
zì zhǔ xuǎn zé quán
  • right to select on one's own
  1. 与过去依赖监管者自主选择权的行为方式相比,PCA的强制性监管,在发现问题银行并采取矫正措施方面,显然更有效率。

    Compare with actions were up to the discretion of supervisors in the past , PCA is reasonably effective mandatory sanctions for identifying troubled banks and taking corrective actions .

  2. 但是,以监管者自主选择权为基础的监管模式却无法解决这一问题。

    But supervisory mode based on regulatory discretion cannot put up with it .

  3. 它不仅损害了商标权人的利益,而且也损害了消费者的知情权和自主选择权。

    It not only damages the interests of trademark owners , but also damages to the right to know and the independent consumer choice .

  4. 大包干标志着农民摆脱了嵌入性政治,获得自主选择权,从而复活了村落经济。

    " Dabaogan " makes peasants to break away from the embedded politics , and to get self-choice rights , therefore , it revived village economy .

  5. 拒绝婚前同居活动也引发诸多专家学者的热议,有专家认为,学生的自主选择权不应被侵犯。

    Heated opinions The anti-cohabitation campaign has stirred fierce debate among experts , with some believing that students ` individual rights to make choices in this regard shouldn ` t be violated .

  6. 与青少年学生相比,夜大、函授教育的学生在学习目的、学习内容和学习方式等方面都表现出很强的自我导向性,他们需要拥有更大的自主选择权。

    Comparing with the young students , the learning objective , contents and methods of adults who study in evening university and correspondence education showed a strong self-orientation . They require a greater degree of self-determination options .

  7. 三星发言人在一份声明中说,“今天的裁定对于消费者的自主选择权来说,是一次胜利,同时也让市场竞争的战场回归市场,而不是转至法庭。”苹果发言人则拒绝对此做出评价。

    In a statement , a Samsung spokeswoman said : " Today 's decision is a win for consumer choice and puts competition back where it belongs in the marketplace , not in the courtroom . " A spokeswoman for Apple declined to comment .

  8. 虚假广告的盛行严重损害了消费者的安全权、知情权和自主选择权,可以说虚假广告已经成为威胁广大消费者合法权益的一大社会公害。

    The prevalence of false advertisements has done great harm to consumers ′ right to safety , right to know and right of choice , that is to say , false advertisements have become a public nuisance which threatens consumers ′ lawful rights and interests .