
  • 网络free trade zone;FTZ
  1. 福建海沧保税港区向自由贸易园区转型研究

    Boosting Transform from the Bonded Zone to the Free Trade Zone

  2. 提出了财税支持、扩大审批权限、台企享受内资待遇、扩大小额贸易权限、优化金融环境、检验检疫直通放行、促进重点产业对接、设立自由贸易园区等八方面的政策建议。

    The policy suggestions were Proposed : tax support , expand approval jurisdiction , enjoy treatment of domestic enterprises , expand the small trade authority , optimize financial environment , inspection and quarantine release directly , promote key industry docking and set free trade zone and so on .

  3. 进而在此框架下,对自由贸易园区重新辨析并定位,并提供基于功能和开放程度的分类法。

    Under this framework , FTZs are repositioned and a new taxonomy for FTZs based on function as well as level of openness is presented .

  4. 之后,引入对应分析法这一统计技术,以数据处理和可视化图形对比为依据,探求综合保税区和自由贸易园区存在的具体差别。

    After that , the statistics technique of Correspondence Analysis ( CORA ) is introduced so as to seek the specific difference among them by data processing and comparison of visual graphics .

  5. 本文的第一章主要从自由贸易区和物流园区这两个方面为保税物流园区寻找理论基础,并且简要介绍了自由贸易区在其他国家的实践情况和物流园区在中国的发展状况;

    The first chapter is the theory basis of bonded logistic zone which is based on free trade zone and logistic zone theory . Another part of this chapter is about the development of free trade zones in other countries and logistic zones in China .