
  • 网络Sunan Model;SuNanModel
  1. 温州模式与苏南模式的集体主义实质及其启示

    To Enlighten of Collectivism Essence for the Wenzhou Model and Sunan Model

  2. 同时该地区也是我国村镇经济发展水平最高的地区之一,诞生了著名的苏南模式和温州模式。

    This area also is one of the highest levels of development in China , generating the famous " Sunan model " and " Wenzhou model " .

  3. 地方政府管理模式的制度创新及其作用&珠江三角洲模式、苏南模式和温州模式的比较

    Institution Innovation and Its Role of Managerial Patterns in Local Government

  4. 从三个代表的高度审视和创新苏南模式

    Surveying & Innovating the Southern Jiangsu Pattern According to the Three Representatives

  5. 苏南模式的本质是市场化。强政府现象对于经济发展的作用具有两重性。

    The function of the role of government on economical development is dual ;

  6. 苏南模式的演进及其对创新发展模式的启示

    Southern Jiangsu Development Mode : Its Development and Enlightenment

  7. 新苏南模式所有制结构的共同富裕效应

    Ownership Structure in New Southern Jiangsu Development Mode and Its Effect on Common Prosperity

  8. 近年来,对苏南模式引起了一场争论。

    In recent years , the Southern Jiangsu Pattern has aroused a series of debates .

  9. 苏南模式:面临的挑战与选择

    Southern Jiangsu Model : Challenge and Decision

  10. 苏南模式与可持续发展

    South Jiangsu Province Mode and Sustainable Development

  11. 苏南模式及其再创造

    Sunan Country Model and its Re-creation

  12. 第五对“苏南模式”与“温州模式”进行比较。

    Fifthly , the article compares the " Sunan mode " to the " Wenzhou mode " .

  13. “苏南模式”的形成和演变与吴文化的影响具有直接关系。

    There has closed relationship between the economy growth model in south Jiangsu province and Wu culture .

  14. 除了不赞成模式论外,较多的是对苏南模式的评价不高。

    Some don t approve of the Southern Jiang-su Pattern , many don 't speak highly of it .

  15. “苏南模式”的制度创新所带来的绩效有极强的示范作用。

    The performance from the institutional innovation of " South Jiangsu Province Pattern " has strong modeling effect .

  16. 文章通过对苏南模式下小城镇发展演化过程进行回顾,分析苏南人文环境的转化过程。

    This article reviews the development process of township of Southern Jiangsu Province , and analyzes conversion of humanity_environment .

  17. 从苏南模式“和温州模式”看吉林省农村城市化的发展模式

    From the View of Su'nan Pattern , Wenzhou Pattern , Observe the Developing Pattern of Rural Urbanization in Jilin Province

  18. 生产力标准思想在新苏南模式中的实践和探索

    The Criterion of Productive Force 's thoughts in Practice and Exploration of the New Economic Mode in South of Jiangsu

  19. 比较制度优势与模式化悖论&以苏南模式为实例

    A Comparative Structural Advantage and Paradox of the Pattern & Taking as an example the pattern in south of Jiangsu

  20. 苏南模式的制度变迁、制度创新分析及对中国西部经济发展的启示

    The Analysis of Sunan Pattern from the Institution Transition and Innovation Prospective and Inspiration to the Economic Development in Western China

  21. 最后,由于各地亚文化的不同,中国民营经济发展模式也具有多样性,比较典型的有:温州模式、苏南模式、珠江模式。

    At last , due to the differences among sub-culture , the development patterns of non-state-owned economy in various regions assumed some diversity .

  22. 从三个代表的高度重新审视苏南模式,不难得出恰如其分的评价。

    It is not difficult to arrive at an apt appraisal if you reconsider the Southern Jiangsu Pattern according to the Three Representatives .

  23. 新苏南模式及其对建设全面小康社会的意义

    New South-Jiangsu Pattern and Its Implications for Building an Overall Comfortably-off Society The Research Team on the Topic of An Overall Comfortably-off Society of Jiangsu

  24. 其次,以温州模式、苏南模式等民营企业发展典型模式为例,总结其经验与不足;

    Secondly , according to some examples , such as Wen Zhou Model , Su Nan Model , the author summarizes their experience and deficiency .

  25. 苏南模式是我国目前经济发展模式之一,取得了巨大的成就,也面临着严峻的挑战。

    South Jiangsu Province Mode , one of the Chinese economic development modes at present , was faced with severe challenge while obtaining great success .

  26. 杭州和谐创业模式是我国继苏南模式和温州模式之后形成的又一个典型的区域经济社会发展模式;

    The harmonious enterprising mode of Hangzhou is another typical mode of regional social economic development after South Suzhou mode and Wenzhou mode in China .

  27. 首先对“苏南模式”的发源地进行了一个地理位置上的定位,及其它的发展时期有以下几个特点作了简述;

    Firstly , it fixes the geography location to the source of the " Sunan mode ", and then explains the characteristicses it had during its development period ;

  28. 由苏南模式转向新苏南模式,既体现了发展模式中的路径依赖,又反映了新发展阶段的创新。

    The transition from South-Jiangsu pattern to new South-Jiangsu pattern reflects the approaches in the development pattern as well as the innovation in the new phase of development .

  29. 新苏南模式的产生,是一种伦理精神的扬弃和超越,是基于理念创新基础上的制度创新。

    The new mode of the economic ethics in the South of Jiangsu will come true as a result of the institution innovation based upon the ethical innovation .

  30. 内容摘要:本文以中国处于经济转轨时期为背景,以“苏南模式”为主体展开论述。

    This article bases on the background that China is staying the period of economy transformation , regards the " Sunan mode " as the corpus to carry on expatiating .