
  • Self-employed;Self-employment;Entrepreneurship
  1. 越来越多的大学生由于就业压力而选择自主创业。

    More and more college students choose self-employment due to employment pressure .

  2. 我看到,父母自主创业的努力启发了企业家。

    I see entrepreneurs inspired by Mum 's and Dad 's efforts at self-employment .

  3. 近期的毕业生如今有在IBM、亚马逊和特斯拉等企业工作的,还有人开公司自主创业。

    Recent graduates are now working at companies including IBM , Amazon , and Tesla , as well as starting their own firms .

  4. 虽说创业人数仍不多,但选择自主创业的mba毕业生比例正不断上升。

    Although the numbers are still small , a growing percentage of MBA graduates are opting to become entrepreneurs .

  5. 一些人,尤其是年长者或自主创业的人,可能会对MBA不屑一顾,认为你是不可能在课堂里学到怎么做生意的。

    Some people , especially older or entrepreneurial types , can be dismissive of MBAs , believing you cannot learn about business in a classroom .

  6. 在我看来,DIY经济其实就是自由职业市场。自主创业的时代已经到来。

    So the advice I guess for people what I call the DIY economy , do it yourself job market .

  7. 作为JA志愿者,你将通过实战模式课程引导学生有关就业预备、自主创业和金融知识。

    As JA volunteer , you will educate students about workforce readiness , entrepreneurship and financial literacy through experiential , hands-on programs .

  8. JIAQRUNF是一家专业从事手绘丝绸墙纸和墙纸底色的自主创业型工作室,我们以“产品质量和客户要求第一”来完成好每一个订单。

    JIAQRUNF is one specialized is engaged in the hand-painted silk wallpaper and wall paper on their own type of the studio we have to " product quality and customer request first " to finish each order .

  9. 网上自主创业实验模式研究

    Research of the Experimental Mode of Starting a Business On-line Autonomously

  10. 浅谈高职高专农科类专业自主创业型人才培养

    Training Talents of Starting Own Business in Polytechnic College For Agriculture

  11. 自主创业已经成为大学生就业的重要方式,大学生创业已是我国大学生就业的一种新的趋势。

    Entrepreneurship has become an important way for college students .

  12. 现在越来越多的大学生走上了自主创业的道路。

    More and more university students prefer to be self-employed .

  13. 金融危机下面向农民工自主创业知识组织服务

    Knowledge Organization Services Oriented to Peasant Laborers under Financial Crisis

  14. 近年来,越来越多的人选择自主创业。

    In recent years , more and more people choose their own businesses .

  15. 高等学校自主创业人才培养路径的设计与优化

    Design and Optimization of Entrepreneurship Education of Higher Education

  16. 自主创业成为大学生就业的新趋势。

    Starting their own businesses becomes the new trend of students ' employment .

  17. 服务社区&艺术高校毕业生自主创业的创新思维

    Service Community & Innovative Thinking of Self-employed Art Graduates

  18. 经济危机下农民工自主创业的瓶颈分析

    The Analysis of the Bottleneck of the Farmworkers'Creating Their Own Businesses under Economic Crisis

  19. 他们头脑灵活、思想独立,这些都是有助于自主创业的品质。

    They often possess a flexibility and independence that helps them build a start-up .

  20. 加强职业技能培训,鼓励自主创业。

    We will strengthen vocational training and encourage people to start their own businesses .

  21. 高校毕业生自主创业与灵活就业调查报告&在法律视野下

    A Survey of the Self-Employment and Flexible Employment of University Graduates in the Legal Perspective

  22. 我国自主创业群体的扶持与鼓励策略研究

    A Study on the Strategy of Encouraging and Supporting Our Country 's Independent Undertaking Community

  23. 至少,如果你自主创业的话,你的任何一次成功都要归功于自己。

    At least if you are self-employed , you take the credit for any success .

  24. 鼓励自主创业,提高大学生就业能力的对策

    Ways to Encourage Independent Pioneering Work , Promote the Ability for College Students ' Employment

  25. 如何解决当前形势下制约大学生自主创业的五大问题

    How to Resolve Five Problems in College Students ' Enterprising Activities under the Current Situation

  26. 知识经济时代要求年轻大学生担负起创业的历史重任,就业压力增大也将越来越多的大学生推上了自主创业之路。

    In the times of knowledge economy , young university students are entrusted with historical tasks .

  27. 然而,我们对于如何鼓励人们自主创业的理解却少之又少。

    Yet our understanding of how we encourage citizens to start their own businesses is rudimentary .

  28. 大学生自主创业,是解决大学生就业难的重要出路。

    Students start their own businesses , is to solve an important way to Graduates Employment .

  29. 近年来,大学生选择自主创业的人数有所增加。

    In recent years , the number of students to choose their own businesses has increased .

  30. 你越快适应自主创业的荣誉和苦恼就越好。

    The sooner you get used to the glories and miseries of self-employment , the better .