
zì yóu mào yì qū
  • free trade area;free trade zone
  1. 中国与蒙古官员周四在乌兰巴托宣布,两国将于下月就自由贸易区问题正式发起一项可行性研究。

    Chinese and Mongolian officials announced in Ulan Bator on Thursday that the two countries have agreed to officially launch a joint feasibility study on a free trade area ( FTA ) next month .

  2. 建立自由贸易区是东盟贸易自由化的一个重要层面,以绕开WTO多边协议的困难,克服WTO多边贸易体系的种种弊端。

    Setting up free trade area is important for trade liberalization of ASEAN to avoid difficulties of multi-agreements and drawbacks of multi-trade-system of WTO .

  3. 新条约设立了自由贸易区。

    The new treaty establishes a free trade zone .

  4. 自由贸易区的建立给福州带来了新的可能性。

    Setting up the free-trade zone brings new possibilities to Fuzhou .

  5. 亚太经合组织目前共有21个经济体成员,它们的人口占全球40%,GDP占全球57%,贸易额占全球46%。FTAAP|亚太自由贸易区

    The 21 APEC economies make up 40 percent of global population , 57 percent of the world 's GDP , and 46 percent of the global trade .

  6. 噢,同时,从现在开始,美国也要取消太平洋自由贸易区谈判。

    Oh , by the way , the United States is abrogating the NAFTA treaty-starting now .

  7. WTO规则与自由贸易区制度竞合研究

    A Study on the Coopetition between WTO Rules and FTA Institutions

  8. 我们正在采取具体步骤促进整个地区一体化,使自己逐步走上建立真正的亚太自由贸易区(FreeTradeAreaoftheAsiaPacific)的道路。

    We are taking concrete steps to promote regional integration and put ourselves on a path over time to bring about a genuine Free Trade Area of the Asia Pacific .

  9. 中国一东盟自由贸易区通过影响上述因素而提高区位优势,促进区内FDI流入的整体水平,同时中国相对于东盟国家的优势可以使一体化条件下厂商增加在中国的重组性投资。

    We test the determinants of China and Asean FDI inflow , and conclude that China - Asean FTA FDI will have investment effect .

  10. 将apec转型为自由贸易区的提议,会在政治及技术层面遭遇无法克服的困难。

    The proposal to turn APEC into a free trade area runs into insuperable political and technical difficulties .

  11. 在2006至2007年启动“亚太自由贸易区”,其影响将远远超越1993年的apec声明。

    The leverage of an FTAAP in 2006-07 would be much greater than that of the APEC declaration in 1993 .

  12. 然而,中国&东盟自由贸易区(CAFTA)现行的原产地规则仍存在诸多问题。

    However , the rules of origins for the China & ASEAN FTA still have many problems .

  13. 与一般自由贸易区着眼于政府间补偿不同,CEPA内部补偿机制在政策取向上应选择生产者补偿。

    Different from other free trade regions , the internal compensation mechanism of CEPA should select producer compensation .

  14. 亚太自由贸易区的目标只是为apec成员国消除贸易壁垒,但维持对非成员国的歧视性、更高的门槛。

    An FTAAP would aim to eliminate trade barriers only for the APEC members while maintaining discriminatory , higher barriers against non-members .

  15. 由于推动日韩自由贸易区实质性进展的有利因素,日韩FTA迟早会重开谈判,这是没有疑义的。

    Because the favorable factor of substantive progress in the Japanese-South Korea FTA , the negotiation must reopen sooner or later without any doubt .

  16. 北美自由贸易区是以NAFTA和两个附属协定为法律依据建立起来的。

    North America free trade area was set up with NAFTA and two side agreements as legal foundation .

  17. 随着中国加入WTO和中国&东盟自由贸易区的即将启动,中越边境贸易将在中国对越南的贸易、甚至是中国与东盟的贸易中发挥更为重要的作用。

    With China entered the WTO and China-ASEAN free trade area being set up , the frontier trade between China and Vietnam will play an even more important role in the foreign trade between China and Vietnam .

