
  • 网络suzhou industrial park;SIP;China-Singapore Suzhou Industrial Park
  1. SOA体系架构中的服务安全控制及苏州工业园区组织机构目录设计

    Service Security Control in SOA Architecture and SIP Organization Directory Design

  2. 结果1.实施该模式前后苏州工业园区职业病防治情况比较。

    Comparison of the SIP occupational disease prevention case before and after the mode practiced .

  3. 国开金融已联手苏州工业园区(SuzhouIndustrialPark)建立这只基金的基金,基金期限为12年。苏州工业园区最初是新加坡与中国南方城市苏州的一个合资项目。

    CDB Capital has partnered with Suzhou Industrial Park , originally a venture between Singapore and the southern city of Suzhou , to establish the fund of funds , which will have a 12-year lifespan .

  4. CSSD是苏州工业园区的开发主体。

    CSSD is the main developer of Suzhou Industrial Park .

  5. R事业部是K公司在苏州工业园区的一个重要的生产型部门,产品主要在传统的声电转换领域,并占有绝对的市场主导地位。

    R department is main manufacturing center of K company in the Suzhou Industrial Park , an important production sector , mainly in the traditional areas of acoustoelectric conversion and possession of absolute dominance of the market .

  6. 苏州工业园区物流园建设的若干问题研究

    The Construction Research in Terms of Suzhou Industrial Park Logistics Park

  7. 苏州工业园区规划信息系统的开发与应用

    Development and application of the planning information system in Suzhou Industrial Park

  8. 苏州工业园区新型政府&企业关系研究

    Study on New Relationship of " Government-Corporation " of Suzhou Industrial Park

  9. 苏州工业园区邻里中心规划设计探析

    On the Layout Design of the Neighborhood Center in Suzhou Industrial Park

  10. 苏州工业园区档案管理中心大楼结构设计

    Structure Design of Suzhou Industrial Park Archives Manage Center Building

  11. 苏州工业园区外国企业常驻代表机构涉税情况调查与思考

    Investigations on Permanent Representative Institutions of Foreign Enterprises in the Suzhou Industrial Park

  12. 前瞻、友谊、专注、经验,创造一个成功的苏州工业园区。

    Vision , friendship , devotion and experience created a successful Suzhou Industrial Park .

  13. 苏州工业园区老机场路改造工程设计分析

    Analysis of the Design of Deteriorated Airport Road Reform Engineering in Suzhou Industrial Area

  14. 苏州工业园区社会保障制度建设的实践与意义

    Experience and Value in Social Security System of Suzhou Industrial Park on Singapore Model

  15. 苏州工业园区与周边乡镇共同发展的调查

    The Investigation of the Joint Development of Suzhou Industrial Park and the Surrounding Townships

  16. 苏州工业园区核心区道路绿地系统规划

    Planning of the Road Green Space System in the Core Area of Suzhou Industrial Park

  17. 一个儿童的乐园的诞生&记苏州工业园区新洲幼儿园设计

    Birth of a Fairyland for Children-Design of Xinzhou Kindergarten on the Industrial Park , Suzhou

  18. 苏州工业园区生态工业园建设构想及效益预分析

    Designing and Pre-valuating on Suzhou Eco-Industrial Parks

  19. 苏州工业园区项目上的成功合作,给双方带来了切实的利益。

    The successful cooperation in Suzhou Industrial Park has brought tangible benefits to both sides .

  20. 苏州工业园区借鉴新加坡规划建设经验的实践

    Planning and Construction of Suzhou Industrial Zone

  21. 理想中的家园&苏州工业园区设计研究院办公楼创作解析

    An Ideal Home & An Analysis of the Creation for the Office Building of the SIP

  22. 现代工业园区规划与研究&浅谈苏州工业园区的规划

    Plan and Research on modern industrial parks & elementary introduction to planning of Suzhou Industrial Park

  23. 苏州工业园区青年公社

    Youth Commune in Suzhou Industrial Park

  24. 苏州工业园区在日益激烈的城市经济竞争中,也在悄然转型。

    Suzhou Industrial Park in the increasingly fierce economic competition cities , but also quietly restructuring .

  25. 苏州工业园区对新加坡经验的借鉴,为我们提供了一个成功的范例。

    Drawing on the experience of Singapore , SuZhou Industrial Park has set a successful example .

  26. 苏州工业园区公共管理体制创新的经验与启示湖州工业园区完成格式化

    The Experience and Enlightenment from the Innovation of the Public Administration System in Suzhou Industrial Park

  27. 苏州工业园区建设项目立项前职业卫生行政干预模式研究

    Study of the Occupational Health Administration Intervention Mode before Construction Project Established in Suzhou Industrial Park

  28. 江南地区建筑风格的追求&苏州工业园区娄葑镇行政中心设计

    Seeking Architectural Style of Jiangnan Region

  29. 苏州工业园区星海游泳馆设计

    Designing of Xinghai Swimming Complex

  30. 在苏州工业园区设立的生产性外商投资企业,减按15%税率征收企业所得税。

    The production-type FIEs set up in Suzhou Industrial Park shall be taxed at15 % reduced rate .