
  • 网络new business;new venture
  1. 他为新事业规划了一笔颇具规模的预算。

    He assembled quite a good-sized budget for his new business .

  2. 你的新事业也不可能立刻盈利。

    Your new business venture wont instantly turn a profit .

  3. 她在乐坛上另创一番新事业。

    She forged a new career in the music business .

  4. 裁员促使很多人开始从事新事业。

    Redundancy is the spur for many to embark on new careers .

  5. 唔,莉莉,你要走,我真的很难过,但希望新事业顺利。

    B : Well , I 'm sad to see you off , Lilly . But all the best in your new career .

  6. 但是,当他在一年后回到波士顿时,这成为了他的新事业,也成了基于语音的手机应用公司VoiceDream的前身。

    But it became his new career - and theprecursor to voice-based mobile app company , Voice Dream - when hereturned to Boston a year later .

  7. 瓦德的新事业起步非常好。

    Waddle has made an excellent start to his new career .

  8. 这将是我新事业的开端。

    A buying trip that 's gonna transform my whole business .

  9. 我知道这就好像开启新事业。

    I know what it 's like to start something new .

  10. 我要尝试一个新事业。

    I am going to try out a new career .

  11. 现在就帮我扩展我的新事业吧。

    You can help me by expanding my new career .

  12. 珍妮丝努力工作企图让自己的新事业上轨道。

    Janis worked hard to get her fledgling business off the ground .

  13. 她在乐坛上另创一番新事业。

    Example : She forged a new career in the music business .

  14. 其实我开始关心我的新事业了

    Actually ... I 've come to care about my new venture .

  15. 倾力投入而开始以极大的精力、投入或才能开始一项新事业。

    To begin a venture with great energy , involvement , and competence .

  16. 他将开发新事业。

    He is going to begin a new business .

  17. 另起一个新事业。

    Yes . In favor of a new undertaking .

  18. 她是新事业的不知疲倦的倡导人。

    She is a tireless promoter of new causes .

  19. 你会迈进一项伟大的新事业。

    You could be on the first step of a great new career .

  20. 每个人都应当为成为新事业的开拓者而自豪。

    Everybody should be proud to be a pioneer .

  21. 他靠新事业发大财。

    He is coining money in his new business .

  22. 并为他开展了一个新事业。

    And the start of a new career .

  23. 她计划开展新事业。

    She planned to start a new business .

  24. 汤姆的新事业应当会大有作为的。

    Tom 's new business will do well .

  25. 我的新事业起步顺利。

    My new career has started well .

  26. 他开始从事一新事业。

    He embarked on a new career .

  27. 碳纤维是日本东丽公司新事业产品中的一个重要组成部分。

    Carbon fiber plays an important part in the new product business of Japan Toraycompany .

  28. 新事业财务的基础巩固投资者和构造组织设计和公司冒险。

    Foundations of New Venture Finance Securing Investors And Structuring Organization Design and Corporate Venturing .

  29. 你的新事业很成功。

    Your new business is a success .

  30. 说到新事业,你的暗物质研究进行得怎么样了,谢尔顿?

    Speaking of new careers , how are things going with dark matter , Sheldon ?