  18. 韩美FTA(自由贸易区)在促进韩美两国贸易合作与经济融合的同时,将会对中国对外贸易产生一定程度的负面影响。

    Korea-US FTA would have a negative impact on China foreign trade while the FTA improves bilateral trade cooperation and economic integration between South Korea and USA.

  19. 东盟成员新加坡的双边自由贸易区建设,对于中国在执行CAFTA的同时积极关注域外双边自由贸易区的合作路径提供了可能。

    One member of ASEAN-Singapore 's bilateral free trade agreement gives China a good choice for the carrying out of CAFTA .

  20. WTO对区域经济一体化(含自由贸易区)持肯定的态度并有关于货物贸易、服务贸易、发展中国家的优惠待遇等相对完善的规范。

    WTO holds a positive attitude towards regional integration including free trade area , and is framework consists of relatively perfect rules of trade in goods or services and preferential treatment on the members that belong to developing nations .

  21. 加入WTO后我国同欧盟经贸合作的思路中国&东盟自由贸易区进程启动,与东盟在诸多领域的合作加强。

    A Thought of the Economic Cooperation with the E.E.C.after Joining the WTO ; The process of setting up the ASEAN-China free trade zone was initiated , and our cooperation with the ASEAN countries in many fields has grown closer .

  22. 第四章是FTA对韩中经贸合作和韩中自由贸易区对两国产业的影响。

    The fourth chapter explains the effect of the FTA in China economy , trade cooperation , and how bilateral free trades will impact over the industry of both countries .

  23. 本文分析和预测了中国!东盟自由贸易区(CAFTA)对双边总体经济和我国区域农业的影响。

    The paper analyzes and projects the impacts of China-ASEAN free trade agreement ( CAFTA ) on China 's national economy and regional agricultural developments .

  24. 在当前全球多边贸易谈判进展缓慢的背景下,区域经济合作&其中绝大多数是以自由贸易区(FTA)的形式,在世界各地蓬勃开展起来。

    Within the context of the recent slow progress in global multilateral trade negotiation , regional economic cooperation , mostly in the form of FTA , is blooming throughout the World .

  25. 为适应世界性区域经济一体化的浪潮,日本制定了FTA战略,确定优先与东盟建立自由贸易区的目标。

    With the trend of regional economic integration in the world range , Japan has made the FTA strategy with the priority to establish free trade area ( FTA ) with the ASEAN .

  26. 贵州要充分利用中国-东盟自由贸易区建立带来的契机,发挥相对区位优势并协调区际经济关系,以进一步推动贵州GDP增长。

    Guizhou should make full use of the opportunities brought by the establishment of China-ASEAN Free Trade Area ( CAFTA ), give play to its relative locational advantage , and coordinate interregional economic relations , so as to further stimulate its GDP growth .

  27. 2002年11月,中国提出适时启动中日韩三国自由贸易区(FTA)可能性研究的设想。

    In November 2002 China proposed that China , Japan , and South Korea should begin a feasibility study on establishing a Free Trade Area ( FTA ) among the three countries at an appropriate time .

  28. 非军事方面,转向的要点是争取缔结新的跨太平洋战略经济伙伴关系协定(TPP),设立一个将美国和亚太地区其他11个国家联系起来的自由贸易区。

    The main non-military aspect of the pivot is the drive towards a new Trans-Pacific Partnership , setting up a free-trade area linking the US and 11 other countries in the Asia-Pacific region .

  29. 基于对北美自由贸易区、欧盟和APEC三个典型的区域合作组织模式的成功经验的对比分析,最后提出了进一步推进沪苏边缘区合作的对策。

    On the basis of comparative analysis of three typical regional cooperation patterns of NAFTA , EU and APEC , we finally put forward several strategies in advancing cooperation in edge areas between Jiangsu and Shanghai .

  30. 在世界经济全球化与区域一体化的背景下,东盟自由贸易区(afta)是目前在亚洲地区存在的、一个引人注目的次区域贸易安排。

    On the background of economic globalization and regional economic integration , AFTA is a remarkable sub-regional trade arrangement which lies in Asia region .