有107人因涉嫌盗用力霸集团(RebarGroup)730亿元新台币(合22亿美元)资金而被起诉。力霸集团是王又曾创建的联合企业,由其数位家庭成员经营。

    In March , 107 people were indicted in Taiwan over the alleged embezzlement of T $ 73bn ( US $ 2.2bn ) from the Rebar Group , a conglomerate set up by Mr Wang 's father and run by several family members .

  13. 事实上,Glaucus的报告已导致KY亚塑触及7%的跌停板,至新台币80.5元(约合2.66美元)。

    Already Glaucus ' report has driven the shares down by its daily limit of 7 % to 80.5 New Taiwan dollars ( $ 2.66 ) .

  14. HTC宣布第一季度收支的当日,其股价以下跌2.2个百分点收盘,不过在接下来的四天里又逆势上扬8.5%,本周收于261.50元新台币。

    HTC 's stock closed down 2.2 % on the day it announced those numbers . But it ended up rallying 8.5 % over the next four days , closing the week at NT $ 261.50 .

  15. 尽管如此,由于HTC手机的市场份额不断下降,该公司的股价近年来也明显下跌,从2011年4月顶峰时的1300元新台币下跌了80%。

    Still , the decline in its market share has brought HTC 's stock down significantly from its levels in recent years , trading 80 % below the high point of NT $ 1300 in April 2011 .

  16. 伯恩斯坦研究公司(Bernstein)估计,如果鸿海不能重新谈定这笔预计将于明年3月前通过的交易,那么计入投资亏损后,其第二季度非营业利润将损失约60亿新台币。

    If it was unable to renegotiate the deal , which is expected to go through by next March , Hon Hai was set to lose about T $ 6bn over its second quarter in non-operating income as it booked investment losses , Bernstein estimates .

  17. 分析师估计,减轻台湾D-Ram企业的债务负担以及为下一轮升级提供融资,所需的资金规模远在宣明智所说的300亿元新台币之上。

    Analysts ' estimates of the amount it would take to relieve the debt burden of Taiwan 's D-Ram companies and to finance the next round of upgrades range far above the T $ 30bn proposed by Mr Hsuan .

  18. 我花了新台币两佰元买这张票。

    It costs me NT $ 200 to buy the ticket .

  19. 周三,长虹建设收于新台币94元。

    On Wednesday , the stock closed at NT $ 94 .

  20. 申请费:新台币壹仟伍佰元或相当金额之美金。

    Application fee : NT $ 1500 or equivalent US dollars .

  21. 我带有相当2500无的新台币。

    I have about $ 2500 in New Taiwan dollar .

  22. 你的户头里面有新台币1万元。

    You have a balance of nt $ 10000 in your account .

  23. 胜华科技的股票已于11月中旬停牌,最后的收盘价为1.83元新台币。

    Wintek 's shares were suspended in mid-November at NT $ 1.83 .

  24. 你提款的最高额度是新台币三万元。

    Your withdrawal cannot exceed a maximum amount of30,000 NT .

  25. 五料理酒?每公升徵收新台币二十二元。

    Cooking alcoholic beverages : NT $ 22 per litre .

  26. 每份试验报告之最低收费是新台币600元。

    Minimum charge per report issued is nt $ 600 .

  27. 整存整付:最低新台币一万元。

    Round-amount savings : no less than nt $ 10000 .

  28. 基于现代汇率决定理论的人民币与新台币汇率定价研究

    The Study Based on Modern Exchange Rate Theory of RMB and NTD Pricing

  29. 来,4只漂亮的假劳力士才化了新台币5000块。

    Here you are . Four beautiful fake Rolexes for Nt $ 5,000 .

  30. 鸿海股价在中国春节假期休市前收于134.5元新台币。

    They closed at T $ 134.5 before the Chinese New Year break .